Average rating3.5
I flipped a lot between 2 and 3 stars. I really enjoyed the story, but was increasingly irritated by how it was told.
I didn't read this back to bank with the 1st book, so I had to very a feel for the characters again, which is normal. The random switching off characters made this difficult. I felt like a detective for the first half of the book just figuring out who was narrating a specific piece. This was made even worse by the way the author suddenly switched between the characters present and a story from their past. The book took a lot more energy to process then it should have.
Saying all that why did I give it 3 stars? I still want read the next book and see how it ends. As annoying as the writing was at times, the characters still pulled me in. I care how their story ends.
Man, talk about trepidation. Did I want to pick up this book? Was there any chance it could live up to The 5th Wave? Slim to none. But man, I wanted to find out what happens to the Earth. I wanted to know if we ever figure out what the aliens want with the Earth, why they're eliminating humanity in the way they are. So, prepared to be disappointed, I cracked the cover.
And Yancey doesn't try to match – or even try to top – The 5th Wave. He writes a very different book. Not one that grabbed me as thoroughly, but one that works in its own way. Where The 5th Wave was a bullet train that you just tried to hang on to – The Infinite Sea was roller coaster you're riding while blindfolded – the ride lopping, diving, screaming around a corner with no warning, leaving your stomach behind you.
Yancey can't even give us a Prologue to reorient ourselves to this world, to get our feet under us so we can say, “Oh yeah, this is what's going on...” before resuming the action. Sure, it starts to seem like that, but nope. He's right there to pull the rug out from under us at the first possible moment, in a way that catches the reader just as off-guard as the bits of remaining humanity will be.
I read some criticism lately about The 5th Wave that complained about the lack of motivation given for the aliens to do what they're doing – it makes no sense, and therefore the reviewer couldn't buy into the book with a motive-less enemy. But to me, that's why the book worked. Humanity doesn't understand what's going on, so there's no reason we human readers should either. Try as they might, there's just no figuring out what's going on other then their great need to survive.
On the whole, we spend time with the characters we met in the first book, those that survived – and, in flashbacks, some that didn't, Cassie, Sam, Ben/Zombie, and a few others I won't name because I can't be sure I won't spoil something by doing so. We say good-by to some of them, too. We meet a few other characters, too. Some of which we'll see again. It's that kind of series. But we get to know almost all of them better, the last book was all about getting to know a couple of these characters really well. This time, we get backstories on everyone, even if it's pages/paragraphs before they die. This is important, I feel more grounded in this world the more I get to know characters who aren't Cassie, Evan or Ringer.
And we get some more mature, experienced – and in some cases, informed – hints at what's really been going on. Still, not enough to placate that other reviewer, I bet – or, really anyone. At one point, Cassie's complaining about her interactions since Day 1 with Evan.
Every time I edge too close to something, he deflected by telling me how much he loved me or how I saved him or some other swoony, pseudo-profound observation about the nature of my magnificence.
modus operandi
También en: El Extraño Gato del CuentoReseña Primer Libro “La Quinta Ola”Reseña sin ningún tipo de spoiler Una de las cosas que no hago últimamente es leer una saga seguida, empiezo el primer libro y por más que me guste mucho el siguiente demora en llegar a mis listas de lectura, no importa a veces que el libro me haya encantado o que toda la serie ya esté publicada, puedo aplazar la lectura. Raro, lo sé. Sólo que yo tengo una debilidad: los desastres y los problemas. Y ¿qué más tiene problemas, desastres y angustia que una invasión alienígena? Lo maravilla de los ebooks es que no tengo que esperar hasta que el libro llegue (si es que llega) a mi país o la editorial se apure en traducirlo, por lo que inmediatamente después de terminar The 5th Wave, devoraba The Infinite Sea.Esta segunda parte es mucho más delgada que La Quinta Ola, me sorprendió y decepcionó un poco porque quería pasar al menos dos días en compañía de Cassie y todos los demás, y al final solo pude pasar unas pocas horas con ellos. Claro, eso no quiere decir que no hayan valido completamente la pena. No quiero revelar nada a los que no leyeron el primer libro, así que si no leyeron el primer libro, al menos lean mi reseña de The 5th Wave, y luego regresen. ¿Ya está?En la reseña del libro anterior dije que había algo que no me convenció del todo en la historia ¿Por qué los aliens no atacan y acaban con todos los humanos de una vez? ¿Es solo crueldad? Aunque mi duda no está del todo resuelta, hay una revelación en El Mar Infinito que no sé qué tan cruel es o qué tan bueno desde algún punto de vista, supongo que desde el más romántico (y no me refiero al romántico de cursi, sino al de idealismo). Solo diré que todas esas objeciones que tuve con la trama bélica del primer libro fueron apaciguadas en esta secuela.Definición: HistéricoUna ya está acostumbrada a que las distopías acaben con nuestros nervios, es como un requisito si quieres ser una buena distopía. Yo terminé riéndome con The Infinite Sea, no porque sea malo, le puse 4 de 5 estrellas, sino porque era eso o ponerme a llorar. ¿CÓMO ES POSIBLE RANCEY? ¿CÓMO? ¿DESPUÉS DE TODO? ¿CÓMO TE ATREVES A REVIVIR UNA DE LAS SENSACIONES MÁS CRUELES QUE ME DEJÓ OTRO FAMOSO LIBRO DISTÓPICO PERO NO MENCIONARÉ PORQUE NO QUIERO QUE CREAN QUE LOS COMPARÓ? ¿EH?Si han visto algún programa de asesinos seriales (Criminal Minds ♥), mencionan que los asesinos seriales (algunos) tienden a entrar a la casa de su próxima víctima y hacerles notar su presencia, no lastimarlos en ese momento, sino sólo quitarles la sensación de seguridad; porque si no puedes sentirte completamente seguro en tu casa ¿dónde más? Te preguntarás a que viene todo esto, te diré que el señor Rick Yancey destruyó mi sensación de seguridad. Varias veces.Yo creía que ya sabía una cosaYancey: ¡PUM, NO!Ya están salvoYancey: ¡PUM, YA QUISIERAS!Después de todo, todo salió bienYancey: ¡PUM, JAJAJA SONSA!No es justo, porque ni en los malos se puede confiar ya.Siempre me encantará leer a CassieEl escritor repite su fórmula de cambiar de perspectiva, solo que esta vez usa a otros personajes y el maldito lo hace tan cruelmente. Lo bueno es que seguimos teniendo como una de las voces principales a Cassiopea, una de las voces más ligeras y entretenidas de todas las distopías que leí hasta ahora ¿No sé si te has dado cuenta que los narradores de distopías son bien densos y estresados? Sea hombre o mujer pero Cassie no, por eso me gusta mucho leerla porque al menos para mí se me hace muy relajada.Ahora este Gato está desesperada por el tercer libro, que solo sé se publica en 2015 y quieren que esperé. Estoy segura que Rick Yancey está riendo en su casa rascándose la panza.Twitter Blog Pinterest Tumblr Instagram
Setelah baca buku 2 semakin suka sama seri ini. Sbnrnya ada yg msh membingungkan untukku, ada sedikit penjelasannya di buku 2 ini namun aku blm ngerti sepenuhnya.
Ada penjelasan mengenai apa yg diunduh ke dlm tubuh org2 spt Evan Walker, dia itu manusai, sekaligus bukan manusia. Awalnya stlh diunduh dia tertidur, kemudian dia akan dibangunkan & mempunyai tugas sbg silencer, atau dikenal dgn gelombang 4.
Namanya juga sistem ada failure nya, Evan Walker ini adlh failure, knp dia menjadi berbalik melawan apa yg menjadi tugasnya.
Di buku ini lebih byk POV dari Ringer, kita jd kenal lebih dekat dgn Ringer & jadi tau nama aslinya.
While Cassie's parts were painstakingly boring, I loved the new POV of Ringer and even little Poundcake. I was starting to hate Cassie's obsession with Evan but you come to realize it's a great plot tool to explain why love is such an important emotion in this book. Ringer was by far my favorite character in this book, followed by Poundcake and then Ben. I can't seem to grasp the Cassie-Evan relationship, honestly. I like them much better than Cassie-Ben, but meh.
The pacing of the story and suspense were great, especially those last couple of heart pounding and heart breaking pages.
The Infinite Sea was a book that I had high hopes for. I thought that the first book, The 5th Wave was an excellent book. It had excellent characters, with excellent pacing and motivations that were unclear in the best way. You never knew if the characters were being true to each other or even themselves. So when I began to read the next book, I had very high hopes for it.Did it disappoint? Somewhat, but I'm not sorry about it.
To get the negative out of the way, I think that this book is having a case of Middle-book-itis. This is where a book in a series tries to get us from A to point C and the B portion just seems to get lost in the middle. This book is filled with lots of characters asking existential questions about humanity that can get a little boring and cause the book to drag in terms of pacing, especially towards the end. I also thought that the ending was a little odd with the twist, which I won't spoil. I think these are the reasons that I give it a four out of five.
But don't let that scare you. This is still a very good book. It has the ability to have very good imagery, and symbolism. It also is a book that has to be read in the best way. It is still a very good book that I highly recommend. I give it a four out of five.