Average rating3.7
I've been on a Penny Reid binge over the last month and I love her writing and her characters SO much. At this point I have LOVED the Hypothesis series, and am just getting started with the Knitting in the City series. I typically love Penny Reid's heroes but I really missed Quinn's point of view throughout most of this book, so it was a little more challenging to get to know him. I just really wanted to get in his head! However, I loved their chemistry!
At times, I wanted more details and more steam during sexy times but I'm thinking of it as character choice. I think it's because we are viewing things from Janie's point of view. For example, when Janie would go back to her knitting group to spill McHotpants details, they complained it was like she was reporting the news and the sex scenes are a bit like that.
Overall, I really enjoyed it! It was great to meet all the characters and hypothesize about where the series will go. I'm very excited to read the rest of the series!
This book was enjoyable. There were some parts I did and kind of saw coming. There were also some things that did not get resolved at the end for me.
I started loving Penny Reid after reading her Winston Brothers series. Since that series is a spin-off of this one, I was excited to go back and see where it all started. And I unfortunately didn't love it.
The characters were kind of all over the place and I couldn't feel a connection between them. There were a few moments in the story where I wasn't sure what was going on and it was hard to follow. Janie was one of those frustrating characters who refuses to believe that any human being could ever possibly be attracted to her because she's just so weird.
That being said, it wasn't all bad. There were a few funny moments. The knitting group proved to be pretty badass and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the girls' stories.
The definition of not for me. Hero way too pushy, did not respect her boundaries, manipulated, and lied to her. I cannot and do not find that romantic.
*disclaimer that I am extra uptight about this but this really isn't my type of hero and I was not a fan.
Very good! Cute story line. I love the rich boss romance without the inappropriate sex scenes. Reccomend it if you like this story line. Some scenes were hard to follow, but overall well written.
So how do I rate this? Well the answer is on how much or little I enjoyed the story and enjoy it I did. Particularly the excellent audio narration by [a:Jennifer Grace 3133768 Jennifer Grace https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]. Probably a whole star goes to her choice of voices and inflections.Janie is your typical girl in contemporary romances: gorgeous but doesn't know it and the fact that she's brainy, wears glasses and is tall is somehow meant to make her freakish. Yep. Just like every other supermodel or Chloe Kardashian. She has a ton of long hair, big boobs, tiny waist and curvy butt. As I said: freakish and unattractive. In comes the mysterious, rich and “startlingly and even painfully handsome” Quinn Sullivan and the rest is FSOG history sans the bondage, though it is alluded to in passing by Quinn. The difference is that Janie is an entertaining character and it is fun to be in her head. She also has a fierce group of girlfriends who I'm sure will have books of their own. Everything about the relationships between the girlfriends and Janies' confidence in her intellectual and professional abilities was very refreshing which is why I got annoyed at her obliviousness to her attractiveness to Quinn. But it is a romance so I must chill and the last two chapters and the epilogue where perfect. I was left curious about Jem and her story. That's a girl who'd be hard to redeem but I think it might be a good story if done well. I also felt bad for Jon. Poor boy. And Quinn and his family? I feel a sequel coming on. Will I read it? Probably. No rush though. It will keep.I would recommend this fun contemporary but let's drop the the “Smart Romance” rubric because it's the usual story, albeit told with fun and wit.
It started out interestingly enough, albeit the protagonist being a moron. But it was too intrincate and at the same time, more of the same... I can't explain it - or maybe I could, but I spent time enough on it.
DNF...this book came up under a search for books about women and friendships. I don't know why because it's romance. I can't stand romance.
Omg I don't think I have laughed so hard during a fight scene in my entire life. I have been knitting since I was 13 and my mother and I have had discussions about stabbing people with knitting needles but using a ball of yarn as a ball gag is a whole new level. :))
This was fun, albeit a little slow.
It had its humorous moments, with times of like weirdly placed drama it seemed??? (The Boston dudes)
But Quinn was a good guy with good intensions when it came to Janie.