Nine Princes in Amber
1970 • 175 pages


Average rating3.6

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May 9, 2024
March 10, 2014

I can still distinctly remember the very first scene.

This book (and its sequels) really tend to graft to the back of your imagination.

February 3, 2023
November 1, 2012

Le premier volume de la série des Princes d'Ambre. J'en garde un bon souvenir, mais bizarrement pas suffisamment pour avoir réellement envie de le relire après plusieurs années.

December 30, 2016

My favorite of the Corwyn cycle.

October 26, 2020
April 21, 2016

Not a favorite of mine. I read this due to Dom and George and it's fun for what it is but it's age is really apparent and I don't like the first person but I am invested in the story to see it through. 

August 7, 2023

Great classic fantasy. Read too long ago to say much about it now.

July 21, 2015
Peter JonesSupporter
January 1, 2005

Brotherly slap fight
or, dick-measuring contest
but with fancy capes.

January 30, 2017

Pretty stupid. And the plot has some holes you can drive through.

June 14, 2024
November 23, 2021

Un livre écrit à la va-vite, bourré d'idées géniales et de phrases stupides. Je vais en rester là, merci.

February 14, 2018

Nine Princes In Amber by Roger Zelazny

“Besides, I like libraries. It makes me feel comfortable and secure to have walls of words, beautiful and wise, all around me. I always feel better when I can see that there is something to hold back the shadows.”
― Roger Zelazny, Nine Princes in Amber

May 9, 2015
June 14, 2020
August 17, 2017

Well written, but I did not really care about the characters. Nothing made me sympathize with them or care about what they do. For me there was no reason behind their actions besides wanting power. And that mixed with the amnesia was a bit bizarre.

June 8, 2021