


ByGeorge Orwell

1949 • 5,782 Readers • 328 pages 4.2


#3 of 6 in Abhorsen

ByGarth Nix

2003 • 225 Readers • 368 pages 4.3

A Blade So Black

#1 of 2 in The Nightmare-Verse

A Blade So Black
ByL.L. McKinney

2018 • 63 Readers • 384 pages 4.2

A Girl Is a Body of Water

A Girl Is a Body of Water
ByJennifer Nansubuga Makumbi

2020 • 36 Readers • 487 pages 4

A Great and Terrible Beauty

#1 of 3 in Gemma Doyle

2003 • 261 Readers • 403 pages 3.6

Akata Witch

#1 of 3 in The Nsibidi Scripts

Akata Witch
ByNnedi Okorafor

2011 • 295 Readers • 349 pages 4

Alanna: The First Adventure

#1 of 4 in Song of the Lioness

1983 • 301 Readers • 274 pages 4.1

Alice in Wonderland / Through the Looking Glass

2 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

1865 • 794 Readers • 254 pages 4

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

#1 of 2 in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

1864 • 907 Readers • 132 pages 3.9

All the Weyrs of Pern

#11 of 22 in Pern

All the Weyrs of Pern
ByAnne McCaffrey

1991 • 55 Readers • 404 pages 3.7

American Gods

#1 of 2 in American Gods

American Gods
ByNeil Gaiman

2001 • 2,613 Readers • 635 pages 4

Cover 4

#1 of 1 in Anne McCaffrey's Dragonflight

Anne McCaffrey's Dragonflight #1
ByBrynne Stephens(Adapter),Lela Dowling(illustrator)

1991 • 19 Readers • 136 pages 4.2

Archivist Wasp

#1 of 2 in Archivist Wasp Saga

Archivist Wasp
ByNicole Kornher-Stace

2015 • 47 Readers • 256 pages 3.2

Artemis Fowl

#1 of 8 in Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl
ByEoin Colfer

2001 • 108 Readers • 283 pages 3.6


#1 of 2 in Ash

ByMalinda Lo

2009 • 137 Readers • 264 pages 3.7


#2 of 4 in Southern Reach

ByJeff VanderMeer

2001 • 491 Readers • 352 pages 3.4

A Wizard Abroad

#4 of 9 in Young Wizards

A Wizard Abroad
ByDiane Duane

1993 • 34 Readers • 280 pages 4.1

A Wizard of Earthsea

#1 of 6 in Earthsea Cycle

A Wizard of Earthsea
ByUrsula K. Le Guin

1968 • 1,478 Readers • 210 pages 3.9

A Wrinkle in Time

#1 of 5 in Time Quintet

A Wrinkle in Time
ByMadeleine L'Engle

1962 • 1,393 Readers • 247 pages 3.8

Battle Magic

#3 of 2 in The Circle Reforged

Battle Magic
ByTamora Pierce

2013 • 27 Readers • 430 pages 3.8

Beauty Is a Wound

Beauty Is a Wound
ByEka Kurniawan,Annie Tucker(Translator)

2002 • 40 Readers • 470 pages 4.3

Beetle & the Hollowbones

2020 • 32 Readers • 256 pages 4.4

Binu and the Great Wall

#9 of 16 in Canongate's The Myths

2006 • 2 Readers • 224 pages

Bitter Seeds

#1 of 3 in Milkweed Triptych

Bitter Seeds
ByIan Tregillis

2012 • 86 Readers • 484 pages 3.9


#1 of 6 in Miriam Black

ByChuck Wendig

2012 • 80 Readers • 264 pages 3.4

Black Sun

#1 of 3 in Between Earth and Sky

Black Sun
ByRebecca Roanhorse

2020 • 724 Readers • 464 pages 4.1

Blood Follows : A Tale of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach

#1 of 7 in The Tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach

2002 • 23 Readers • 121 pages 3.8


ByTamora Pierce

2009 • 14 Readers • 551 pages 4.2

Blood of Elves

#1 of 5 in The Witcher

Blood of Elves
ByAndrzej Sapkowski

20 • 922 Readers • 416 pages 3.9

Blood will follow

Blood will follow
BySnorri Kristjansson

Bloody Bones

#5 of 30 in Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter

Bloody Bones
ByLaurell K. Hamilton

2005 • 58 Readers • 328 pages 3.8

Bone Collector's Son

2003 • 5 pages

Bone, Vol. 3: Eyes of the Storm

196 Readers 4.1


#1 of 5 in The Borrowers

ByMary Norton

1952 • 97 Readers • 191 pages 3.7

Brave New World

Brave New World
ByAldous Huxley

1930 • 3,027 Readers • 332 pages 3.9

Broken Curses

#3 of 3 in GloomCookie

Broken Curses
BySerena Valentino

2004 • 2 Readers • 144 pages

Buffalo Soldier

Buffalo Soldier
ByMaurice Broaddus

2017 • 12 Readers • 145 pages 4

Cover 6

1 Call of Cthulhu RPG

2016 • 9 Readers 4

City of Ashes

#2 of 6 in The Mortal Instruments

City of Ashes
ByCassandra Clare

2007 • 797 Readers • 465 pages 3.7

City of Bones

City of Bones
ByMartha Wells

1995 • 104 Readers 3.8

City of Bones

#1 of 6 in The Mortal Instruments

City of Bones
ByCassandra Clare

1999 • 1,352 Readers • 485 pages 3.6


#4 of 6 in Abhorsen

ByGarth Nix

2014 • 119 Readers • 416 pages 3.7


ByCherie Priest

2011 • 41 Readers • 201 pages 3.6


ByNeil Gaiman

2001 • 1,335 Readers • 176 pages 4.1

Courtney Crumrin, Vol. 1: The Night Things

#1 of 7 in Courtney Crumrin

2003 • 14 Readers • 128 pages 3.8

Deadhouse Gates

#2 of 10 in Malazan Book of the Fallen

Deadhouse Gates
BySteven Erikson

2000 • 418 Readers • 614 pages 4.2

Dealing with Dragons

#1 of 4 in Enchanted Forest Chronicles

Dealing with Dragons
ByPatricia C. Wrede

1990 • 211 Readers • 232 pages 4.1

Deep Wizardry

#2 of 9 in Young Wizards

Deep Wizardry
ByDiane Duane

1985 • 42 Readers • 197 pages 4

Delicious in Dungeon, Vol. 1

#1 of 14 in Delicious in Dungeon

Delicious in Dungeon, Vol. 1
ByRyoko Kui,Sébastien Ludmann(Translator)

2015 • 50 Readers • 192 pages 3.7

Cover 4

ByKurtis J. Wiebe, Tess Fowler

1 Reader 5

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

#1 of 3 in Dirk Gently

1987 • 561 Readers 3.9


#1 of 3 in Divergent

ByVeronica Roth

2011 • 1,815 Readers • 487 pages 3.7

Doll bones

Doll bones
ByHolly Black

2013 • 64 Readers • 228 pages 3.6


ByAnne McCaffrey

73 Readers 3.7


#1 of 3 in Dragonriders of Pern

ByAnne McCaffrey

1968 • 404 Readers • 347 pages 3.8


#20 of 22 in Pern

ByTodd McCaffrey

2008 • 16 Readers • 538 pages 3.6


#2 of 22 in Pern

ByAnne McCaffrey

1971 • 132 Readers • 374 pages 3.9


#1 of 24 in Pern (Chronological Order)

ByAnne McCaffrey

1988 • 82 Readers • 483 pages 4

Dragon's Fire

#19 of 22 in Pern

Dragon's Fire
ByAnne McCaffrey,Todd McCaffrey

2006 • 15 Readers • 366 pages 3.7


#4 of 22 in Pern

ByAnne McCaffrey

1977 • 82 Readers • 288 pages 4


#1 of 3 in Harper Hall of Pern

ByAnne McCaffrey

1976 • 132 Readers • 176 pages 4.2

Dread Nation

#1 of 2 in Dread Nation

Dread Nation
ByJustina Ireland

2018 • 245 Readers • 464 pages 4.2

Dreams of Shreds and Tatters

2015 • 9 Readers • 255 pages 4.5

Dust of Dreams

#9 of 10 in Malazan Book of the Fallen

Dust of Dreams
BySteven Erikson

2009 • 194 Readers • 816 pages 4.3


#1 of 1 in Elatsoe

ByDarcie Little Badger

2020 • 294 Readers • 368 pages 4

Ella Enchanted (Ella Enchanted #1)

316 Readers 4

Envy of Angels

#1 of 7 in Sin du Jour

Envy of Angels
ByMatt Wallace

2015 • 42 Readers • 227 pages 3.8


ByTed Chiang

2008 • 910 Readers • 208 pages 4.3

Fragile Things

Fragile Things
ByNeil Gaiman

253 Readers 3.7

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 5

#5 of 27 in Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 5
ByHiromu Arakawa,Akira Watanabe(Translator)

2003 • 41 Readers • 204 pages 4.5

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 6

#6 of 27 in Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 6
ByHiromu Arakawa,Akira Watanabe(Translator)

2003 • 31 Readers • 186 pages 4.5

Gardens of the Moon

#1 of 10 in Malazan Book of the Fallen

Gardens of the Moon
BySteven Erikson

1999 • 1,180 Readers • 559 pages 4

Gideon the Ninth

#1 of 4 in The Locked Tomb

Gideon the Ninth
ByTamsyn Muir,Jelena Katić Živanović(Translator)

2019 • 1,661 Readers • 448 pages 4.1

Golem in the Gears

#9 of 43 in Xanth

Golem in the Gears
ByPiers Anthony

1986 • 30 Readers • 256 pages 3.3

Cover 3

#1 of 5 in Grand Guignol Orchestra

Grand Guignol Orchestra, Vol. 1
ByKaori Yuki,Camellia Nieh(Translator)

2009 • 2 Readers

Grasshopper Jungle

#1 of 2 in Grasshopper Jungle

Grasshopper Jungle
ByAndrew Smith

2014 • 29 Readers • 388 pages 3.8

Gunnerkrigg Court, Volume 1: Orientation

#1 of 8 in Gunnerkrigg Court

2007 • 23 Readers • 296 pages 3.8

Half World

Half World
ByHiromi Goto

2010 • 9 Readers 3.5

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

#2 of 8 in Harry Potter

1998 • 4,198 Readers • 332 pages 4.2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

#7 of 8 in Harry Potter

8 • 3,719 Readers • 784 pages 4.4

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

#4 of 8 in Harry Potter

19 • 4,000 Readers • 752 pages 4.4

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

#6 of 8 in Harry Potter

8 • 3,745 Readers • 672 pages 4.4

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

#5 of 8 in Harry Potter

8 • 3,829 Readers • 896 pages 4.3

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

#3 of 8 in Harry Potter

8 • 4,153 Readers • 547 pages 4.4

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

#1 of 8 in Harry Potter

1997 • 5,440 Readers • 309 pages 4.3

House of Chains

#4 of 10 in Malazan Book of the Fallen

House of Chains
BySteven Erikson

2002 • 279 Readers • 678 pages 4.3

Howl's Moving Castle

#1 of 3 in Howl's Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle
ByDiana Wynne Jones

1986 • 1,265 Readers • 448 pages 4.2

Ice Massacre

Ice Massacre
ByTiana Warner

2014 • 16 Readers • 375 pages 4.3

Indistinguishable from Magic

Indistinguishable from Magic
ByCatherynne M. Valente

2014 • 1 Reader 4

Industrial Magic

#4 of 12 in Otherworld

Industrial Magic
ByKelley Armstrong

2004 • 34 Readers • 528 pages 4.1


#2 of 3 in Divergent

ByVeronica Roth

2011 • 1,107 Readers • 544 pages 3.6

In the Hand of the Goddess

#2 of 4 in Song of the Lioness

1984 • 144 Readers • 232 pages 4

Into the Land of the Unicorns

#1 of 5 in The Unicorn Chronicles

1994 • 23 Readers • 176 pages 3.6


#1 of 5 in Jackaby

ByWilliam Ritter

2014 • 146 Readers • 299 pages 3.8

Jade City

#1 of 3 in The Green Bone Saga

Jade City
ByFonda Lee

2017 • 1,437 Readers • 498 pages 4.1

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

#1 of 1 in Strange & Norrell

2004 • 1,245 Readers • 865 pages 4

Karen Memory

#1 of 2 in Karen Memory

Karen Memory
ByElizabeth Bear

2015 • 64 Readers • 346 pages 4.2

Kiki's Delivery Service

#1 of 6 in 魔女の宅急便 [Majo no Takkyūbin]

Kiki's Delivery Service
ByEiko Kadono,Lynne E. Riggs(Translator)

1985 • 141 Readers • 164 pages 4.1