Average rating3.5
cozy and cute. the Christmas episode in every anime. the themes of recovering from loss were well represented ❤️
This should've been a short story on a blog or on released on Kindle Unlimited. This did not deserve to be its own book. This is basically just one long epilogue.
“You were born on the longest night of the year.” His fingers again stroked down my back. Lower. “You were meant to be at my side from the very beginning.”
enjoyed the story as I have been, but I am not a huge fan of the constant switch of perspective.
Is write a review, but there's no point.
Nothing effing happened.
So a review would be a waste of time and unnecessary.
I felt bad having put off reading this book for months, but not anymore.
But I give it 3 stars anyways bc it's Sarah J Maas and I am trash.
This was a nice filler in between series. The war is over so everyone is now trying to start their life over after the aftermath. A few things pop up that will be major things later on. It's not an action packed book and I wasn't expecting it to be. SJM stated way early on that it wasn't a full book. I enjoyed seeing all the different POV's. Sort of like a preparation for the spin offs. I may have teared up a time...or two. You could probably skip this and just wait for the next series to start if you aren't a fan of novellas..but i'm a fan so why the fuck wouldn't I? Plus I enjoyed it. So a win all around for me.
It reads a bit like a Christmas themed fanfiction. It's a sweet story with warm fires, snow, good food and gift giving. It's cute but has little purpose beyond letting the characters heal a bit and setting up the next book. It was a nice comfort read but it also reaffirmed for me that I am happy to move on to a different series and author for a while.
I'm so conflicted about my feelings for this book right now. On one hand, it was great to meet my favorite characters again and see how they are doing after the war. But, I didn't feel so connected to them this time around.
It was cute to see some Feysand fluff, just watching them interact and make plans for their future. The whole Winter Solstice celebrations and the gift exchanging scene was heartwarming and sweet and brought some much needed smiles to both the characters and myself.
It was also interesting to see what's going inside the minds of Cassian and Mor and get to know some of their backstory, their insecurities and vulnerabilities. Elain seemed like a much more rounded character for the first time in the series. I have never liked Nesta much and this book had nothing that made me change my opinion. I'm also quite disappointed that there wasn't much of Lucien and the little he was in showed him in a not so flattering light.
All I can say at the end is - this book has some cute, funny, very sweet moments, the much awaited “Wall Scene”, some great bonding between Rhys, Cass and Az, lot of contemplation about the past and future by the characters, possible troubles brewing that might spill into the next books, but not a whole lot of plot. Nothing truly happens through the book. But it was still a small peek into the Inner Circle's lives and it really felt good.
PS: I probably need more time to think before I write a much more coherent review and not just this rambling nonsense above.
Not sure what the point of this book was for. There was no plot and some portions read like fanfiction. I really wouldve thought this would be a chance to delve more into the Nesta issue.
I just really hated it. Sorry not sorry.
So. This book lacks plot. The characters felt flat and ugh i just have irritations about it xd
This book does have:
- Feyre darling
- gentlemales
Read for Bookoplathon 2021 - 48 hour round
I know this novella is hated on a lot but I honestly really enjoyed it. Was there a point? Definitely not. But I'm such a character driven reader, that seeing some of my favorite characters go about their lives makes me feel so fuzzy inside.
Love that SJM was like “you know what doesn't exist in books, and what we need more of? Christmas specials.” And then she just went and wrote it.
A nice sneak-peek into the lives of the characters after A Court of Wings and Ruin. Not as good as the other books, of course, but it's still nice to see how they've been doing. I can't wait for the series to continue
3.5 stars.
It was a nice and sweet read. It was so nice to go back to our characters after the previous book and see how they were doing. On the other hand, this book doesn't add anything to the story arc, because it's more focused on relationship building. Last but not least, I am always kinda disturbed by the word ‘mate' and how it is used here. I think another word to describe this magical and deep bond should be used. In the Italian translation, I liked that they used “my other half”, because also in Italian the word “mate” is used in other contexts, which do not fit what the author wants to describe here.
Another note, sex and intimacy scenes could be just left hinted for our imagination, because they are badly written.
So this didn't really have much of a plot. It was more reflective in nature, which is understandable, given that its a novella. That being said, it took me longer than I wanted to finish it because I couldn't just binge read it, but I did love being able to read from the perspective of some of the side characters in the ACOTAR books.
This book did a great job closing the door on the Rhys/Feyre saga and setting us up for Cassian and Nesta! The last two paragraphs were so bitter sweet!
Absolutely nothing happened. Why build a fantasy word only to talk about the mundain.
Shopping,cooking,drinking wine, and painting rooms isn't what I was here for.
This removes any emotional depth to any of the events of the previous book.
Personally, I found it really hard to get into this book despite easily reading the others in 2 days. Also, I usually only stick to the main books but thought I would give this one a try. It was a mistake. It is not one that needs to, or should, be read and also not much happens so it's all good.
Goh, wat was het punt van dit boek, zeg? Er gebeurde letterlijk niks en ik vond het eerlijk gezegd pokkesaai.
En wat is er met de personages gebeurd? Velen waren maar gereduceerd tot één kenmerk, waardoor ze slechts nog kartonnen versies waren van degene die ik uit de eerdere boeken kende.
Het was ook overduidelijk de bedoeling dat we heel veel sympathie voor Nesta gingen gaan voelen, want dit wordt blijkbaar één van de hoofdpersonages voor de volgende boeken in de serie, maar ik vond haar eerlijk gezegd maar een irritant, gemeen kreng.
Deze korte novelle heeft er eigenlijk voor gezorgd dat mijn goesting in deze serie volledig is vervlogen. Het kan me eigenlijk niet veel meer schelen en ik betwijfel of ik verder tijd en energie in deze serie ga steken.
En om mijn eerste vraag in deze recensie, over wat nu juist het punt van dit boek was, te beantwoorden, het punt was duidelijk om onze portefeuilles te openen en ons warm te maken voor de boeken die nog gaan volgen. Op mij heeft dit duidelijk het omgekeerde effect gehad. Ik denk dat ik er klaar mee ben.
You cannot convince me this was not ghost written by a fan to give SJM more time to write the next book. It's that's bad.