World War Z

World War Z

2006 • 355 pages


Average rating3.9

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February 25, 2013

Hit and miss, some stories were interesting, others I found a bit boring. I definitely prefer a book with an overarching storyline, something this was missing almost entirely.

March 18, 2021

Great book!

July 11, 2013

Gee and I are listening to this on car/plane trips, since everyone else has read it (reading peer pressure!). It's interesting in parts, and really boring in others, though the actors reading it are pretty great (Mark Hamill! Henry Rollins! Jon Turturro!)

March 10, 2010
October 18, 2014
April 24, 2009
January 1, 2018

I never thought I would like a zombie book, but this book was really amazing!

March 1, 2008
April 11, 2016
August 1, 2007

I hoped this book would be the one that made the like zombies...nope. Probably great in some people's opinions, but I found it horrendously boring.

August 7, 2014

Good stuff, but what makes it so good also hurts it a little bit. The lack of tying in the narrative to core protagonists breaks it up a little too much. But still - great read, lots of fun.

November 27, 2010
July 1, 2014

Taking this book on face value it was an entertaining read. I had read other reviews indicating the book was scary. I didn't get that from it. There were some chills but nothing scary. I would recommend this the friends.

August 20, 2010

This was a 3.5 for me. Really enjoyed the different take on a zombie breakout and the style of storytelling

June 10, 2014

I started reading this book back in November and stopped after about 2 weeks. I had trouble getting into the story. I will probably try reading it again over the summer. It is an interesting take on zombie stories and I have heard good reviews about the book.

November 22, 2011
January 19, 2013

This was one of my favorites when I was in HS, too bad it turns out Max is a pretty disapproving person in real life...

January 1, 2024

Not a huge zombie fan, but a really cool idea, telling individual war stories. A fantastic read.

June 30, 2013
July 1, 2013
May 23, 2013

This book was good but it was hard to keep reading. I kept putting it down and then picking it up later. Because of the style of the book you don't lose anything by doing that. So I read passages while in between other books.

January 26, 2012
John WilkerSupporter

I'm not a huge Zombie fan. Like couldn't care less about Zombie stuff, the genre is just so played out. BUT. This was a good read, it wasn't over the top zombie and it didn't make it sound like the world is a bunch of idiots who can't escape a shuffling horde.

November 1, 2008

This is a very good book although i would describe it as more of a fictional retrospective look at the zombie apocolypse in a documentary style.

I'd definately recommend it as it gives an international perspective to the zombie apocolypse rather than the usual small town or group scenario.

July 21, 2013