The Maze Runner
2009 • 386 pages


Average rating3.7

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If you enjoyed the Hunger Games series, you should enjoy this.

August 18, 2011

Very interesting plot, very immature writing style. Probably better categorized as a middle grade book.

May 14, 2015

This book was okay, not great, just okay. I didn't particularly connect with any of the characters and while the story did keep me interested, I didn't care for how it ended. I don't think I'll be reading the prequel/sequels (unless I can pick them up as cheaply - $1.99 - as I did this one.)

January 7, 2013

Well written story and interesting characters but felt frustrated at having no clue what was going on overall, even after the story ended. Felt little emotion that I should root for the characters.

January 21, 2013
July 25, 2014

Enjoyed this book. Was pretty fast paced. Not mind stretching really but a enjoyable read. Half way through I started to wonder if the end would be a disappointing, but I felt it ended well. Think I'll keep reading the series.

August 1, 2011

My daughter encouraged me to read this before the movie comes out next week.

September 6, 2014


January 1, 2016
April 7, 2015
July 1, 2014

Lu juste après avoir vu le film, le livre est clairement plus intéressant et fouillé. La mise en place des personnages et des lieux de l'intrigue est bien ficelée, même si l'on reste avec énormément de questions à la fin du premier tome, mais ça ne donne que plus envie encore de lire la suite :)

October 24, 2014
August 11, 2011

This got really upsetting near the end. Still a good rood but I finally figured out the genre when I closed the book. Survivor-horror.

April 10, 2014
December 15, 2017
July 28, 2013
August 8, 2016
December 19, 2014
February 15, 2015

Review :

August 25, 2014
December 5, 2011
January 14, 2014
Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter
October 13, 2014
April 16, 2012

I read this book to my son, and we both really enjoyed it. We are excited to see the movie in September.

May 20, 2014

Very low 3 stars

September 13, 2016