Average rating4.2
Very clever format! So creative. I did not appreciate the ending. I won't say exactly why, because spoilers, but I think the ending would have been better without the last 15 pages. It would have made for a more genuine ending. But. Also. It's YA. So, I expect they'd give us a more “happy” ending than what would make sense.
I will ignore the fact that I kind of hate the ending because the rest was the most amazing, suspenseful and creative thing I have read this year.
Am I not merciful?
3.5 stars. Lost points for being infuriatingly difficult to read, literally, the text is all over the place. The main character was painfully “YA” but the supporting characters were enjoyable. I enjoyed the premise more than the writing.
hát én csak annyit szeretnék mondani, hogy “look at it wiggle-“. :D
na jó, nem csak ennyit, de ez volt az első jelenet, amin rendesen hahotáztam, aztán később még volt pár, amin potyogtak a könnyeim. baromira imádtam a stílust, még ha idővel komolyabbá is vált.
bejött a könyv külleme is, ami a történetvezetéssel együtt igazán különlegesen lett megszerkesztve (csak kár, hogy a kobón borzasztó nehézkes volt az olvasás sokszor ((kindle-ön nem néztem meg; ipaden normálisabb volt, de nem szeretek olvasni rajta)). az arc verzióval kezdtem, aztán félúton váltottam a véglegesre, de így sem lett könnyebb).
szóval bírtam a sztorit is meg minden egyebet, és csak sűrűn ajánlani tudom, még úgy is, hogy kifolyt a szemem a föntebb említettek okán. tökre megérte énszerintem.
Me, screaming from the top of a mountain: WHAT DID I JUST READ?
✨ You can read the full spoiler-free review on my blog! ✨
Goodreads review coming soon!
It was very hard for me to get into this book. I was excited to read it because of the unusual way it was written, but because of that, it ended up being very hard for me to follow what was happening pretty much throughout the whole story, but especially at the beginning. I had a harder time following who characters were and what their role was in the story.
The characters also didn't feel like they had much depth, and I didn't ever really feel connected with them and engaged with what was happening in their world.
I think that the romance was a little too lovesick for me. I didn't like that their relationship was only communicated through “texting” because of the text slang and emoticons used. I felt like they didn't have true conversations and instead just talked about how much they missed each other all the time. It just felt too much like middle school / high school drama.
I think the concept of the book was interesting, but I think it would have worked better as a video game than as a book.
Herlezen 2022: Herlezen zodat ik eindelijk eens de vervolgdelen kan tackelen.
Ik blijf achter mijn eerdere beoordeling staan. De vormgeving is wat dit boek speciaal maakt. Het verhaal zelf is niet bijster origineel, maar vermakelijk genoeg. Bijkomend moet het gezegd worden dat ik dit boek mij 5 jaar na eerste lezing alsnog gunstig voor de geest staat om nu nog de vervolgdelen te willen lezen.
A slow start, but exciting and fairly touching towards the end. I may have to read the sequel after all.
I think this book is best as an audiobook. The formatting of the actual book is really fun sort of a cut and past journal. I found the plot really fun. I really did not like any of the characters. This is certainly written for a YA audience.
Content warnings for my friends: There is a lot of implied language that is redacted but the curse words jumped right into my mind as I read it. There is a lot of violence disturbing images.
”:) You think?”
Original de: El Extraño Gato del Cuento
Esta es la cosa, lo qué sea que auspicie mis decisiones a la hora de escoger un libro debo decirle GRACIAS. Porque este año no solo estoy leyendo temas muy variados, sino también una gran cantidad de narraciones diferentes, Illuminae al igual que Me Being Me Is The As Crazy As You Being You, libro narrado en listas. Illuminae no está narrado en listas, sino en algo mucho mejor: en archivos de gobierno ultra secreto.
ESTE LIBRO ES DE LA $%#” %#”$#$#
Si te fijas un poco en la portada, verás más o menos como el libro está narrado. Hay transcripciones de audios, cartas oficiales, copias de páginas web a lo wikipedia, también transcripciones de cámara de seguridad (!!), copias de conversaciones, en realidad, todo tipo de archivo con el que soñaste tendrías cuando fueras un espía. ¡Además con anotaciones! Si alguna vez soñaste con ser jefe de una organización secreta, Illuminae te lo hará sentir.
Con las anotaciones, también encontrarás frases borradas, ilustraciones, no solo estarás en la mente de un personaje sino en muchísimas, pero sin ser agobiante. Este libro es demasiado entretenido y emocionante como para pensar sin son demasiadas personas, aunque por lo general veremos las naves desde la perspectiva de Ezra y Kady.
Cada día que reviso noticias, estoy segura será el día en que me confirmen que será película. Tiene TODO.
Illuminae juega tanto con tus emociones, sobre todo con el suspenso. Hay una frase bastante creepy que luego de la publicación estoy segura verás bastante: DON'T LOOK AT ME, manchado de sangre. Cuando leí ese capítulo, podía claramente escuchar la música de suspenso de las películas de terror antiguas. Fue genial.
Anteriormente no había leído absolutamente nada de estos escritores, por lo que no pude diferenciar el estilo de ninguno, los dos se complementan bastante.
Son adorables - Pude sentir la personalidad de cada uno diferenciada en los personajes, los dos tienen encanto como sus personajes.
*** Quizá, al igual que a mí, te pueda ser un poco difícil agarrarle el ritmo, sobre todo con esos documentos a lo wikipedia, pero luego, rogarás que las hojas no se acaben. Y ahora se supone que debo esperar hasta 2016 para el siguiente libro y no sé que haré con mi vida, la verdad D: NECESITO EL SIGUIENTE
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I've slowly been trying to get into sci-fi, and this was a great start. I was not sure about the mixed media format, but I ended up being pleasantly surprised. I ordered the next 2 books, and I might give the audiobooks a try.
Gave up on this. I hate the semi-epistolary/semi-found artifact format. I guess I'm just not ready for the post-narrative future.
4.5 stars
I loved everything about this book: from the unique format to the gripping story and the amazing characters!
This book is very addicting- at times I couldn't stop reading.
The only problem I personally have with it & why I won't give it full five stars : As English is not my mother tongue I often found myself struggling with some tech words and being a bit confused.
But all in all I really enjoyed this book because it keeps you on the edge of your seat and you always want to know what happens next!
I picked this up because it's popular amongst my students, and I was pleasantly surprised by most of it. The book has several good twists and throws together elements of cat-and-mouse ship chases (like Master and Commander), space horror (Sunshine, Alien), and even a dash of zombie-like survival adrenaline (28 Days Later, World War Z). There's also a good decision to make the ship's AI its own, thoughtful character, and I thought the authors handled machine decision-making very well. There's also a gorgeous, thoughtful approach to the visual design process, with some of the most creative mixture of text and graphics I've ever come across. There's a lot to like here.
It's also primarily aimed at high schoolers, so the teen romance and some of the tone is very YA, but fair enough.
3 stars I never had any intention of picking this book up, and then the 3rd book came out and everyone was excited so I decided to give it a try. Meh. I got sick of the format very quickly and it put me in a massive reading slump :( I guess this book just wasn't for me. It wasn't bad... Just not my thing I guess.
It's been a long since I binge-read a book in the middle of the night. A perfect cure for my reading slump, with some flaws and some cringe worth dialogues but entertaining nonetheless
I really Really liked this!!! The overall plot was FANTASTIC!!!! And while definitely different, the writing style was Really fun once I got used to it!!! I also Really LOVED Kady and (most) of her character arc. The reason it's 4 stars instead of 5, however, is Ezra. I thought he was annoying, and quite honestly? Unnecessary to the story. I would have liked this a Lot better if he wasn't in it at all. Especially his “romance” (if I can even Call it that) with Kady. It felt so stale and forced, it was aggravating to have to read through those parts as well as the rest of the book. Their “romance” was completely unnecessary, and just shows how many authors love to put romance as a subplot device, even when it detracts from the actual story. Besides that however, I Loved it!!! This is a Very good sci-fi plot, and I LOVED several of the side characters!!!
I'm definitely not alone when I say this is the most unique book I've ever read! I thought the mixed media format might be hard to get into but it wasn't, I loved the format and it leant itself so well to the feel of the story. What surprised me was how vividly I could picture everything even without much description and detail, it's told so well that it let's your imagination do the work. I absolutely loved this book and would recommend anyone who is unsure about it to just give it a go!
This book ripped my heart out on more than one occasion and then put it back together. It was one of the few books I read in 2018 that actually had me excited for reading, as I had previously been in a pretty long book drought. You have to read this book. The only other thing I will say is that I would like to name a future pet Jimette.
This is cool, and I think teen sci-fi fans will really be into it. It had the feel of the first season of new Battlestar Galactica to me. I didn't love the chat transcript format of it–I felt like it made the action kinda drag and I ended up skimming a lot of it–but I think a lot of teens will like that.
Also the ~mission report~ format or whatever was a cute way to bleep all the swears without it seeming too gimmicky, I'd feel comfortable booktalking this to 7th/8th graders. (I will be sure to show off the unique page format so they understand that this book isn't really as long as it looks.)