Average rating3.3
Why? I didn't like anyone in this book. This sex scenes were hot. So there is that.
3.5* but I'm not rounding up in 2022 🤷🏼♀️ (or at least I'll try not to 😅)
I had fun reading it, kinda not my style? I really did not enjoy the extent the revenge went but hey, to each their own, right?
I don't think I have anything else to say, just be careful of the trigger warnings, this book has plenty 😅
i'm sorry but something about penelope's writing in this feels like a menace to society. what the fuck did i just read ????
i'll be reading the next one tho because people say it's better, but honestly, what the fuck guys.
[b:Corrupt 21981841 Corrupt (Devil's Night, #1) Penelope Douglas https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1398947518l/21981841.SY75.jpg 41292505]Need to Make More Time for RomanceI know you are looking at this title and thinking how do I not have enough for Romance? What I am saying is that I haven't made friends with the genre as much as I would like to. Admittedly I have to say Penelope Douglas is slowly shifting my gears. I read this with my friend Anna and somehow, she couldn't get into it as much as I did because I had it finished in a day and she is still working on it. Sadly, I don't know if she finished it. I loved the dark atmosphere and the romantic undertones that Ms. Douglas writes so beautifully. I haven't fully gotten a feel for her writing style just yet, but to me, it seems that she loves to push her characters to their maximum limit and then go a bit further just for good measure. (my kind of book) Rika (Erika) is treated like a fragile child. She is protected by those around her at all times. She is constantly being held back and she needs to spread her wings and fly. Then one-night Rika steps out on her own and stands up for herself, showing just how much people have underestimated her all this time. This is the first time she has shown her inner strength and it does not go unnoticed especially by Michael who I loved.Michael is always indifferent around Rika like she doesn't exist. It felt like it was that Katy Perry song Hot and Cold at times. Each chapter is taken from either perspective and it adds so much to the story. Throughout the story, we are taken back to a particular day, three years earlier. This is a day that had a huge impact on Rika, Michael and his friends. It is that day, that lays the foundation for the turmoil that takes place between the cast of characters. Along with the suspense angle, there is also the ‘will they, won't they' between Rika and Michael. There is so much more that I can say about this story but I don't want to ruin it for anyone. I will say that I am hoping to read book two in the early days of 2020.
this book was really good. I feel that this is my first introduction to a dark romance but I almost feel there are defiantly books that can top the Dark scale so I would call this a beginner book more than anything. I have read books that have BDSM but honestly, they have nothing on Dark romances especially in how these books have the ability to twist your insides as you read them. they are as much about the sex as they are about the emotions that you feel when. Disclaimer I did use an audiobook which intensified the situations that the characters were experiencing. I often had to pause the book and take a breather because it eas getting too much for me as especially once she is in the trap
what the absolute fuck was this. I mainly picked such books, let's be honest, for the smut but if everything is equally bad. everything was awful but you know what made me cringe the worst? the fmc called herself Rica (full name: errica)
THIS BOOK. WOW. i am so upset that it took me this long to start this series bc i already know i'm going to become extremely obsessed with it. it's amazing. it was dark, mysterious and everything i needed in a dark romance book. michael and rika were both amazing. i also loved the other horseman, well, besides one.. i was not a fan of damon but i'm told he redeems himself so i look forward to seeing how. but KAI? oh i love kai. i wanted to cry for kai.
the little twists were insane and i really didn't see them coming to the point where my jaw literally dropped! i loved every second of this book and had so much fun!
i can't wait to continue this series really soon!
I just fucking love tjis book. It was dark, apicy and also had some .... Text
God this woman can write an addictive story! I just could not stop reading.
If we look past the fact that the entire plot is entirely far fetched because IT'S FICTION, there were some questionable decisions made and things said which affected my enjoyment a smidge. Also don't get the purpose of the dog in the epilogue?
I'll also just say the scene in the steam room. Oh my god.
Si no le doy las 5 estrellas es porque Birthday Girl me gustó mucho más. Pero tengo que reconocer que Corrupt me mantuvo enganchada durante 24 horas y que sigo flipando con el hecho de habérmelo terminado en un día. Pero es que no podía posar el libro, solo lo he posado para alimentarme, trabajar, ducharme y dormir. Todo porque necesitaba saber qué iba a pasar con el tira y afloja que se traían Michael Crist y Erika Fane.
La trama de Corrupt es súper adictiva y tengo que avisaros que los protagonistas tienen una relación bastante tóxica, no en el sentido que vemos en otras novelas, sino por una venganza (es un dark romance, chicas, sabemos a lo que vamos). Pensad que Michael odia a Erika, se quiere vengar de ella por algo que hizo hace tres años y eso, sumado al hecho de que se está pillando por ella y no puede dejar que eso suceda, hace que en ocasiones sea demasiado brusco con ella. También porque tanto él como su grupo de amigos, Los Cuatro Jinetes, son unos sádicos de cojones. Y creo que la autora juega bien con ese miedo que tenemos las mujeres de que nos sucedan ciertas situaciones para que queramos seguir leyendo, diría que el miedo de hecho, es un factor importante en la historia.
Los personajes están muy bien definidos, yo creo que si viera a todos los chicos con las máscaras puestas, sería capaz de distinguirlos. Y en general ha sido un libro que he disfrutado un montón y tengo ganas de leer los siguientes libros, que tengo entendido que son independientes y que ahondan en la vida de los demás Jinetes y en la Noche del Diablo.
This book can be summed up with one meme..
Everyone should have banded together and got a group rate! That being said, I loved the hell out of this book. It was twisted, dirty mind fuckery at it's best.
The characters were not likable, yet I liked them. Rika forgave them all WAY to easily yet again, this didn't bother me all that much. The story line was utterly ridiculous, yet, I was sucked in and skipped lunch just to see where it was going!
What can I say, just a great read for me.
OK So.... this was an easy easy listen. As in, not a lot going on. Overall, I enjoyed the story, and the spice was really quite top notch. This is a dark romance, so remember that. There are some dark elements, and dark romance isnt for everyone. Things considered red flags in real life i do enjoy in my books. Hah! Anyways, I didnt feel particularly one way or another about these characters, which is why its only a 3 star. I wasnt convinced of the romance. Lust? Sure. But anyways, there are more to the series, I originally thought this was a standalone but Im very curious to see what happens to Damon specifically, as he was the biggest jerk and has fled a the end of this book.
I do not understand the hype about this.
It was all based on a misunderstanding, and then once they realized they were wrong the guys shrugged it off and moved on???
I get this is a dark romance but nobody in this universe is normal.
I'm gonna have to rant
You and your friends want to make it your life's mission to destroy me, burn my house down, kidnap my mother, and try to assault me every chance you get?? That's fine you don't even have to apologize and I love you☺️
Rika is the worst.
HOW is Damon everyone's favorite????? Is everyone okay??
First of all, why did we need 60% of build up for that reveal? Instead of using some of that to actually make Michael sweat a bit to get her back?? Insane
Kai saves this for me a little, he's precious and also steam room...
The last 30% were so chaotic but it was entertaining and that's the only reason this doesn't get 1 sad star