Average rating4.1
Well THIS book was amazing in more ways than one. A queer retelling of Dracula written in a way that keeps you GLUED to the page. There's darkness, there's gothic themes, there's sapphic romance, the prose is BEAUTIFUL, I feel like I'm reading a classic and yet it was only released late January 2021. WOW. So many of the other reviews here do this masterpiece of a book more justice than I think I would, and at risk of literally repeating the overflowing praise that this book absolutely deserves, I will simply include my reaction the ENTIRE. TIME. I. READ. IT.
Another 4.5 but I'm rounding up.
This book released almost a year ago and I've know about it for a while too, but I thought it was a horror novel by looking at that cover and never thought of picking it up. It's really not the sort of cover I gravitate towards and the vibes felt totally off. But I kept seeing it on so many favorites list, so I thought I have to give it a try. And wow was I immensely wrong in my initial assessment.
I got a shock when the story started off in second person because it's been a while since I've read a full book written that way. But I was immediately enraptured by the gorgeous prose and then I couldn't put the book down. The author is also a poet and it just reflects in every word, which is enchanting and makes you feel every beat and emotion that the narrator is feeling herself. And underneath these enthralling words is a world of abuse couched as love, where love and violence go hand in hand, where sacrificing your everything in the name of love feels empowering until it doesn't. This is a story about power and agency and love, in all its bloody and gory detail and you will not be able to escape its clutches.
Constanta is used to her life, living as her sire/husband wants her to, believing that his wants and desires are hers as well, making herself small and letting him feel powerful. But her life changes when they are joined first by Magdalene and then Alexi. She has an innate protective nature and when starts feeling helpless in her own life, she makes it her duty to ensure the safety of the other two. She may be the quieter and reserved of all of them and the one who defends and bends to their sire the most, but she has a quiet strength about her which finally compels her to take action. While we encounter Maggie's effervescence and Alexi's innumerable charms, as well the unnamed sire's ever changing moods - what really remains with us at the end is how steady Constanta is throughout and how she is the thread keeping them all together.
In conclusion, I went into this one with hardly any expectations and probably more skepticism, but the author surprised me with beautiful prose, characters who shine through the pages, and themes of abusive and obsessive love which just hit you in the feels. The audiobook is also very well narrated, capturing Constanta's emotions perfectly and it definitely enhanced my love for the book.
This book is one I could read over and over and over again because it is just so masterfully done. It is a work of art. The subtle aggressions of a toxic, abusive relationship that were explored in here were so relatable and the character dynamics were so well crafted. Who doesn't want a queer, historical retelling with vampires that does violence and smut equally well and explores important topics?
Wow. I didn't really expect this, but I ADORED this book! I loved the new take on Dracula's story and - even more - I LOVED his companions. His gentle, caring and mostly complacent wife Constanta. Energetic and passionate Magdalena. Bold, daring and entertaining Alexi. The bonds between each of them and their individual characters. I felt connected to them.
This book was like a sneak peak into their lives and S.T. Gibson made it feel like it was history, rather than a fantasy book. Or.. more like an old memory I used to be a part of, but had forgotten due to all the time that had passed. This book blew me away. If I hadn't been forced to lay it down because of life in the real world, I would have read it in one sitting.
The writing is beautiful, a bit inconsistent at places and parts of this book made me realise I was not the intended audience, but the story was really good. I think what bumped my initial score of a 3 to a 4 was the second half. The character progression of Constanta and her relationships with the others was really well written. I wouldn't mind a full length novel to continue where this story left off.
Stunning. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Yes. Read it. Just do it.
And no. You don't HAVE to have read ANY classical vampire stuff prior.
Op zich heb ik deze wel graag gelezen, maar ik werd niet echt van mijn sokken geblazen.
Het is heel mooi en meeslepend geschreven, in een bijna lyrische stijl. De atmosfeer die wordt gecreëerd neemt je ook meteen mee.
Het verhaal zelf is wel een beetje saai. Er gebeurt niet zo veel en uiteindelijk heeft gans het vampieren gebeuren bitter weinig impact op het verhaal, behalve dan dat onze personages een onnatuurlijk lange levensspanne hebben.
Meer heb ik hier helaas niet echt over te zeggen. Gewoon een middelmatig boek voor mij.
this was so perfect and erotic mmfmfnfnfj i literally teared up at the end this book is amazing wow
4.75 ⭐️ Love, love, love!!! This was such a well written book that I stormed through it was an interesting perspective that created beautiful story telling that lead to intense feeling and connection with the book.
The only part I don't LOVE was the ending, I think it was a sweet (in a character fitting way) good ending BUT it simultaneously felt out of place with the rest of the book just because of the more intense descriptors.
Would absolutely recommend!
This is a layered and empowering retelling of the Dracula story. It's not a gore fest but has enough murder and mayhem to carry the story quickly to the conclusion we all see coming. It's a great ride!
3.8 - very much enjoyed the writing in this! It's a super easy and accessible read (really should t have taken me two-three months to read lol). I'm glad I read it but not quite a 4-5 star read for me.
oh wow, this is EVERYTHING I love
gothic, sapphic and polyamory but also the representation of domestic violence is depicted in such a subtle yet stifling way
Overal a good book! Liked the characters alot, the only thing that's making me not give it 4☆'s is the sexual scenes. But that's honestly more of a personal ick
An interesting take on Dracula's brides. I liked the way it felt like we were simultaneously reading a journal entry/confession/love letter for the duration of this book. It held my interest from start to finish as I read it in one sitting. I feel like I'm still processing it. I don't think I loved it, but I also didn't hate it. It existed and told me a story, but it won't stick with me.
I should just avoid vampire books because apparently I don't appreciate them the way they want to be.