Average rating3.2
I... am so angry.
These are my immediate thoughts after reading, so bear with me.
But why? I don't get why this? Why?
It feels pointless to have read this book.
The first 75% of the book, I was enjoying so much. Genuinely was having such a good time, and I was excited to read it whenever I picked it up. So WHY.
She killed off my two favorite characters of this book. Why would you do that? You made, arguably, the main character so... uninteresting. The motivation felt so disconnected from what was happening. It was characte deterioration at its worst, like, I didn't like it at all. And like, what was the point? To say “haha life sucks and people are bad”?
I just don't get it, Olivie. What did you accomplish here? Like, why? Why? Why?
I'm so conflicted.
well, i don't even know how to put it into words tbh.. This series isn't about magic or anything like that, it's about people who have many faults and, well, who can blame them because after all they are human. And you learn to care for these people even against your better judgment.. i loved this because it felt human and frustratingly so.
These books are definitely amid my favourites!!
Not even gonna lie, I'm gonna need to read something light and happy to recover from this.
Overall I liked it, but the first half dragged on a lot and I personally prefer a bit more of plot in my reads. I get that Olivie intended to have the characters and their relationships be the plot itself but I'm not one who cares much for philosophical musings so I did get bored at times. I'm also not overly fond of how things turned out (not gonna give spoilers but yeah...i hoped for better for our six main characters).
Made me want to throw up a various points, and I say that with high regard.
Something I always adore about Olivie's writing is her talent for writing people. Each one of her characters is so rounded and understood to the point that they're really the only important part of the series. Sure there's a well curated plot and well-researched background, but none of it would matter without this group of six unreliable, witty, selfish, and arrogant medians that somehow all have an irresistible air about them.
Did make my brain hurt though and like I'm all about some interpretational factors but sometimes can you just give me a straight answer Olivie, don't play with me. My emotions are on a high and I don't know what to believe.
Now, where to even start. The book is amazing in its thorough exploration of global power dynamics, blending scholarly insights with accessible writing. Like I be actually not confused. It offers valuable perspectives on geopolitics and international relations, encouraging to critically consider the complexities of the modern world. However, there is some points were I was needy for deeper analysis. Overall, it's a highly recommended read for its informative content and thought-provoking approach. Like there is some point where I feel the book just is maybe not good enough with controverial subjevts and may feel a tiinie bit biased. So that is a bummer for me honestly.
cause I honestly enjoy the series so muvh and I woudl recomend it. Just sucks that it may not always be great at handling the controversies
The Atlas Complex merupakan salah satu rilis yang sangat aku nantikan, karena ini adalah penutup trilogi The Atlas yang dimulai dengan The Atlas Six.
Kembalinya Libby ke Perpustakaan Komunitas Alexandria dengan menciptakan lubang cacing dalam waktu menggunakan energi nuklir membuat rekrut lainnya berada dalam posisi yang riskan terhadap ancaman kematian. Kita akan bertemu kembali dengan para rekrut, Nico, Parisa, Callum, Reina dan Tristan yang di akhir The Atlas Paradox meninggalkan rumah arsip ke berbagai kota.
Sementara Penjaga Arsip, Atlas Blakely, juga mentor para rekrut, kemungkinan berhasil dengan rencananya untuk mengakhiri dunia yang mereka tahu. Ini adalah perlombaan siapa yang akan bertahan, seiring enam rekrut komunitas dihadapkan pada pertanyaan, apa yang akan mereka korbankan demi kekuatan yang tanpa batas dan siapa yang akan mereka hancurkan dalam prosesnya.
Lebih sedikit istilah ilmiah fisika di buku ini, lebih kepada dinamika hubungan antara keenam rekrut. Juga diperkenalkan enam anggota forum bentukan Ezra, tandingan dari 6 rekrut komunitas.
Ketika aku membaca The Atlas Six, buatku buku itu sangat memukau, karena jarang sekali aku membaca fiksi yang didalamnya ada fisikanya. Setiap karakter pun unik, dan aku langsung memuja dinamika hubungan dua fisikawan terpilih, Nico dan Libby.
Plot twist di buku penutup seri ini sungguh menghancurkan hatiku. Tidak menduga akan seperti ini Olivie membawa seri favoritku ini. Itulah alasan kenapa aku tidak memberi 5 bintang, seperti pada kedua buku pendahulunya.
Ini buku ketujuh Olivie yang aku baca, dan aku masih memberi buku ini 4 bintang dengan kelebihannya, menurutku pribadi. Begitu banyak filosofi hidup dan tingkah laku dasar manusia yang diselipkan dalam buku-bukunya, si Olivie ini, itulah yang paling menarik buatku.
It kinda hurts to write this, because The Atlas Complex was one of my most anticipated reads of this year. Unfortunately, the end to Olivie Blake's trilogy is a long, overly preachy, repetitive, albeit beautifully written conclusion to the six magical lives first introduced to us in 2020.
For the first 3/4 of this book, literally nothing happens. We jump from character to character, listening to their condescending inner monologue as they trudge around in circles...waiting. Waiting for what, exactly? Waiting for their shitty mentor to turn up & tell them what to do, to come home? Waiting for someone else to break their moody, pretentious silence between one another?
I love these characters. I still do. They are what Blake got so, so right in The Atlas Six, & they're still here in the Atlas Complex. Still the fucked up dysfunctional toxic little guys we all grew to love, but they're just NOT DOING ANYTHING.
I did finish this book (although I considered DNFing at least 7 times), & even the ending was preachy & boring. I don't know what else to say, except this book made me want to read the first one again, & then stop myself from waiting & pining over this book's release.
Ah well, onto the next!