Average rating3.7
i didn't know i could be disappointed by something i had absolutely no expectations for
(this is a one-star read but i gave it an extra star because kenji)
Yeah, I DEFINITELY liked this book more than I thought I would. I'm honestly so saddd to be leaving this world, it was chaotic, yes, but so amazing and unique. This is now one of my favorite series
2.5/5 ⭐
A disappointing “end” to the series. It felt repetitive and Juliette's chapters were basically all fluff. And I skipped it whenever there would be Juliette's journal entries because we already read them. It was pretty much entirely a Kenji book which would be nice except that Kenji was just watching Warner be annoying and worrying about Juliette. Why won't Anderson just die already? I swear he has come back to life like 17 times in this series and I'm so done. Not even just because I hate him but it's just so stupid. Also, Warner was honestly the most obnoxious jerk for almost the entire book. He detaches and acts awful to everyone just because Juliette isn't there. Like???? It's not cute. It's not romantic. It's just rude and annoying. He's relapsing to how he used to be but worse somehow. I get that he only likes Juliette but he didn't have act so awful. He already wasn't my favorite but this book really ruined him for me. Anyway yeah I really hated this book
i love this series sm and even tho i sometimes had my doubts during this book (like the juliette-anderson attraction.. wth) i'm still giving it 5 stars!! these characters mean so much to me and i'm so sad that this is the last novel. now onto believe me :') i'd recommend this series to anyone and i will defend it with my life
Vond deze minder goed dan de rest.
Wel weer een mega goede follow-up van de serie en ben eigenlijk een beetje sad dat het voorbij is...
I probably should give it less than 4 stars but I can't because I love this series so much and couldn't put it down. This was probably one of the worst books, though. Warren and Juliette spend a lot of time apart... AGAIN. Didn't we just do this the last book? And then I really hated the finger cutting scene so so much. But I was actually NOT that bothered by Juliette's attraction to Anderson at least because that made sense.
I did really like the reunion at the end, but I think the original trilogy has my heart more.
Probably closer to 2.5/5. This was pretty boring and I'm just trying to finish the series
Ay que bonitos son mis niños. No me creo que solo me quede la última novela corta y ya termine mi viaje con Shatter Me. No quiero despedirme de estos personajes y de este mundo.
As incredible as this book was i just cant give it 5 stars.
If there was another full length book after this one it would 100% be a 5 star book but there isn't. The ending is super abrupt and makes no sense and I have 0 clue how the prolog happened,
how are warnner and kenji not being attacked again after the ending.
The charecters that we have known for 10 books are all expanded on so much. we got a lot of information on juliett's backstory and warnner becomes one of the best charecters I have ever read.
Ok, so for the sake of disclosure, the four stars have to do more with loyalty and my love for Warner/Aaron than for the book itself. Truth be told, the sixth installment of a series is a hard job, and for anybody who isn't JK Rowling, the chances of disappointment and repetition are really big. Here, there was a fair attempt at novelty, with more mutants and power and the connection between the sisters resembling Minority report and the tanks. But I don't know about you - all I cared about was Aaron and Ella/Juliette.
About that: the four stars are entirely for them and this pure love that swept me off my feet back when I found them. Also, I could have had a lot more of that. There were other points of view, and too much action/war scenes, and I kept reading and thinking, ok, I get it, chaos and mayhem - where are my love birds?
That said, it's Tahereh Mafi's fault for writing this relationship so profoundly well that Romeo and Juliet owe them nothing - and her writing is really good, with the right amount of humor, narrative and descriptions without boredom.
this book was chaotic in the best way possible i love this series with my whole heart
It's 3 AM. I have a bad habit with staying up too late reading the Shatter Me series. This broke me.
Tahereh,,,what the absolute fuck was this mess...
also could you really not just give me a fucking wedding scene for suffering through this whole book? YOU COULDN'T EVEN SHOW ME THE WEDDING????
rating - 3.5 / 5
I absolutely love the characters and I'm super upset the series is coming to an end. Buut...this book, was not the epic conclusion i was expecting, i guess?
The pacing was very off and I didn't feel like this was the last book. The first 15% of reading the book was just me confused. It felt like shatter me with looong descriptions and the plot just not moving forward. Only at about 50% did the plot finally get somewhere and I sorta kinda had an idea of what was happening. Nothing was going right and i didn't see how the author would solve any of the problems without making it feel rushed. Again my love for the characters takes over when the plot doesn't deliver; hence the rating. But i was sliiiightly disappointed:/ to say the least
Aaron warner practically carries the entire series for me, so it was probably the lack of his pov; but this book was nowhere as good as Restore me or Defy me. idk if I'd be able to take frustrated-and-upset Aaron pov chapters though, so maybe it was for the best. Also Robo-J (as kenji would say) had me so frustrated ughh. The whole thing with Juliette finding Anderson attractive was also extremely weird and Max being amused by this was...just repulsive. It all felt very contrived and convoluted for the last book. I was just there like- okayyyy...?
The entire book was the equivalent of building up to something extremely insane, only for it to end up being ordinary at best.
The one thing i did love though? was the epilogue.
I have thought long and hard on this and–
There is literally no redeeming quality of this book for me. The entire thing is a dumpster fire. A disaster. I mean, what the heck even happened?
First off, the plot is virtually the same as book 5. Juliette gets taken away. They must go save her. Warner broods and is mean to everyone. Juliette is sad and bemoans her sister. Kenji provides comedic relief to distract from the nonsense.
Second, the Anderson/Juliette dynamic is so unnecessary and so uncomfy. Page 193? Like HOW did that add anything to the book other than my screams of frustration?
Third, whatever happened to Warner's personality? How did he go from a multi-faceted, complex character to having A SINGLE personality trait (loving Juliette in case that wasn't obvious already)?
Four, there was no ending. Did the book end? Yes. But was anything resolved? No. I have no idea what happened. Did everyone at ... die? What happened to the other countries OTHER than North America? It's like Mafi tried to have an open ending like with Ignite Me except she did it so poorly this time around. Not good.
Five, yes the list keeps going, the reunion between Juliette and Warner. Look, I love Juliette and Warner. But Juliette was not Juliette at this part of this book. Maybe it was me but I was having some low-key non-con vibes and I am just not okay with reading that. .
The only semi-redeeming quality of the book was Tahereh's writing. And I can't even bring myself to add another star. Because the thing is, I was rooting for this book (we were all rooting for you! how DARE you!). I actually didn't hate Defy Me and had a bit of hope that this could end well. But no. And the biggest problem that I have is that Tahereh is so much better than this. She is a TALENTED author and I am still looking forward to her next book. But this was just not it, chief.
I really hope that you enjoy this more than I did, but this book has single-handedly turned me off from YA for the time being.