Average rating3.8
This was a great book! I loved the atmosphere so so much. The ending was beautiful!
It's a very easy-to-read book in my opinion! Lots of stuff happening and you just want the answer to the mystery
Powerful characters! Strong sense of place. Very emotional. I saw the twist, but didn't see the ending coming. I really like Shea Ernshaw!
Normaal ben ik keihard fan van sfeervolle verhalen, maar dit boek was naar mijn smaak te atmosferisch. Het kwam eerder pretentieus dan transporterend over. Alles werd met weliswaar sierlijke zinnen beschreven, maar in plaats dat het me hielp te verdwijnen in de tekst, werd ik er rusteloos en ambetant van.
En dan zijn er nog de buitensporige hoeveelheid aan metaforen en vergelijkingen, die met mate kunnen helpen de juiste toon te zetten, maar hier werd alles zodanig uitgesponnen tot ellenlange paragrafen met beeldspraak, dat het mij vermoeide.
Het verhaal zelf sleepte zich bijgevolg tergend langzaam voort op deze omslachtige stijl, maar was inhoudelijk nogal kaal en voorspelbaar. Er was nochtans genoeg afleiding door alle metaforen, maar het lag er wat te vingerdik op, waardoor ik al vanaf het eerste moment had geraden hoe de vork aan de steel zat. Neem daarbij nog het instalove element en het feit dat het titulaire WINTERWOOD slechts een minimale cameo maakte, en ik bleef voornamelijk met een teleurgesteld gevoel achter na het uitlezen van dit boek.
3.5 stars
I love books about witches. And I love books with creepy woods. This book has both.
I really liked Nora, and I loved the setting. It was just a bit slow in spots.
Nora Walker is a witch, one in a long line of witches. They have lived in Fir Haven for as long as people can remember....under whisperings of how the forest spit them out.
Only under a full moon can a walker enter the woods while the forest sleeps...and come back out unscathed. It is during these trips that Nora finds lost things and brings them home. On one such trip however, she finds a boy...one who has been missing from the camp across the lake for 2 weeks. How is it he has survived that long and is still alive? What secrets lie beneath his hooded eyes?
Another beautifully written and wholly emersive read. This author has a way with words and these pages breathe atmosphere. It did take me a little bit to get into this one (which was the same with Wicked Deep) BUT once I get into this poetic type flow the book sails quickly.
I did enjoy Wicked Deep a tad more than this one. I also figured out the mystery well before finishing the story. However, that being said, it didn't take away from the overall feel and I enjoyed watching the mystery unfold. This would be a good one to read for Spooktober.
Por dios. Este libro es tan atrapante desde el primer momento que me costaba soltarlo cada vez. Está muy bien escrito y desarrollado, y si bien el plot twist del final se puede intuir, te pega tanto como si nunca hubieras sabido nada. En serio, qué pedazo de arte. Amo.
I can't believe it took me so long to finally read this book. The eerie snow covered setting, the mystery, the characters! All of it was well written. Perfect for the first snow day of the year! Honestly, I wish I was Nora Walker. Though I do wish there was a little bit more of the after. I really want to know what happens to some of the other supporting characters and how they get along with Nora.
But seriously, if it is snowing near you or you live near some spooky old woods. Please read this book. Made me want to pack up my life and go live in the woods forever.