Average rating3.4
Excepcional. Una trama densa, repleta de detalles, que comienza con relativa simpleza pero que a medida que pasan los capítulos se va complicando cada vez más, va tomando mas cuerpo. Los demonios se vuelven meras herramientas de una conspiración mucho más grande, menos macabra, pero igual de letal.
Y el final... EL FINAL!! Me dejó los ojos abiertos como platos. Cuando pensás que ya nada más va a suceder, que toda la historia está cocinada y lista para envolver, un último párrafo se encarga de poner la vela sobre el pastel y hacerte rogar por, al menos, un libro más.
So I gave in and finished it but I don't really know why tbh. Like I said we're following to many perspectives and I found myself not caring for any of them. So yeah all in all I'm just really disappointed by this. I really wanted to love this. It had so much rooting for it but for me it just didn't deliver. 😔
What do a cop, a corrupt ex cop now working for the Mafia and a female Pinkerton Detective have in common? They are all trying to find the notorious axe murderer in New Orleans.
So New Orleans 1919 and there’s a serial killer on loose, sign me up, sounds great!
But I don’t really get into it, it’s too slow, nothing really at stake. No suspense and no thrills. Another book that makes me go meh, has such a promise though. Feels like a book I will forget I ever read before the year is over.
I did like the characters but I think they could have popped more, if the axeman gets them… oh well.
Wait, what? It was THE Louis Armstrong? Why?!
Historical Crime! With Louie (LEWIS) Armstrong! and a lady detective!
It all tied up a little neatly, but nicely atmospheric - I want this to be a series!