Average rating4
Un début de saga sympathique, amusant de voir toute la mythologie grecque transposée dans notre époque (et de bonne manière encore) et de redécouvrir tous ces mythes. Pour ce premier tome les personnages sont encore légers à mon goût, mais l'intrigue est par contre elle extrêmement bien rythmée et menée. On verra ce que donne le reste ;)
It's interesting how cyclical culture can be. When Harry Potter first came out, I recall a lot of people being upset at the similarities between Potter and the Tim Hunter stories. Neil Gaiman, author of the latter, rightfully came to the defence of the Potter books, saying that both he and Rowling were just pulling from the same cultural touchstones and working in the same genre of YA heroic fantasy.
Now, reading a lot of the comments on the Percy Jackson books, I see a lot of people who read Harry Potter being upset that Riordan was copying what Rowling did. I'll admit that there are some similarities, but it's more that they're both modern urban fantasy based on a Campbellian model of the hero's journey, rather than any intentional ‘copying'. In fact, if I had to pick something to compare this to, it would be to describe it as a YA version of American Gods, albeit it one that focuses exclusively on Olympian gods rather than multiple pantheons.
The really selling point of the book, though, is the character of Percy himself. He brings a refreshing level of sarcasm and humour to what could have been a fairly staid story, and keeps you interested in the larger world.
love this series XD
the suspense makes me feel suffocated
I picked up this book after reading the fairly high acclaim it received on this site. Unfortunately, I abandoned it about 5 chapters in. There is too much derivative work in this book: an orphan/child-with-one-parent discovers his magical destiny via intense instruction. Honestly, I found myself replacing Greek gods and mythology with British wizards and re-reading a dumbed down version of Harry Potter.Don't get me wrong - derivative work, in and of itself, is not a bad thing (I look to [b:Wicked 37442 Wicked The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (Wicked Years, #1) Gregory Maguire http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255675230s/37442.jpg 1479280] as a good example of an obviously derivative work that forged a drastically new path). However, I don't see enough unique content in this book to be excited about.
Loved, loved, loooved this book! I am so happy that I FINALLY decided to read Percy Jackson. I enjoyed every single page of this book and it is such a nice and easy read - obviously, it's meant for kids mostly, but I'm a kid at heart, okay?
I am so excited to read the next book in the series and dive deeper into the world of Percy Jackson.
Loved the mix of real-world elements and Greek mythology. I really enjoyed the quest and seeing how the monsters blended into places around the country. Medusa and The Lotus Hotel were my favorites.
DNF at about page 100. The writing was fine but I guess Greek mythology just isn't my thing.
So my experience with this franchise was an interesting one, I started with the two movies, read the books when I was in 4th grade and now I'm rereading them as a sophomore in college for nostalgia and the new series coming out,
I have to say this book is fantastic but everything happens so quickly, I read most of it over the course of one day but also that might be because they are kids books lol, overall a fantastic book and I've already started sea of monsters (side note is it weird I find ares hot lol)
This book is still so, so good. The description is great when it needs to be, and the story and action just flow. I didn't realise how much of the book was set up before the main plot gets going, but it's worth it for the emotional payoffs throughout.
I liked this book, but I feel like I would have liked it a lot more if I had read it years ago. I will definitely read the second book in the series, but I'm not sure if I will continue with the series after that.
Extremamente nost??lgico. Tem tanto charme quanto eu me lembrava, com uma ??tima constru????o de universo e uma ??tima explora????o dos arqu??tipos dos deuses e seus monstros.
H?? certos problemas na tradu????o (de quest??es adaptativas ?? um ou dois casos de uma frase estar faltando palavra ou simplesmente n??o fazer sentido - ?? bom notar no entanto que nada disso implicou na minha nota ou opini??o em geral) que provavelmente pertencem ?? primeira edi????o e talvez tenham sido corrigidas em edi????es futuras.
Meu c??rebro lembrava de v??rios momentos do livro mas havia confundido a ordem dos mesmos: cenas que eu achava que aconteciam no segundo livro aconteceram no primeiro e vice-versa.
Ansioso para reler o resto da s??rie.
When I first started reading this book I found it to be a quick yet enjoyable read. The idea of half blood gods piqued my interest and I thought it was clever the way Riordan worked in the dyslexia and adhd. As the story progressed? Honestly I grew frustrated with the characters. Key behaviors antagonists displayed gave away what creatures they were yet the kids continued to fall for trap after trap. Now I understand this is set for a younger crowd, so maybe at the appropriate reading level the audience would be just as stunned as the characters in each situation, but I wasn't impressed. The plot also seemed rather repetitive with these frequent encounters and I found it odd that the kids, knowing they needed to rush to complete their quest, stopped to sightsee. I think I will stick with the movies and forgo the rest of the books.
Ce tome 1 est très introductif, on découvre Percy ainsi que Annabeth et Grover. Tout va assez vite , on sent la littérature jeunesse mais grâce à ça, on se retrouve vite plonger dans l'aventure
this was awesome, it's incredible how much reading this when i was 9 altered my brain chemistry forever
My nephew was reading this because we bought him the series. He asked me to read it with him so I did. I totally found myself enjoying this book. This was so much of a blast of a book to read. As I was reading this book, I remember what it was like to be a kid again. This book really made me feel like I was reading for fun again. Percy Jackson and his friends really were just like any other kids, but have all these weird and crazy things happen to them because being kids of Gods, nothing is ever simple.
Percy Jackson doesn't seem to be having a good day or even a good week when we first meet him. He seems like a kid who has been hallucinating. Only problem is that Percy is not imagining or hallucinating the things he sees. Percy doesn't realize that what he is seeing is real. This was really well done and well played. He thinks that he is going crazy. I would too if I saw the things that he saw in the book.
Plus he has to deal with his mother, and Grover telling him some pretty crazy things about him being the child of a god. He also finds that Grover is a satyr and has to bring him to a place that houses half-bloods like himself. Nothing is ever easy because every mythological creature is after him and he doesn't understand why. I thought that the first few chapters were very action packed. Percy and Grover definitely seem to have an adventure with a minotaur and all the craziness indeed. Percy doesn't really know what to do, but he manages to defeat him. Him and Grover somehow manage to make it to Camp Half Blood.
At Camp Half-Blood, Percy discovers a whole lot of things about who he is related to and not in a good way through a lot of different actions. Plus, there a lot of children who are like him, Half-Bloods, Half-God, half-humans. I thought that the other children were interesting and our great. I totally find that Annabeth was a lot of fun (plus she is a NY Yankees fan, so I like her immediately). He finds out through an accident that he is the son of Poseidon. So of course, things get more interesting.
Percy gets accused of doing something that he didn't know. This leads to a crazy quest of course for him. I totally find how fun the quest was for Percy and his friends. The other Gods seem determined not to help him or setting him up for their own nefarious purposes. Some of the Gods want Percy to fail or die. He has decided to take on a hero's journey which is never easy. I totally love the quest and all the crazy things that he has to experience along with his friends. The aspect of the mythology was great. Plus, the use of the God's themselves was something that I didn't expect. I find that this series charming and I am glad that my nephew asked me to read it with him.
this book was BORING!!! this is most definitely made for kids... the writing was bland.. did not even feel nothing for the characters whatsoever!
This middle grade is loved by everybody but sadly it wasnt for me.
I'm not very good at this so I'll keep it brief. Like some kind of idiot, I watched the movie long before I read the book. As a matter of fact, I still haven't finished the books because of a particular event that happens in the fifth one...I digress.
Anyhow, this is a book that I'd happily read again, hence the 5 stars. My initial reaction to the book was ‘I'VE BEEN LIED TO!' because I thought the first movie was good and was content with the information I had received from the movie and the fandom. But then I read the book. It is far better. I particularly like the titles of the chapters and Percy's little quirks. And Luke. Luke is my baby.
TL;DR: I watched the movie first, the book is better, shame on me.
3.5 stars
It's a good introduction on getting people interested in Greek mythology. Has enjoyable characters, monsters, and adventure. Some of the humor wasn't for me, and the middle dragged on a bit, but I liked it well enough.
Uno de los mejores libros que he leído, en la relectura no empeoró y me hizo recordar que cosas que me había olvidado
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this with my son. He has been running around with a ballpoint pen uncapping it and calling it Riptide. It is a great intro to Greek myths. But a little too predictable if you are an adult.
My rating is based on the level of fun I had reading it with my son. For an adult I'd probably rate it a 3 - a solid like but not the best book I've ever read.
Percy Jackson is just wonderful. And hilarious. And awesome. And brave. And amazing. And yes, I'm totally crushing on a twelve year old fictional kid, buT HE WON'T BE TWELVE FOREVER!
And, so, yeah, you can't tell me what I can't do!
This reread of the book wasn't as good as my first read, because I wasn't actually that much in the mood to read it, but I'm pretty sure that's because I've gotten a bit tired of the movie version because it's always on TV, but reading this again was lovely. It made me realize once again how much better the book i than the movie. Like so much. Like A LOT a lot. You know?
Just read fucking Percy Jackson.