Average rating3.2
Too many characters that I didn't care about and it felt like there were time jumps intertwined with the present story. It would be much better to have past and present alternating chapters.
Great suspense story particularly geared toward those homeowner communities in the suburbs.
Dit was opnieuw een langzaam opbouwende, vooral karakter gedreven mysterie van Megan Miranda. Naarmate het mysterie zich ontrafelt, wordt de spanning opgedreven. Vooral de omgeving van de kleine, toxische wijk, waar iedereen iedereen in de gaten houdt, zorgde voor een claustrofobisch gevoel.
Doordat het echter zo langzaam vooruit ging en omdat ik ook moeite had het hoofdpersonage en haar passiviteit te begrijpen, verloor ik af en toe wel mijn interesse. Doordat ik de ontknoping ook nog eens vrij tegenvallend vond, is dit over het algemeen een niet zo memorabel boek.
Lichte en leuke zomerthriller, maar niks speciaals.
I was super excited for this book! I've only read one other of Megan Miranda's books and I enjoyed it. I felt pretty much the same about this one. It was a good neighborhood thriller that had a twist ending that I didn't see coming but I didn't feel attached to any of the characters and I kind of was just like “yup, ok” whenever something shocking happened.
Thank you to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for providing me with an eBook copy to review.
By the end I really liked this but the arc is kind of weird: it feels like it's still getting started and then very quickly it resolves and is over.
2.5 if I'm fair, because for all its sins, I still finished it and didn't guess what had in fact happened until it was disclosed. But somehow it wasn't interesting enough to make it for a good read, and even the queen of pushovers would have trouble welcoming an alleged murderer at home.
Definitely enjoyed this more than her last one, a great premise and handled (mostly) well. But the ending left me confused.