Average rating3.8
recenzie pe larg https://bloguldesefe.ro/2021/01/24/zorii-noptii-de-peter-f-hamilton/
Amazing, and introduction to a fascinating series, the interweaving stories starting 30 years before the present and even touching before they start to converge. The scene setting is descriptive and character introductions give the impression that Hamilton hadn't decided who would die when he wrote them giving a good ‘Anyone Can Die' feel initially though later on some characters are obviously not expendable (yet). The only downside is a few just-in-time/just-to-late coincidences, and these look to be expanded further later
While the enemies could (crudely) be described as “fast zombies with superpowers” initially it doesn't stay that simple, and will be the crux of the series
FINALLY finished this. It was a very long book with more characters then you could ever imagine. So many in fact that I had to buy the companion book just to help remember. Think of all the characters that appeared in TWoT and put them all in one book and you still wouldn't have as many as this. Most of the characters end up being entertaining even though everyone, especially Joshua, are the horniest people in the galaxy. Seriously, Peter Hamilton has a serious sex fetish. Of 1,100 pages I would say 100-150 is dedicated to sex or the desire to have sex.
All that being said this book is the most epic book I've ever read. Everything about is just huge. I think on a reread I'd end up giving it 5 stars but the first 200 pages of this book was really hard for me to get into. I was very surprised about the horror elements in this book but I absolutely loved it. I wish there was more of it. I'll definitely be continuing this series and will probably read everything by Hamilton.
pretty good, maybe ill finish the rest of the series one day when im old and dead.