Average rating4.2
Love love love!
Suffers from being a middle book, and all the problems that brings by it's nature, but still love.
Lirael is one of those books that has always stuck out in my mind throughout the years. When I came to re-read this series as an adult I could not remember much at all about the first book but Lirael was as clear to me as if I'd read it in the last couple years.
Lirael is set years past the end of Sabriel and focuses more on the younger generation. Lirael lives in the Clayr without the power of the Sight. She cannot progress within the Clayr until she gains the Sight, but that doesn't seem to be happening for her. Lirael in the beginning of the story is desperate to find her role within the Clayr, but she quickly learns to become independent as she gains her position in the Clayr's library. Its through this job in the library that she ~meets the Disreputable Dog (the best character in the series) and manages to learn more about the Charter and herself. Sameth, on the other hand, knows exactly who he is and who he is expected to be. The issue is that these two people aren't anything alike. As his parents are called away on important business, Prince Sameth must take up his mother's bells and become a necromancer proper.
This second novel gives a closer look at the magic and world of the Old Kingdom series. Lirael's chapters are incredibly interesting if you finished Sabriel wishing you understood more about the magic of the Charter. But its Lirael as a character who has always stood out to me. She felt so independent and strong throughout the book, even when she had no clue what the next step was or how to achieve it. I preferred Lirael as a character to Sabriel, partially as she loved books like I did but also because she went through a bigger change as a character.
This book also gives a bigger view to the non magical kingdom through Prince Sameth and his friends. Sameth goes to school in the non magical kingdom just as Sabriel did and therefore has a better knowledge of that country than his own. We also revisit old favourite characters such as Mog, and get to see them in brand new forms.
This is such a comfort read to me.
“I'd rather be afraid and do something than just sit and wait for terrible things to happen.” - Lirael with some wise words for difficult times.
This book takes place decades down the road from Sabriel and I found it rather confusing how the female main character was related to the prior book. The male character was easier to place but still, I wasn't quite sure what he had to do with her story.
Both story lines move along nicely and the switching between the 2 was nicely done as well, none of the frequent doses of confusion for minutes at a time waiting for something to clear things up, found in other authors' books.
I like this and the prior book so well I picked up the next book in the series Abhorsen immediately.
I loved the way the characters come together in this book. The world building is great. We get to see different parts of the kingdom and how they go about their days and the disruption of that. There was plenty of action and drama. Then revelation at the end! Very enjoyable..
After how amazing the first book was, how could I not dive right into the next. Taking place about 20 years later after the first, it's amazing to see how the world has changed. I love how the focus shifted to a member of the Clayr, and we get to dive into more of their history and lore, which is all too awesome. There's even more mysteries to discover and left me wanting even more, in the best way possible. It keeps the pace perfectly and hidden histories coming, which I'm always a big fan of.
What an improvement from the first book! I enjoyed Sabriel, but had found it difficult to feel anything for its characters - which may have been completely personal on my part. I loved the world and the writing, but had a few issues overall, not enough mind you to not give the second book a go. I'm SO glad I gave it a chance! Lirael caught me by surprise and I felt much more for her on a personal level. Being the protagonist this time around, she was much more relatable and her journey much more fleshed out. Her yearning to be one of the Clayr is palatable and the disappointment she feels when her gifts refuse to manifest is a feeling anyone can understand. We dive deeper into the world of the Old Kingdom in this book and the magic that imbues it. Almost 20 years since the first book have gone by and a new generation must take up against the dead in a new threat against the world. Lirael starts out in the stronghold of the Clayr, a magical place filled with wonder. But threats outside will force her out into the world where her adventure truly begins. There are talking cats and dogs, a mysterious and magical library, a Non-typical Prince, mystery, clockwork mice and frogs and of course lots of magic. The world building is unique and wondrous and although the adventure itself takes a long time to get started the build up is so worth it that you don't even notice. Now I'm really excited to delve into book three and continue the adventure in earnest.
I really enjoyed this one. It's book 2 in a series of 3. The story picks up about 20 years after the 1st book. Sabriel, the protagonist from book 1, is only briefly in and out of the story. The story revolves around Lirael and Sameth who find themselves drawn into troubling events. I look forward to starting book 3.