Average rating4.1
When I read a really good book, I can't seem to put it down and can easily finish it within a day or two if I want to. Which is exactly what I did with the first two books of this trilogy. Now, this final book? This final book was so good that I found myself putting off finishing the last 25% of the book because I wasn't ready to be done with the characters and their world.
As sad as I am to be done with this series, Marie Lu made it so worth it to finish. I have never been so emotionally invested and satisfied with the ending of a story. I kept bracing myself for the worst and thinking I had things figured out, only to be whipped over to a new possibility that I hadn't thought of.
Devastating, exciting, joyous– these characters and their stories will stick with me for a while.
I scream for everything that has gone wrong. I scream for everything broken in our lives
Legend is definitely one of my favorite series. I just love Marie Lu's writing style. Love it.
But this final book was much too hopeless and incomplete. Everything was wrapped up too quickly. I barely got into the atmosphere of the book before it was over. And that open ending.... I was like: “No, no, no, not this again (thinking of Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins)! I need a happy ending. June and Day deserve a happy ending!”
I enjoyed this as a part of the trilogy, but I don't think it delivered enough closure, not for me, at least.
I must say that Champion was a wonderful conclusion to this action packed, romance filled, and political read. This book had much more of a political side than any of the others. I think the way I described it was exactly how each book went individually. The first one was very action packed with all of the hardships that each character had to go through to become who they are. The second book had a lot of romance with June and Day. They even had other side romances that intertwined with Tess and the Elector. Then the third one was full of the hardships that the Republic is going through. This made politics become a big part of Champion.
In Champion, Day and June are pretty much separated for most of the book. After Day found out that he is dying, he decided to let June take the job where she will be by the Elector's side most of the time. This would of made it difficult for them to see each other anyway. Day tries to forget about June and let her do her job.
This novel had much more of a political side. It was nice to see that history does pretty much repeat itself to a small extent in this book. When reading it, it reminded me a lot of the history that has happened in the past with the USA. It may not be as drastic but the same ways that they deal with issues like war have pretty much transferred over. I guess you wouldn't think much since that is how they are still solved today? You use what you know and the tactics that have been used in the past to write about.
As selfish and weird as it sounds, I would of liked more with June and the Elector. I like to see all of my options when it comes to the side romances. I think that both men would of been good for June but of course, Day is the superior one to choose due to emotions.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I devoured it in about 2 or 3 hours... making sure to read every detail still and understand everything that was being said. The ending was perfect. I really liked that Marie Lu let us know that June tried to make everything work without Day. She went on with her life for a decade before seeing him again. She tried to find a new love and make that work. She became who she was supposed to be. Therefore, Day and June could be together finally.
I would recommend this series to anyone! It was overall wonderful and covered so many aspects of the real world like poverty, romance, violence, politics, betrayal, death, murder, and more. Even though so much negativity happened during this series, the world was able to find that light and make everything come back together.
And just like that, the great plot and characters crumble into nothing more than a stereotypical YA romance novel...
I felt like the story could have ended after Prodigy, but this one was just tagged on there for no reason... after the first book, the characters lost all motives except to be with their “true love.” ridiculous.
I was a bit gutted with the ending with Day and June but have just discovered there is a new book coming out. I am glad that Day finally had an operation that worked. Hopefully Day and June get back on track in the next book.
I don't know, if i was in a reading slump or something, but it felt like it took me ages to read it. so i gave it just 4,5 stars. I don't know if the extra end was really necessary. i tought without it, it was pretty good also. I look forward to reading the young elites.
Such an interesting dystopian. What would it be like if one side of the country was very liberal to the point of socialism and the other half of the country was so conservative to the point of an completely capitalistic government?
The first book by Marie Lu was my favorite the second so-so but she made up for it with this one.
4.5 stars
This book made me feel all the feels. It was a beautiful ending for a great series. By the end I was crying both happy and sad tears. Both Day and June, especially Day, are fantastic characters that scrambled their way into my heart. I'm so glad I actually managed to finish this series and got to experience it all.
I struggled a bit with this book because the first time I picked it up, I wasn't in the mood for it. I was also really scared that the ending would disappoint me which would have been so sad since the series had been so good so far. I decided to pick it up again after a fews months and I flew through the second half in one sitting. The ending pleasantly surprised me, it wasn't the greatest but it would have felt like a cop out if it had been. It felt more since it wasn't sunshine and rainbows all the time. I'm glad I finally finished the series and the trilogy, as a whole, is definitely worth the read!
I've read a lot of concluding books in the past few months that have all disappointed me in one way or another. this one, thankfully, did not. I'm sad to see Day and June's saga come to an end, but it was a well executed one.
I eventually finished this series! Hurrah! I think I read Legend and Prodigy in quick succession about 2 years ago then just stopped, no idea why.
Anyway, I'm very glad I finished this series - it's a strong, well written, action filled, dystopian type story. I really enjoy Marie Lu's writing, I find it engaging, easy to read and fast paced. I also enjoy her characters, especially the contrast between Day and June throughout the series.
Unfortunately this particularly instalment didn't blow me away, like I would hope a series finale would. I thought it was a little flat and repetitive in places and I saw the ‘twist' at the end coming a mile off. I just knew she wouldn't let it tie up all nicely in a bow, there just had to be a final kick in a nuts!
All in all I did enjoy the series, it's a solid 4 star series for me and definitely worth a read if you like quick, action packed, dystopian type stories.
3/5 stars
i didn't enjoy it as much as i thought i would. the ending was one of the only parts i truly liked.
NOOOOOO! I love Marie Lu, but WhY? When I first learned the last line of the book I was really confused, but it all makes sense. Now I have to read Rebel and want to read the graphic novel of this one because I want to see how they turned out.
Had to read the epilogue three times but with each time I felt better and better about it.
Without a doubt the best in the series.
Review to come.
While reading this book I felt like I had a lot to say, but now that I've finished it... I'm honestly at a loss for words. The final chapters of Champion hit me right in the heart, because that's where it all sinks in. How far Day and June have come, how they have matured since they first met, and how much they had to endure for each other. The quick attraction they shared in [b:Legend 9275658 Legend (Legend, #1) Marie Lu https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1397663963s/9275658.jpg 14157512] grew complicated in [b:Prodigy 13414446 Prodigy (Legend, #2) Marie Lu https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1336254717s/13414446.jpg 18712554], and it's given even more depth in Champion before finally reaching a bittersweet open end.I really liked the character developments in this series in general, but my favorite part is probably how Marie Lu never sets gender boundaries. The characters are never judged for loving someone of the same gender, men and women are treated equally for the most part, and the last fight between June and Commander Jameson—the women—was so fierce I literally couldn't put the book down.Also, the loving Tess is back. In contrary to how she was in the previous book, Tess is very supportive in Champion. When she talked to Day about how she truly feels, I think it makes her jealousy much more understandable. June and her warm up to each other towards the end, and it makes me so happy to see them being on friendly terms again.tl;dr I still can't remember all the things I wanted to say, but this series is really great and I'm now sad that it's over. ;_____;
Marie Lu is definitely one of my favorite YA writers, and this series was a winner from beginning to the end.
I was worried this was going to be a hard book to read, given how the last one ended. It was, but it was very much worth the read. I highly recommend the entire series to anyone who likes YA distopias.
4.5 Stars
this gets docked a half-star for the stupid ass amnesia trope but otherwise this was so so good <3
i finally finished this!!
the best part of this whole trilogy is the way marie lu's write the inner conflicts each character faced. it made me feel sympathy for the characters and i was almost sobbing when I read the last chapters.
i wish i liked this because i've rated 5 stars to the previous novels. unfortunately, i only got hooked when i was in the last chapters. the other chapters gave me mixed feelings, between bored and fun to be able to read a few pages.
to conclude, i guess my main problem for this book is the plot isn't as engaging as the previous ones.
also, this book does better in saving the younger sibling than what mockingjay does.