Average rating3.5
Dont kill me but i didnt loved the book. Yeah I understand many people liked it, but to me it is full of cliches and that ending!
This is the perfect example of how an ending could ruin a book.
So, first of all, we have Brittanny Ellis who is the most popular girl in the school and is cheerland captain and also (dont forget) dates the most popular boy in the school, the quarterback of the footbal team. (God forbids if is not a football player). BUT she is not so perfect because she has a sister who has a mental sickness, this seemed a bit forced to me like the author had to find a way to make her not so perfect.
Then the boy. Alex. Of course he is poor, of course he is the bad boy, of course he has a motorcycle and tatoos (like most bad boys in YA now).
He makes a bet. Screw Brittany aka Rich and stupid blonde.
And trying to conquest her both find true love, have one pretty boy and almost cure Alzheimer....WTF!!??
And all thanks to chemistry class.
Yeah i am a little tired of all the propaganda bad boy+good girl=perfect love/chemistry/happily ever after etc.
Sort of unbelievable, not what I would call realistic fiction/romance but it entertains.