Behind Her Eyes

Behind Her Eyes

2017 • 384 pages


Average rating3.7

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4.5✨ find my full thoughts in my latest reading vlog where i tried to predict the twists before they happened!

September 4, 2020

Having already seen the show kinda ruined this book for me lol but I still enjoyed it

August 26, 2023
February 19, 2019

I cannot even come close to describing the shock of this ending.

Left me speechless and more than a little disturbed.

Wow. Simply wow.

Utterly readable.

August 14, 2017

I didn't like that there was nothing to guess at leading up to the reveal - and there don't really seem to be clues along the way. It feels like they came up with a twist and then just added it to the last 20 pages.

February 27, 2022

Yes, I liked THAT ending, but to me 80% of the book seemed like a soap opera, and I didn't quite enjoyed it. I still think it's worth a read, if you can get pass more than half of the book.

March 3, 2021

Solid 4 stars because everyone was right - there's no way I could have imagined that twist at the very end. Nicely done as a memorable thriller, and it's the perfect vacation read.

August 4, 2017

What did I just read?? I enjoyed this book. But, I don't think I have read anything like this in a long time. Definitely did not see that end coming. If you enjoy psychological thrillers with a twist, then this is your book.

March 17, 2017

Saw the twist at the 50% mark. Fairly generic & annoying characters (especially Louise) sums up this book.

July 9, 2022
October 7, 2022

What the WHAT!

February 15, 2017

Just when I thought the story was getting a little long, the author???s twist hit and left me making ridiculous shocked faces as I read the final chapters in public. A fun, quick, and engaging read.

July 9, 2018

3.5 rounding up to 4

February 20, 2023

Contains spoilers

March 21, 2019
March 25, 2019

Disappointing... so many people raved about this book.
The ending was well...unbelievable.

November 9, 2023

Very weird. Very bizarre. I enjoyed the supernatural aspect to it, but I totally understand why people didn't like it because it is not realistic.

Although not totally sure how I felt about the fact that it was Rob in Adele's body the whole time - uncomfortable but also like whatttttt.

December 30, 2021
January 14, 2020

oh my fuckin god. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT.

January 10, 2023
July 18, 2018

I don't usually read these but everyone talking about the show. I didn't like any characters (part of why don't usually read these) but liked the twists in the plot. The end was very much like the credits in Wild Things.

May 26, 2021
October 1, 2018
January 7, 2023
February 22, 2017
July 10, 2017