Average rating4
Me fascino. Realmente muy bueno, me gusto desde principio a fin. Y si bien personalmente intuía quién era Blue, el misterio está MUY bien planteado y todas las relaciones entre los personajes se desarrollan de forma PERFECTA. Lo acabo de terminar de leer y ya lo leería de nuevo, porque me pareció maravilloso. Recomendadisimo.
Un roman Young Adult et gay finalement très classique, mais vraiment plaisant à lire ! Je dois dire que j'attends avec curiosité l'adaptation cinématographique annoncée.
More like 4.5 stars, but cute quick fun read. Only criticism is that some of the minor characters are pretty flat, would've liked more about Abby and Simon's sisters. Loved the diversity and the book overall!
This book was so stinking adorable. Simon is an amazing quirky awkward character that I loved reading about. I loved how the majority of the book I was able to continue guessing who Blue was and when Simon would finally figure it out. I had some inklings throughout the book, but I can honestly say I figured it out when Simon did!
So first and foremost, if you're a YA author looking for an example of really spot-on boy POV, I can't recommend Simon Vs. more. I was really really impressed with just how real Simon sounded, both in his head and in the dialogue—and the dialogue from the other characters was written just as perfectly.
So awesome voice aside, Simon Vs. was just a really freaking adorable book. I connected to Simon immediately, it starts in the absolute perfect spot in the plot (another note to YA writer: this is how you start a book), and there were moments that were just so darn cute I was actually giggling and “aww”ing out loud.
I don't often pre-order books from authors I haven't read before, but I made an exception with Simon Vs. and I'm so glad I did. I whipped through the pages quickly because I needed to know if I was right about who Blue was and I was dying to see Simon and Blue's happily-ever-after, and I loved that all of the characters, including the minor ones, were complex, layered and realistic. I really don't have any complaints about this book except, I suppose, that it's a shame I won't be able to read it for the first time again.
If you're looking for a happy, fun m/m YA romance, I couldn't recommend Simon Vs. more. 5/5 stars to this one for sure, and I can't wait to see what Albertalli comes up with next.
Utterly charming and so absolutely “teen”, with great and realistic secondary characters.
Absolutely amazing. A story of one coming out but written in such a good way. Loved everything - from the characters through the locations to the story itself and the main idea. I am in love with Simon Spier.
This was delightful! Sometimes I think I've just aged past enjoying YA, but then something like this will come along. I was thoroughly enchanted and I couldn't wait to find out what happens next. Simon's friends and family are a lot of fun, and his journey was compelling (despite the fact that I'm not too big on coming of age stories). Looking forward to reading [b:Leah on the Offbeat 31180248 Leah on the Offbeat (Creekwood, #2) Becky Albertalli https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1510886704s/31180248.jpg 51820754]!
Obviously this book is very hyped and has been on my radar for quite a while, but my motivation to pick it up only increased after I watched the trailer of Love, Simon. I definitely want to watch the movie and I had no intention of doing it without reading the book first. And it really didn't disappoint.
Simon is such a relatable teenager – confident but also insecure, irritated at his family's irrational rituals but also loving them so much, totally trusting his best friends but still not wanting to share his secret with them, crushing so hard on a boy and trying to look for him everywhere. He can also be a little stupid and clueless at times but does eventually realizes and corrects it. But what I really loved about him was that he is never scared or ashamed about his sexuality, just about coming out. The book is full of humorous and beautiful dialogue about his dilemma. I absolutely totally adored all the emails he shared with Blue, they get to know and understand each other so much even while being anonymous, it's just so endearing. As the book went on, I really wanted to read more of their interactions. I'm usually not good at guessing, so it was very much fun to discover who Blue was at the same time as Simon and I 😍😍😍 that scene.
I totally fell in love with Simon's family too. They are bizarre and quirky but so loving and supportive. It was also great to see such fun sibling interactions. Simon's dad apologizing for making insensitive jokes was a very important and well written scene. It was also wonderful to see such super supportive friends and teachers who totally took down anyone trying to insult Simon for being gay. I really liked Abby a lot, for being such a sweetheart and an awesome buddy. Leah and Nick were fine but I didn't really form any attachments to their characters.
In the end, this book is so cute and adorable and hilarious while also being sensitive and emotional. I absolutely fell in love and now, can't wait for the movie to release fast enough. Everyone should read this book because I promise you, it will make you smile.
I have to mention this – there is a certain mall and it's parking lot carnival that Simon tells Blue about and I couldn't stop laughing (with tears flowing btw 🤣🤣🤣) because I lived across the street from the said mall for more than 18months and have seen the said carnival numerous times. It was just too hilarious to see a place that I spent half my free time at mentioned in such a lovely and popular mainstream book. Now, I'm waiting to see if it'll show up in the movie too 😉😉😉
Ahh this was such a cute story. I loved Simon and his group of friends. I kept going back and forth on who I thought Blue could possibly be. The big reveal is SO cute and sweet and just made me so happy. I'm excited to see the movie, hopefully it does this book justice!
Calling this book cute wouldn't make it justice. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda is cute, yes, but it's also very fun and relatable, and sweet in a puppy lovey way. It's a quick read, also—it took me just one night to read the whole thing! I fell deeply in love with most of the characters, and the ending—though predictable and somewhat clichéd—payed off.
Knowing Blue was Bram did kind of take away part of the fun, though. But anyway: great read.
i absolutely loved this book. i kind of already predicted who blue would be somewhere before it got ‘officially announced' but still some clues in the book led me to thinking something else, so it wasn't really that predictable. it was also a book with some important life lessons and i absolutely loved it, i have no words.
Very readable but not memorable. I was expecting more based on the award nominations.
This was adorable. Simon is a mess (in a good way) and I love him and his friends. A heartwarming coming of age story about first loves and coming to terms with one's identity. Worth the read!
I loved the movie Love, Simon; it was both hilarious and touching. This book is doubly so.
Even though I was Simon's age in pre-internet times, he's a character that my younger self can identify with, as I was never that much into drinking and the party scene and all that (that came later), and I was also a kind of a nerd (that never went away, though). I was a pretty average kid, and it's actually nice to read about those too, instead of those stories that only center on - and I'm no prude, trust me - endless hook-ups and drug-fueled parties. Yeah, those people exist and their stories need to be told, too, but all the average, self-doubtibg kids need their stories too. And Simon vs. is definitely one of them.
Can't handle the cuteness!!!
Actual review:
This book was just what I needed: I was REALLY slumpy and I couldn't find a book I was interested in, so I kept reading 20 pages of a book and leaving it and so on. So when the hilarious Simon appeared with all his awkwardness and the HP references I was head over heels with this book.
The great family dinamic it's for me the strong point of this book: I love how this book shows that with even a present family, it still can be hard to tell them about your sexuality. The family traditions were on point and looooved Alice and Nora so much.
But on the other hand, some friends left much to be desired, like Leah, who was practically a bitch during the entire book and I didn't found one freaking reason for her to be Simon's -or anybodys- friend. She didn't have one good quality that made her likable. She was so selfish and such a brat. Felt like she was just there for the purpose of molesting.
Simon felt so real to me: The desicions he made were what I would totally do if I was in his place. I'd totally befriend him right away! He made real desicions and felt real feels. He didn't make always the right desicions, but he made the desicions you can expect from a 17 year old for sure.
Blue: i wasn't expecting to be the guy it was! it didn't blew me away-he was one of the possible candidates- but surprised me a little nonetheless.
The ending was just perfect: it was wrapped in a nice bow, but it was totally believable. I was just swooning all over him and Blue.
This is a book that my teenage self would have enjoyed. Closeted kids talking and everything working in the end. Now I largely was uninterested in Simon's world. The people in Simon's life are flat and uninteresting, and the emails between the teens are just that–between teenagers who speak and think in a very juvenile kind of way. The book is not horrible, just not what I want to be reading now that I am in a different part of my life.