Average rating4
This book followed on well from the first, managing to keep the story fresh and fast paced, which is no mean achievement given that the story so far spans about 1400 pages.
Number 3 next!
Good sequel to the first, organically introduces new characters and plot while keeping the thread of the first going. I enjoyed some parts more than others but overall worth the read
2.5/5 stars
Puh, what a let down after the awesome story from the first book.
The story here is small, inconsequential and meaningless. Yes we do learn a bit more about the inhibitors (in a few info dumps), yes the writing is vastly superior to book 1, yes the conjoiners are interesting but ultimately that all does not matter if the books fails to tell an engaging story.
Good, but by far not as good as the first one. A lot of extended talking which seemed a bit unnecessary.
A pornit excelent, a continuat ok, a sfârșit lamentabil... si dup-aia tot a mai tinut-o langa 2 sute de pagini - o carte zombie. Sper ca editorul lui reynolds si-a facut harakiri, fiindca în masa aceasta gelatinoasa, labartata si enervantă se ascundea o carte bună. Dar reynolds, ca de fiecare dată, nu e in stare să se oprească pe granița dintre geniu si delir, iar cine ar fi trebuit sa-i dea două palme metaforice nu si-a facut treaba. Pe la pag 650 m-am oprit, efectiv furios. Nu tocmai efectul pe care mi-l doresc de la un hard sf... Nu mai spun cât de prost sunt scrise personajele, cat de inexistente sunt motivațiile lor si fortate deciziile, tepene dialogurile si dezlegata intriga. Păcat de lumea exceptional de bine si profund imaginata.