Average rating3.8
Cas travels the world, hunting ghosts as his father did before him. Before a ghost ended his life. Cas has yet to face the being who took his father away. But each successful hunt brings him closer to avenging him. Until Cas faces Anna Dressed in Blood. A ghost who murders any who steps foot into her house. But something is different about Anna. She’s powerful, deadly, and yet, she saves his life. While the locals simply want Anna erased, Cas isn’t so sure it’s the best action. As he begins to research Anna’s untimely end, he’ll uncover more than just the tragedy of her life.
Anna Dressed in Blood held the possibility of dark supernatural horror. The cover alone lured me in with promise, not to mention the murderous ghosts and a boy who hunts them. However, aside from a few scenes of gore and the presence of ghosts, this fell short of meeting the title of a horror novel. The suspense and apprehension that come with a horror story were missing. Foreshadowing is a key element, luring the readers into fearing what comes next or building a sense of dread in them. But there was no foreshadowing. There was an element of mystery surrounding Anna’s death, but there wasn’t enough struggle to uncover it.
I also did not connect well with the characters or relationships. Cas was overdramatic, playing a bit too far into the bad boy trope. There was also a focus on romantic relationships which took away from ghost hunting. The sporadic behavior of the antagonists felt disjointed and only served to move the plot along. It would have also been nice to see the supernatural elements in more of an antagonistic light instead of rival teenagers. Not to mention the dialogue and use of language were more suited for a young adult fiction novel vs a horror novel. While I understand this is geared for young adults, I needed better world-building and a solid foundation for all of this to stand on.
Anna’s character was the most interesting, and her story truly was tragic. I wish more time had been spent with her. The relationship building felt cluttered like it didn’t quite fit with the story. I would have liked to see the lore and rumors surrounding Anna built on. Give readers more of a tease before revealing the ghost, then don’t hold back from her abilities. Weave in and out of the story, making it the central focus. There was even plenty of opportunity to add in the emotional background from Cas’ own tragic past to layer in remorse and sympathy. But it missed the mark.
If you’re a reader looking to dip your toes into horror, then I would suggest trying Anna Dressed in Blood. It’s not immersive in the way most horror novels are, and if you are unsure of the genre, it would be a good starting point. However, if you enjoy novels with spine-tingling writing and hardcore suspense, this won’t be the book for you.
There was a lot of hype around this book, so its a good thing it wasn't terrible. But it wasn't tremendous either. It was good, clean fun - quick-paced, likable characters, punchy action. Not really memorable though, and aside from one instance, not really scary. Three stars feels a little mean, but four just doesn't seem justified.
I think my favorite part of this was all the horror references, but this is YA, so pretty much all of them are called out, which was a little disappointing. I'm a big kid, I know my horror, I like to be able to spot the references to Poltergeist, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Exorcist, The Shining etc on my own, thanks. But that's what I get for hanging out in this shelf so much.
I don't think I've read from the perspective of a modern teenage boy in....checks read list ok, just about never, so this was refreshing. Cas is smart, witty and admirable. The set of friends he develops is a unique one - a queen bee who isn't vilified and acidic, but rather revered for the value of her social skills; the awkward psychic who proves himself to be a capable witch and rather heroic as well; and then there's the frenemy, Will, who is smart enough to recognize trouble when he sees but not enough to get out of the way when he should. They're interesting, and well-drawn and they're played off Cas really well.
I didn't really get why he loved Anna though. But I never really get why anyone loves anyone, so maybe I should stop complaining about this. But you figure, she's dead, that should shut off the inclinations towards potential love interest. I suppose its like that time I developed a crush on a flamboyantly gay friend, and knowing he was gay only allowed my brain to tuck my sad sad crush into a hidden corner of my mind, showing up every once in a while to make me blush and leave me confused. Parts are parts, I guess, regardless of orientation and apparently, even if you're dead. So they love each other, and they're interactions and affectoin were really cute, but it didn't have much draw other than that.
Speaking of deadness, the lore in this is skimmed over at best, probably in order to maintain the pacing. The whole time I was wondering what the hell an athame is but was too lazy or too into it to bother Googling it. The ghosts are American Horror Story ghosts - fully corporeal, but either locked in a state of mind or place - which I typically can't stand. It kind of ruins the creepy vibe when the ghost can help the main character's mother unpack the car. Likewise, a lot of the horror elements didn't shock or scare or even unsettle me, and for the record, I am not completely desensitized, Rick Yancey frequently makes me jaw drop. A lot of it seemed way too similar to popular scare tropes used in movies and TV these days, like a ghost's flickering image (guys, seriously, that worked in The Ring because she manifested through a videotape, it doesn't really make sense in other instances).
So it was fun, and I'll read the sequel because Cas might be fun to see angst-ridden and pining for his dead girlfriend, but its really not anything extraordinary.
Another spooky story for October! On first glance, this one is very similar to Rin Chupeco's The Girl From The Well, but the plot is actually quite different. It's still human boy, murderous ghost girl, but here the girl is bound to her house and forced to murder whoever comes inside. Unraveling the WHY is a major part of the plot.
I'd say this one is actually less creepy than The Girl From The Well, though one of the evil things Cas encounters is VERY creepy. Both of these were just about the right amount of spooky for me. I'm actually REALLY disappointed that the sequel is proving very difficult to get my hands on! I had to request it through Marina, my statewide lending program, so I'm not sure when it will arrive. But I NEEEEEEED to know what happens to Cas and Anna after this book ends!
I think I liked the relationship between boy and ghost better in Girl From The Well; you could clearly see the draw for the ghost, and the connection between them. Not so much here; Cas is trying to kill Anna, but then they become fascinated with each other for...some reason? Anna isn't compelled to kill Cas, and that's never explained, and seems to be her main source of fascination with the boy.
Another major difference is that while Tark in Girl From The Well is rather isolationist and creeps out his peers, Cas seems to attract his peers, and quickly finds friends wherever he goes. He's typically used them as contacts in the past, not really valuing them as friends, but that changes with the events of this book, as he actually comes to know a couple of the kids at his new school and value their friendship. He even puts up with their jokes about being Ghostbusters and who would be which character, which is kind of hilarious.
Both stories are great; I'd say this one is slightly more light-hearted than Girl From The Well, but only slightly. There's still lots of creepy ghosts, life-or-death situations, gory deaths of side characters, and curses. It's another great spooky October book for scaredy-cats like me!
You can find all my reviews and more at Goddess in the Stacks.
I honestly don't know how to feel about this book. I didn't hate it, but I didn't really like it either. I just didn't get it. I've seen so many reviews that say this book is /scary/terrifying/funny/the bee's knees but I didn't get any of that.
I loved the mythology and folklore in the book, and the only character I truly enjoyed was Carmel. Cas was either too pompous, prideful, or too gooey eyed over a ghost who's murdered countless people. And for some reason he just can't bring himself to kill her, even though she ripped someone IN HALF right in front of his own eyes. I just don't understand. Yes, she ended up not being evil, but where was the logic behind any of this? And he fell in love with her within days. A murdering ghost he just met. Anything passes for love in YA novels. I should just stop reading them all together because all one has to do is look longingly at someone they just met and they are ~~~IN LURRRVE~~~ And then somehow Anna isn't actually a ghost because they can makeout, which makes even less sense than a ghost actually being possessed.
And don't even get me started about how none of the characters, with the exception of Cas' mother and Will, had no emotion what so ever. If I saw my friend being ripped in half, or even just heard about my friends dying gruesome deaths, I would shit my self then go huddle on my bed and cry/pee/vomit simultaneously.
The last few chapters was when the book got really interesting, no surprise there. Too bad the book as a whole couldn't keep me interested as the last chapters did.
Fantastic. Beautiful. I don't want to say anything because I don't want to spoil anything. Not that the story would be harmed, really, from spoilers, but it does dilute the wonder a bit.
Fans of Horror, Paranormal Romance, and YA Weird should all enjoy Anna.
Dit boek las ik voor het eerst in 2014 en kon het toen wel smaken. Ik herinnerde het mij vooral als een soort van Supernatural aflevering in boekvorm. Het boek eindigde op een nogal open manier en ik nam me toen voor zeker ook het vervolg te lezen, maar dat deed ik dan natuurlijk niet, ook al had ik beide boeken gewoon in mijn boekenkast staan. Tijd dus om dit eindelijk eens van mijn lijst te schrappen, te beginnen met het herlezen van dit eerste deel in de Anna-duologie.
Opnieuw kon het boek me zeker smaken. Het las vlot en het verhaal was intrigerend. Toch ergerde ik mij merkbaar veel aan de jonge personages en hun eigenzinnigheid. Ik word duidelijk oud, lol.
Toch blij met deze herlezing. Een fijn en mild griezelig boek.
Pretty good story. Kind of along the lines of Supernatural. I was a bit surprised to see that the book had a burgundy color to the font, rather than the usual black. That's not really relevant to my thoughts on the book... I just wanted to throw that out there lol
This was a psychological, romantic thriller. This is a three book series by Lee Alan and each book just gets better. The third book is particularly scary. I recommend for anyone who likes a good thriller!
It's a little like Twilight with the roles reversed. Much better written, but I felt bored.
first and foremost: what the fuck why did I read another book where the cat dies?!? why did the cat have to die so gruesomely?! >:(
That aside: I did really enjoy this! I read it all in one day because I couldn't put it down. Fast-paced, fun, kinda scary. Good readalike for... other scary books? Also a dash of sad spooky romance.
I wanted spooky. I wanted gruesome and ghosts. I got Anna Dressed in Blood and my wish was granted
Ketika mulai membaca buku ini memulai dgn dasar cerita yg kuat. Kebetulan aku suka nonton serial Supernatural jadi cerita semacam ini udh familiar. Twist menjelang akhir pun mengejutkan, tidak terduga. Ini salah satu buku yg aku gk baca halaman2 akhir supaya tahu plot twist nya, jadi twist nya gk terduga.
Namun ada bagian yg kurang sreg buatku. Genre buku ini memang bukan romance jadi ada selipan sedikiiiiit saja tapi menurutku gk oke. Mungkin kalo Cas menyukai cewek lain ak akan memberi 4 bintang.
More like 4.75! This book far exceeded my expectations...
I have to admit, I was sold on this book months ago because I loved the cover that much. I did not care what the book was about. So, I went into this one not knowing what to expect and I was surprised.
I LOVED this book.
We have a ghost hunter, who happens to be a hot teenage boy and a ragtag group of friends who want to help him banish the most famous local ghost-Anna.
Anna, however, is not like most ghosts.
Blake writes really scary scenes and they do not come off as hokey, just the opposite. Some of the things that happen in this book are really frightening, and I cannot recommend it for the squeamish. This is so refreshing to see in YA-real horror.
I also loved that Blake was not afraid to allow her characters to make fun of themselves. Repeated Ghostbuster and Buffy references abound, and the comments were funny and relieved some of the tension of the world she has created here.
Finally, I love the world Blake has created here. I can't wait to learn more about the ghosts and other creatures roaming around this world that Cas lives in. I do wish I had read this closer to Halloween, but I know quite a few readers who would love this as much as I did.
I love the ghost fighting and teenage recklessness. It made the setting seem more real. The group that we get at the end is not what I expected when I started the book. The ending was quicker than I expected, so I'm not sure how I feel about that. I have to get the next one and read it though.