Average rating4
This is the best one yet! I loved following Amanda as she was discovering what was happening. I was suspicious of everyone including Amanda because we are so inside her head that it is hard to know if she is a reliable narrator or not. The ending was a total surprise! It all made sense and I could see how people go to those ends. There are plenty of secrets and bad decisions to go around, but that doesn't leave me hating any of the characters. The author did a good job making the characters feel human.
I don't think any of Hallett's books will live up to The Appeal for me, but this one comes in at second place.
The mystery was interesting and there was a great mix of media formats, which is Hallett's way.
I will say even thought it was interesting it did get a little bit sloggy towards the end so was perhaps a bit too long.
Wederom geweldig en een ware pageturner.
Het mysterie was buitengewoon intrigerend en misleidend. Samen met het formaat van sms-berichten, e-mails en transcriptie zorgde dit voor een constant gevoel van onheil, waardoor het buitengewoon moeilijk was om het weg te leggen.
Ik wist vrij snel dat Amanda niets goeds van plan was met betrekking tot Oliver, maar wauw, dat einde zag ik niet aankomen.En ja, dit was verre van realistisch. Neem bijvoorbeeld de algemene resolutie van wat er met de baby is gebeurd. Hoe rechtvaardigt een doorgewinterde agent het doden van al deze mensen, niet alleen voor zichzelf, maar ook voor alle mensen die hem daadwerkelijk helpen, alleen maar om 1 persoon in de gevangenis te houden?! Hoe denk je dat die families zich voelen???
Deze puzzel was echt overheerlijk en ik ben zo'n fan van deze auteur. Ik kan nu al niet wachten op haar volgende boek!
janice hallett is incredible. this story is so complex!! i'm going to be thinking about this forever
My interest in reading mysteries is narrow and specific–I like reading about cults but not murder, so this was sort of borderline for grabbing my interest. But the mixed media/found media format was overall cool and made it read really quickly. I think when I got to the end and stopped to think about a few things they didn't necessarily add up, but also while I was reading I couldn't be bothered to question anything bc I was reading too quickly.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Great cover on this one.
The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett is a gripping and intelligent fictional true-crime novel that maintains a thrilling and suspenseful atmosphere from start to finish.
Written entirely in interviews, emails, and WhatsApp messages, which may seem unusual to some readers, but it works exceptionally well in this story. The plot unfolds as Amanda Bailey, a true-crime author, and her rival Oliver Menzies try to locate the Alperton baby who has turned eighteen and can finally be interviewed.
The plot is well-paced and engaging, with intriguing characters, and plenty of twists that keep readers invested throughout. The author has done an excellent job of building suspense while revealing shocking truths about the Angels that are darker and stranger than anyone could imagine.
Overall, The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels is an intelligent and engaging read. It's an exceptional work of writing, that I highly recommend to those who enjoy crime novels.
ARC Via NetGalley