Average rating3.7
This is the sixth Colleen Hoover book I have read and I have yet to be disappointed. This story is unique from her previous books in the way that the main characters build their connection with each other. There are plenty of tense moments and twists to keep you intrigued. Highly recommend.
What can I say about this beautiful book????? I have so many feelings right now that I'm not sure I can articulate all of them coherently to put into a review.
Both Sydney and Ridge are very witty, smart, compassionate, strong but the one best quality that stands out is their honesty. The way they honestly communicate with each other through their eyes, their touch, their texts, their music - I just loved every part of it. I don't think I've ever read a book where the couple talk about feelings so much and I found it so endearing. There is also a love triangle here and that's what made this so much more emotional - no one was really at fault and I loved all of them and I wanted all of them to be happy and it totally broke my heart when it felt like they wouldn't be able to. The side characters are also so interesting and fun and bring some relief from the strong emotions running through the story. The way music is interwoven in this book is excellent and made me very happy (also very weepy) and I suggest everyone to listen to the soundtrack. And I think I have rambled enough because I have no clue what to write anymore other than to say please read this beautiful piece of work.
367 pages about justifying cheating. No matter how hard the author tried to spin it, that's still what it was. On one hand, the writing style was too simplistic, on the other hand, the story progression was quite addictive. It was slightly better than the average NA I guess, definitely better than the NAs I've read before.
Oh brother. This was so over the top with the dramatic angst. While the writing in itself wasn't bad, they story was just completely unbelievable and ridiculous. Not my brand of romance at all, I likely won't be picking up another book by this author.
This was weird. I didn't like it at all.
This is my second Colleen Hoover novel that I disliked, and I actually hated the characters on this one. So, I will continue to try and read books by this author but we may be giving up.
Oh, for a novel that has a similar theme WAYYYY better done check out: Easy, by Tammara Webber.
One of the cutest love stories I've ever read. And, let's be honest, that's actually the first time I've experienced such a read. I mean, is it not so great to follow the storyline of a book while jumping on their bed because of these songs - these great songs featured in the book ?! I felt like I was into their flat, witnessing growing love and breaking my poor one. I've never felt a book so close to bloom into realness and that was beautiful.
When you read a book, that thing you're looking for above all is to perceive the whole potential a few words can bring you into. In Maybe Someday, not only your concrete sight is boiling but also all the feels music is wiling to give you. That's why I always loved listening music while reading. And here, knowing that fictional elements such as these songs are brought to life - I don't know, the idea is so simple and yet I feel like we're entering a multiplied, sensational new kind of reading.
Regarding the story and as an aficionado of complex/impossible love, I surely enjoyed it as much as I could. Eventually, that was my first Coleen Hoover book but you guess it won't be the last...
P.S. : Oops, I've forgotten something important. Warren, YOU'RE MY BOSS.
oh por Dios, Colleen Hoover ataca de vuelta y me destruye el corazón, o algo así. Realmente fue todo lo que esperé de un libro romántico y dramático (en su ecsencia). Lo evalúe con cuatro, aunque seria cuatro y medio, ya que no se mostró más sorpresiva la trama. Igualmente grandioso.
I think I enojoyed this book more the second time around than I did the first. I remember thinking it would be avery cutesy book and was slightly disappointed that it wasn't, because that's what I was expecting. But this time I knew what I was getting into, and I knew what to expect, so I could just enjoy the story that much more. It's still heart-wrenching and gut-churning but in the best ways possible (you just feel so much). Also when I first read the book, I didn't listen to the songs as I went along but I've heard them since, so when I picked up the book the second time, it was just amazing to recognize the lyrics and hear the song it turns out to be in your head while the narrators read them to me, because yes, I listened to the audiobook for this, which was GREAT. The narrators are fantasic and I really believe that the audiobook is one of the main reasons why I enjoyed it more this second time around.
Love it love it love it. Just love it.
Since this is a late review, i had so much to say about this book but i felt like i would be offending someone. The storyline felt forced and unnecessary, the intent of cheating or simply cheating was a turn off. To make the girlfriend of the love interest so lovable and making her storyline so sad wasnt fair. I dont know why i bothered to make it through to the end
This was my first Colleen Hoover book, so you could say my expectations were quite high, because everyone on BookTube always raves about her books. For me, it was okay... I mean, I liked it, but it didn't stand out amongst the other books I've read this year. I never felt completely invested in the story and the characters and although the ending was exactly what I wanted, I just didn't really feel it... One day I probably will pick up one of Hoover's other books, but not for a while yet. I have a lot of other books I want to read way more.
This book. Oh my god, THIS BOOK. It's one of the most frustrating books I've ever read and I was so emotionally stressed about it while reading it that I might have an aneurysm in my brain now but Oh My God, I suffered, but I'm happy about it.
Yup. I'm fangirling over this book.
you think it was dramatic to have the main character find out shw was being cheated ob right away, w zero connection w cold parents and homeless? oh, wait till you get the rest of this equation...
After struggling through a book of short stories by another author, it was refreshing to read [bc:Maybe Someday 62967882 Maybe Someday (Maybe, #1) Colleen Hoover https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1666362550l/62967882.SY75.jpg 24878180] by [a:Colleen Hoover 5430144 Colleen Hoover https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1464032240p2/5430144.jpg]. Again, this great storyteller presented star-crossed lovers in an unexpected, angst-ridden relationship. Sydney has just been betrayed by her best friend/roomie and her lover when the story starts. (What a hook, huh?) A guitar-playing neighbor, Ridge, invites her in from the rain with her two hastily packed suitcases. That's how the story all began. Where it went from there kept me entranced for three days. Other reviewers can tell you about the plot, but I like to remember what the book meant to me. In the throes of moving house, I hadn't had time to read. Plus, all my books were packed, and I had yet to find the library in my new city. So, when the unpacking started, I grabbed the first book I found that I hadn't read and started it. And started it. And restarted it. I finally got about halfway through and just gave up. It was well-written by an NYTimes bestselling author. I even liked parts of it. I just couldn't get into it. I would look at the book and then go doom-scroll.Did I lose my love of reading somewhere? I knew that Colleen Hoover's books always went down like hot chocolate on a cold night for me. I found the library and placed a hold on one of her books. It finally came in and from the moment I brought it home, I realized I still loved reading. I love reading about a deep relationship with struggles and complexities. I love characters that ruminate over their predicaments. I'm an overthinker and I want characters I read to be just as ponderous. Overall, there were parts of this book that were hard to believe. Sure. A deaf guitarist? Well, Beethoven was deaf, but he wasn't born deaf. Anyway, I was willing to suspend my disbelief because I like the escape this book provided. Five stars for sure, four of which come from just having a book restore my love of reading.
3rd attemps of Colleen Hoover book. Belum cocok lagi, namun setidaknya lebih baik dari Slammed.
Hal yg mengganggu adlh Sidney baru saja memutuskan hubungan dgn pacarnya, yg ternyata selingkuh dgn sahabat Sidney. Namun kemudian Sidney menyadari tertarik pada Ridge yg sdh punya pacar selama 5 thn. Seharusnya begitu tahu dia tertarik dgn Ridge dia berhenti jadi teman serumah Ridge (apartemen Ridge untuk 4 org, dihuni juga sama Warren & Bridgette).
Seandainya gk ada kerumitan diatas mungkin aku akan lebih menyukai buku ini. Endingnya lumayan okay...
usually put a quote here but nothing comes to mind.
rating- 2.5/5{review may contain spoilers}
Honestly didn't want to write this review because i did not want to revisit how terrible this book was. But here we are, wish me luck.
summing it up for anybody who hasn't read this book:
The main character Sydney gets cheated on, is heartbroken but proceeds to make this other guy cheat on his girlfriend.
yes. that is literally the entire plot.
I'm going to list everything i didn't like because this review is going to be chaotic otherwise-
➜ Like i mentioned, the lack of plot.
➜ The characters had very little development throughout and had barely any depth to begin with. Sydney came off as whiny and confused while Ridge was conflicted and douchey.
➜ Cheating. (just.. no)
➜ Romanticising cheating?? (even worse)
➜ All the book focuses on is Sydney and Ridge's relationship, thus the author doesn't really have room to establish any of the character's qualities. Due to this, the side characters also felt very two-dimensional. Warren and Bridgette had a lot of potential, but their characterisation was terribly done. Even in Maggie's case, we're told she's very cool and amazing, yet we don't really see it.
➜ The extremeeeelyyyyy slow pace.groan Like, I get it Ridge. You can't pick between Maggie and Sydney. Did your inner conflict have to go on for over 100 pages, though?
No because literally, these are lines from the book:
“my heart begins to tear in two, half of it remaining where it's always been, with Maggie, and the other half being pulled to the girl beneath me. Nothing in my life has ever felt so good yet hurt so achingly bad. I tear my mouth away from hers, and we both gasp for breath as the desperate grip she has on me keeps me locked against her. I refuse to allow our mouths to reconnect as I struggle to figure out which half of my heart I want to save.” And he proceeds to refer to them as halves of his heart throughout the book, not even kidding T_T
The book tries REALLY hard to justify and maturely depict being in love with two people at once. The confusion, conflict and dramaticism is portrayed well but is ALL that is portayed. bahaha. The characters became far too predictable throughout the course of the book and it significantly goes downhill, as we force ourself through it.
For example, we all know who he's going to end up with anyway and yet it is inevitably dragged on for the confrontation with Maggie in the end.
However, there were also a few things i liked, hence the 2.5 stars.
⦿ How the book started off, was very well done and had a lot of potential. I was surprised that the main character was deaf, and was really excited to see how the author pulls off dialogues and conversation.
⦿ The music of course. Ridge's passion for music despite being deaf was admirable. I loved how he embraced his deafness, didn't complain or constantly think about the what ifs.
⦿ The message conveyed about not letting your disability get in the way of pursuing your dreams is important. Ridge was an incredible musician despite not being able to listen to any sounds.
⦿I also found out tons of stuff about people with hearing impairments which was really cool (turning off the lights to get ridge's attention for instance), it's not something i thought about before this.
⦿ The songs were also pretty cool (i also found out that you can listen to the soundtrack on youtube:
That's all i have. Clearly there was more i disliked than i liked. The plot, pacing, ending and characterisation were a mess. I really tried to love this one, i did; guess it just wasn't for me. I don't think I'm going to read the other books in the series.
I wouldn't recommend this book unless you're okay with the things i mentioned above.
Oh. My. God! Everything about this book! So many amazing quotes, and characters! All I can say is my heart is happy!