Average rating3.9
I've always been a fan of Sophie Kinsella reading all previous novels. With ‘I've Got Your Number' it took me a few attempts to get into it. I kept having to chastise myself to get back to it as the story was almost a little too light and frothy upfront.
The story of Poppy who finds a phone in a bin and seeing as hers has just been stolen decides to use it. She realises it belongs to the PA of executive Sam and suddenly they find themselves thrown together through shared voicemails and emails.
It's a typical Kinsella chicklit novel - you can spot the conclusion a mile off. It is clear from very early on. It is however a heartwarming story which improves as the book goes on and we learn more about Sam & Poppy. It isnt as strong as the shopaholic series but still a good read
Quick notes: Received copy through Amazon Vine. First Kinsella book. Liked it. :)
Gimmick of footnoting everything was funny, got old, became funny again, and then just lost me. Would have driven me bonkers on my Kindle.
Another light and fun read by Sophie Kinsella. I couldn't figure out how she would get me to like where I thought the story was going, but in the end I did. I enjoyed the main character and there was just a bit of mystery.
Loved the book, from the crazy storyline to the characters. Re read it and still love it to bits. Socute!
I read another of Kinsella's books—I Owe You One—last year. It was light and mostly funny, a good break from the mystery and suspense I usually read, so I decided to read another.
This one was better than the other one. I liked the narrator more, though I still didn't exactly relate to her. (There does seem to be a trend in the author making her lead females pushovers who learn to stand up for themselves.) I did like the relationship between Sam and Poppy and I enjoyed seeing it grow. That was the best part of the book.
The only issues I had were with the relatively thin plot (she can't get a different phone why?) and with some of the decisions Poppy makes at the end that I felt didn't live up to her character. I see why the author ended it like she did, but I was bit like “really?” when it started heading down that road.
I will probably read another of hers. Probably not the shopaholic series because I can only go so far with characters I can't relate too. And I hate shopping.
Nice reading for the summer and even though the ending can be predicted after a few pages.
Challenge: Read a funny book Read a book by a female author
I always fall for cutesy romance if it is well done, as it was the case with I've got your number . There are A TON of clichés in this novel, the formula for it is basically the same of any other chick-lit book out there but I find that Kinsella has a great way to hook you in.
The characters are ridiculous and typical of a chick-lit book: the main girl is silly but has always good intentions (she did make me want to slap some sense into her in some parts) and the main guy has a heart of gold hidden underneath a mean personality. Still I still could not put the book down.
As with Twenties Girl, I was laughing out loud pretty early on but I felt that the situations our main character was thrown in were too cruel and, sometimes, quite stupid.
The plot was quite predictable and, for what I've seen, Kinsella tends to repeat the basic premise in all of her books. That being said, I enjoyed this book quite a lot. Yes, it's not perfect and has quite a few problems but I found myself totally immersed in it and had a lot of fun.
Very funny book. Kept my husband up because I kept snorting and laughing out loud. I think Ms Kinsella captured the Tavishes as a “British Intellectual” type quite perfectly. Their conversation and her dinner/scrabble game at their house were very well done. Entertaining bedtime reading for sure.
DNFing at 34%. This woman is ridiculous. It's not cute or funny that Poppy thinks it's cool to lie to her fiance. She's super judgy and meddlesome and doesn't have good boundaries, and she's not even fleshed out well enough to get away with being a flawed heroine.
And maybe the most annoying thing? She's annoyed by the fact that the guy whose phone she stole sends curt, two-word emails. I've spent a lot of years undoing that thing that we women feel we need to do, trying to make written communication feel more positive/less bitchy with exclamation marks and smiley faces when a simple email is just fine. Poppy makes me want to punch her in the face for a) responding to Sam's work emails in the first place, and b) responding to Sam's emails in a florid, trying-too-hard manner because she doesn't like that he's perfunctory in correspondence.
I had no idea I was this passionate about email.
Fairly predictable, but very fun. Interesting characters and meaningful interactions.
I like Brit Chick Lit, but can take or leave Sophie Kinsella. I found the Shopaholic heroine to be unbearable and couldn't understand the series' popularity. But I've Got Your Number helped me understand why Kinsella is so popular. The individual scenes are funny, the plot builds to a lovely romantic climax, and both the hero and heroine grow and change(a little). While the heroine is slightly ditzy, she is competent at her job, not too insecure, and doesn't have to fend off calls from creditors like the Shopaholic (I never got why that was funny). Would make a great movie, although Hollywood would probably take all of the charm out of it.