Really a pymc tutorial. Read with students over the summer school. Lots of misinformation and many mistakes to be a real book about probabilistic programming.
A book of wildly varying quality with a huge amount of repetition (one could easily cut out 1/3rd of the book without losing any content). It's a collection of independent chapters about about half of which are good.
Chapter 13 by Lynette A. Hart and Mariko Yamamoto was notably so bad I wanted to throw out the book and give it 1 star. It's a mixture of infantile observations – like the fact that dogs are good companions because they can't speak so they can't offer opinions, how deep! – and ablist views of people with disabilities.
A fair book significantly marred by the author pushing their own fringe agenda and research.
This is a cookbook in the sense of ‘what to type in to do X' instead of ‘how to do X'.
I was hoping to learn about evidence-based software engineering. There is a lot of random stuff in this book, but one thing that there is virtually nothing of is a discussion of evidence-based software engineering. It reads like the appendix to the book it wants to be.
Instead of just saying what it wants to say, it commits to a tedious convoluted metaphor.
A terrible biased book. It completely overlooks slavery, redlining, and discrimination. But it goes out of its way to praise banks like Wells Fargo for lending to “ethnic minorities”. A bank that apologized for taking humans as collateral for loans...
Useful, worth a read, but written in a repetitive and tiring manner with shady statistics.
Boomer doomesday science fiction. Peppered with an overuse of “like” to make you forget how out of touch with reality the author is.
Starts with a whirlwind tour through a distorted neocon pop history where only America has agency. There are no arguments in the book, there's no evidence, it's just science fiction written as fact. A world where diversity is weakness, where fascism will work well in the future because it helps the economy, where Millenials are “entitled and lazy”, where America “rubs out” Mexican culture from immigrants as if washing away dirt, where whiteness is the top prize that no one should unfairly “redefine”, where all countries want to irrationally commit suicide but are held at bay by American might, where Greece is a “basket case” and no more than a “historical doormat” and a “failed state”, where the EU's hope for survival is a bailout by the British, where the only option is “neo-imperial control” instead of cooperation and mutual growth, where the countries with access to raw materials are the ones that will prosper (ironic, given that all evidence shows this is the opposite), where Europe only excels at “less complicated manufacturing”, where colonial empires are the future and local people don't matter. The author even has the gall to make a map that shows half of Poland as being in the Russian sphere of influence, a nice shoutout to his pro-fascist viewpoint. Never mind that he's anti green tech because of “the weather”.
Poorly written drivel.
Some ideas are interesting and important, but the writing is lazy, the facts are sloppy, and the story is disjointed. It would have been nice to see a more polished work.
Maybe it's me but I really did not like the style where we switch between POV characters all the time instead of telling a single engaging and coherent story.
Aside from being badly executed, this book reads as if it was written before the pandemic happened. Nothing we learned about pandemics in the past few years is included in the book. It's almost surreal how out of touch the book is.
An awesome premise! But it's wasted on a strange form of fiction following various animals around. It felt lazy and repetitive.
Love the documentaries. The book reads less like a novel and more like the notes from a TV script.
Tries to pack in too much and consequently ends up saying too little. Bland generic advice without context and depth.
An evil soulless warmonger recounts his time in an administration that is as corrupt as it is incompetent. The book itself has no narrative, no point, just a constant boring stream of events poorly told with a singular agenda: trying to settle scores with this and previous administrations while absolving the author of all of the disasters that he directly contributed to. In a just world, he and all of his fellow enablers of a criminal president would be rotting in jail now.
This is not a book, it's a long and tedious list of random stuff loosely organized into chapters. It's the most bored I've ever been reading something fascinating.
A beautiful and funny case study in the insanity of the Libertarian movement. A disaster both from an economic point of view, all it did is destroy the local economy. And a disaster from the community point of view, instead of a peaceful town it descended into vigilante justice.
An amazing book that puts Columbus and the “discovery” of the new world by genocidal maniacs into context. You should skip the last two chapters, they might as well be from another book. A pretty crazy one.
A collaborator attempts to whitewash their actions and pretend, likely to themselves, that they aren't propping up an evil machine. Anyone lacking self awareness while serving a callous and destructive leader could have written this generic and bland book as a way to soothe their conscience. If Trump is the danger that the author claims he is, and the book is very inconsistent on this, claiming at times that Trump would never leave office while at other times that we should support him as the president, why would anyone work for him to ensure that his policies go through and that he continues to hang on to power. The author(s) claim to have a background in history, but they ignore the most basic lessons of political history: a large number of corrupted collaborators always prop up a smaller and evil leadership.