Average rating3.6
Devoured this in half a day, couldn't put it down.
Jess needs money so enrols in a psychiatrist's warped experiment.
When things spiral out of control, it's riveting to see how she extricates herself from the clutches of Dr Shields.
A real page turner!
This authors are getting better and better with their books. This one was intricately crafted and had me sitting on the edge until the very end. I think that now is safe to say I'll be purchasing their upcoming books without any doubt.
The book on the doctor's nightstand is Middlemarch. The themes of that novel are the nature of marriage (who deserves to marry whom), morality, hypocrisy, self-interest, and the status of women. Well played, Greer and Sarah. I see you.
A gripping and thrilling second book! I enjoyed this one much more than A Wife Between Us. Well developed characters and writing that kept you on the edge of your seat.
Did I miss something here? This was nearing 400 pgs of paper garbage in my hands.
Glad everyone else had an apparently amazing time
I knew what the end result would be, but I didn't know who would end up with that result. So I enjoyed the whole thing. It is a slow building dread instead of all our terror. Even when a secret is revealed, there is still more to reveal.
I read it in two days, so it is definitely a page turner!
Recensie van audioboek (via Storytel)
Ijzersterk audiobook. De vertelstem voor Dr. Shields is gewoonweg geniaal.
Het verhaal zelf was eerder zozo.
Het idee was heel boeiend en in het begin zat er enorm veel dreiging in het verhaal, maar de ontknoping vond ik nogal matig en suf. De ontknoping kwam ook denk ik net iets te vroeg om de dreiging te kunnen blijven aanhouden.
A great thriller! Began at a moderate pace but with enough to keep my interest but then the second half really held me as I could not put it down until all the pieces came together. Highly recommended.
[b:An Anonymous Girl 39863515 An Anonymous Girl Greer Hendricks https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1546956642s/39863515.jpg 61659722]To say I inhaled this book is a gross understatement. I sat down and didn't stop reading until I finished it. I ate dinner while turning pages and I think everyone thought I have lost my mind. To my defense sanity is over rated. After reading The Wife Between Us I knew I had to read this book. You know when you have a book immortalized in your mind and you can't wait to read it. Yet you fear it may not live up to the hype. No problem with that here this book holds true to ever bit of praise that it has gotten and the praise it will continue to get. Remember the rules: Be open and truthful, and avoid pivoting away from any embarrassment or pain these questions provoke. Jessica Farris a makeup artist sneaks herself into an ethics and morality study in order to earn some extra income. I was able to immediately put myself in her shoes. The initial questions had me wondering how I would answer. Each chapter is crafted to keep the story moving flawlessly until the nail-biting end. Jessica becomes obsessed with this study and questions herself at every turn. The chapters alternate beautifully between patient and doctor and you can't seem to pick sides. After the first 12% all you want to do is find out what the motives are for each person and what each has to gain. Jessica and the Dr are such well thought characters that you can picture them clearly in your minds. That being said Remember the rules: Be open and truthful, and avoid pivoting away from this book. Pick it up. Read it and review it. Share it with friends. 5***** for my first all nighter of the year. Side note this is in talks to be a TV show. YES PLEASE!!!!
This book was absolutely amazing. The audiobook had me hooked from the beginning. Definitely have to read more from this duo.
this was super intriguing but I wasn't wowed by the ending & found it a little disappointing/lackluster
I'm on the fence with this one. The climax was, well, anti-climatic, and the ending was out of character for the main character.
I didn't really enjoy their first book that much, but I thought I would give this one a shot. Turns out I shouldn't have. I may give them one more chance, but who knows
If a book falls into the mystery or suspense genre, there should be a little mystery and suspense. It was a quick read, but I also guessed the ending within the first 25 pages. Not unenjoyable, but also nothing spectacular. It kept my attention enough to finish in 2 days. So there's that.
4/5 Stars
Coming out of 2018, one of my favorite reads was The Wife Between Us, by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkan. I mean I loved this book. So upon choosing my Book of the Month for December, I jumped at the chance to get An Anonymous Girl.
This story follows Jessica, a 28-year-old makeup artist who, quite frankly, is not the most financially stable. In fact, she's struggling pretty hard with money. When one of her more privileged clients shrugs off the opportunity to collect the $500 from a psych study, Jessica immediately crafts a plan to obtain the place in the study and ultimately, the money. Claiming that the original participant sent her as a replacement, Jessica finds herself in a 2-hour-long study calling for 18-32-year-old women. She figures by completing a few questions, that she will collect the money and go on her merry way. However, the questionnaire isn't as peachy keen as she anticipated. The questions start to become more invasive, more personalized to her experiences. Jessica definitely has that weird gut feeling that something is a bit...off about the questionnaire but she brushes it off, hopeful upon completion.
Soon after completion of the study, she is invited back to complete a follow-up portion. The study continues, and soon she is tasked with dressing a certain way, acting a certain way, etc. all as part of the “study”. What Jessica does not know is that Dr. Shields has taken a personal leave from work to focus only on her; that she's being used as bait for Dr. Shields's own relationship insecurities. As Jessica starts to get deeper into Dr. Shields's confines, she starts to question whether or not she can trust the doctor's motives or not.
Now this story definitely kept me flipping through pages. (Fun fact: this was also my first completed read of 2019!). Hendricks and Pekkan sure do know how to craft an eerie thriller. Again, I tend to compare a good thriller to Lifetime movies (I know that does not say much for some, but there's definitely some eerie thrillers on Lifetime). I liked that within the first 100 pages, Dr. Shields's creepiness and darker motives started to surface. I felt as though the pace of this book was spot-on; there was not too many slower points, or points where I felt as though the authors skimmed over any significant details. I did, however, find myself lost at one or two points when there was references to the past “victim”. If I were to recommend one of this duo's books, it would definitely be The Wife Between Us.
the first part of the three parts left much to be desired. i made several attempts to persevere and it didn't feel worth it. the reviews made me come back to it cause it felt like I was missing out. And honestly, the latter halves were much better. it felt incredibly thrilling and i could feel the anxiety and the danger. it was basically a bit of a mind fuck. that's not to say that some bits weren't predictable and some other bits didn't leave me asking ‘why', but the good bits more than made up for it and rendered it a redeemable experience.
An Anonymous Girl was.... okay? If I was to give it a grade, I'd say it was a solid C. Average, but C's get degrees, right? I like a good, high-stakes thriller and I just... didn't feel it. It all just felt kinda.. flat. It was a decent read but nothing special, in my opinion.
Solid 3.5, maybe almost 4. Very stalker-crazy-borderline-obsessive-many-names for the regular girl, but well built and interesting. Also, in the end every single human being seems equally fragile, imho.
I really enjoyed the journey of this story until about 200 pages in. At that point nothing surprised me anymore and I felt like I knew everything that happened before it got there. I'm usually a pretty easy person to shock during thrillers because I suspend my disbelief and I don't try to guess things because I want to experience the thrill, but this book was just so predictable. The last 175 pages felt lack luster and like pure filler trying to make the book longer. It could have been a much shorter book and I think that would have prevented the ending from being such a yawn fest.
Do you notice the symbolism? The colors we chose are yin and yang. They represent beginnings—including Christenings and weddings—and endings, such as funerals. Black and white also are opponents in a chess game. Fitting, given what will occur shortly.
This book.
What a ride.
This review can also be found on my blog.
cw: sexual assault, infidelity, domestic abuse
disclaimer: I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for review consideration. All of the opinions presented below are my own.
This story starts out with a somewhat intriguing, if not complete exciting, premise. At first it's difficult to figure out where things are going, but things begin to fall together soon enough – at least, that's what we think. I was impressed with the twists in this, although the ending does leave something to be desired. I felt things were tied up a little too nicely and a little too quickly, so I didn't end up feeling very satisfied by it. Overall, though, it's a quite compelling read and worth picking up.