Average rating3.5
I felt that the whole backwards telling ploy thing really distracted from the story. It took me a few minutes each time to get back into the plot and I kept back tracking.
I was disappointed with the ending, but this was a good book and I was very spooked by the whole thing.
Read my review on my blog here: https://theconsultingbookworm.wordpress.com/2016/09/01/all-the-missing-girls-megan-miranda/
I had a very hard time with this book. It is written backwards. That makes it choppy, disjointed, difficult to follow, and confusing. Almost 70 to 80 % of the book is this way. The characters were not likable. The end of the book was better. The pace was faster, it was easy to understand, and I liked the plot at the end.
This book was okay for me. As someone who struggles with ADHD and memory, I was constantly feeling like I was missing things. I couldn't remember characters or the plot due to the backwards telling of the story. While I love the idea of the crime being told backwards, it was incredibly hard to remember over the span of days. If I had to read the book again I would wait until I had one full day to dedicate to it. This is a book that I feel would have been better had I read it in one sitting.
The structure of this being told in reverse caused more confusion than cleverness. The characters were not interesting to me at all and I couldn't have cared less at the end what happened.
3.5 stars. I listened to this audiobook, and I didn't really like the narrator. Think I would have enjoyed it more if I had read it.
Recensie van audioboek (via Storytel)
Het verhaal werd achterwaarts verteld, waardoor het soms wel moeilijk volgen was. Door deze stijl voelde ik mij eigenlijk ook nooit betrokken bij het verhaal of de personages. Telkens we terug een dag achterwaarts gingen, had ik het gevoel dat ik de personages opnieuw moest leren kennen. Los daarvan wel een behoorlijk verhaal, dat de gimmick eigenlijk niet nodig had.
This book hooked me almost immediately and I stayed up most of the night reading! Lots of twists and turns-and this is one I didn't figure out halfway through the book. Great characters. Believable dialogue. Enjoyed every minute I originally picked this up because I got an advanced copy of The Perfect Stranger but I loved this! I also already finished the second book review to come!
4.5 this was so so good and i enjoyed it so much it would've been a 5 however the ending had me with a few questions still and i wish it would've been a chapter longer it did answer about 80% of my questions and it half way answered them just not fully is the reason im knocking half a star off.
I felt that the whole backwards telling ploy thing really distracted from the story. It took me a few minutes each time to get back into the plot and I kept back tracking.
I was disappointed with the ending, but this was a good book and I was very spooked by the whole thing.
This book was somewhat hard to follow due to the timeline and how it goes backward. I wanted to stop listening halfway through but I trudged on to finish. The ending way okay. It wasn't that unbelievable or that great of a reveal to the secrets of the past. Nicolette's cheating on Everett with her old boyfriend seemed like overkill, but it was made necessary to the plot which made it all worse.
It was not awful, but honestly, it was too intricate for me. At some point, I guess I just stopped caring. Ok, maybe it was him or her or whoever, just let me get back to my coffee.
I really wanted to like this one. I loved the creativity with the backwards timeline reading but it still fell flat for me. The entire book was build up and the ending felt completely rushed and parts of it didn't make sense as part of the twist. I had issues with the MC too and just didn't like her. This is the 2nd one for me by this author and while I love her storylines it seems a pattern of slow reading and rushed endings.
Ini pertama kalinya aku membaca sebuah buku dimana plotnya merupakan plot mundur secara konsisten. Awalnya memang kejadian masa kini, kemudian melompat ke 15 hari setelahnya. Selanjutnya momen2 harian diceritakan berurut secara terbalik, hari ke-14, ke-13 hingga hari ketika semuanya dimulai.
Misterinya memang menarik, namun pengungkapannya kurang spektakuler menurutku. Plot twist sebenarnya bias lenih menarik lagi, siapa sebenarnya yg membunuh Corrine ataupun Annalaise. Setelah Gone Girl maupun Dangerous Girls plot twist All The Missing Girls terasa kurang menggigit. Namun gk berarti aku gk suka. Buku ini termasuk favoritku, jarena plot mundurnya tadi.
Ada satu hal yg juga sangat berkesan. Buku ini bukan novel romance, namun kisah antara Nic & Tyler diungkapkan sedemikian rupa sehingga terasa menyentuh. Yap gk harus romance ala Sparks untuk mengungkapkan suatu kisah cinta yg indah, suatu kisah yg cukup realistic pun bisa indah.
Buku ini bahkan tidak berfokus pada Nic - Tyler, namun berfokus pada masa lalu Nic, apa2 yg telah dia tinggalkan ketika dia meninggalkan kampung halamannya 10 thn lalu, tanpa menoleh kebelakang. Kita akan diajak untuk melihat apa yg telah hilang dari hidup Nic 10 tahun lalu, kakak, sahabat & kekasih masa SMA nya yg semuanya terhubung kembali dgn hilangnya 2 org gadis.
Truly, a 1.5 star book.
I'm not sure why every book day these days has “girl” in the title when the book is about women. But, that's not the reason for the low rating as the publisher could have been behind such a ridiculous title (and only 2 “girls” are missing!).
An unreliable narrator can be an excellent way to sustain suspense, but, if the narrator is unreliable because the author decided to attempt a backwards chronology and ended up with a sloppy mess, then the reader doesn't know if the narrator is unreliable or not. How, for example, does Nic Farrell forget for the better part of two weeks exactly how her frenemy, Corrine, died, along with a million other things? One can only imagine what an awful counselor Nic is since she can't have a conversation with anyone without snarling at them.
There is very little likable about any of the characters, except Nic's Dad, mother, and unfortunate fiancé and they, like every single character, are cardboard. In fact, characters seem to devolve as the book progresses, even though we're theoretically having more and more unveiled. And, we're supposed to believe that all of these people are awful because everyone is a monster. Yay!
And, what about the small town? Usually, small towns are full of interesting characters, quirky customs, etc. What we have is a town where the fair comes once a year! Omg, that never happens anywhere else in the United States!!!!
The writing style reminded me of the “Twilight,” in which vocabulary is limited, conversations are choppy and generally arguments or mooning over nonsense, and is akin to very bad 9th grade books that one writes for fun.
Honestly, just don't bother. I told my Mom how awful it was and she borrowed it, likely because it's a quick read.