Average rating4.2
Daytripper es una linda novela gráfica que podría ser mucho mejor si tuviese menos aspiraciones. Se notan demasiado los esfuerzos de los autores por dejar alguna frase subrayable, alguna reflexión reveladora, lo cual termina redundando en un abordaje trillado de cuestiones existenciales como el amor, la familia y especialmente la muerte. No soy particularmente fan del ‘show, don't tell' pero creo que en este caso le hubiera sumado mucho a la obra.
Dicho esto, también es cierto que -quizás recurriendo a algunos golpes bajos efectistas- Daytripper es efectiva a la hora generar sensaciones en el lector. Tiene también un muy buen comienzo (el primer capítulo es impactante para el lector deprevenido, tal fue mi caso) y un buen final: los últimos dos capítulos son particularmente buenos, aún a pesar de lo ya dicho en el primer párrafo.
A nivel visual, es un estilo muy ameno, colorido, y con buen uso de las tonalidades de acuerdo a la escena.
Vale la lectura.
The structure of showing the same man's death at different points in his life is an interesting one. It's enough to make an engaging and possibly thought-provoking book.
And in some cases, the right people can run with that concept and turn it into a brilliantly profound work.
The art, first off, is great. It evokes emotion and life, and it's just plain nice to look at. The story, the thoughts on life and death and stories themselves, that's what makes this graphic novel a brilliant piece of fiction. It's powerful, aided by pitch-perfect writing. It's memorable and beautiful and is as hopeful as it is melancholy. I loved this book.
Primeiro: são brasileiros! Não imaginava até ler de capa a capa cada linha da história.
A arte é maravilhosa e a história, que te transpõe para os lugares pelas cores e imagens simples, fazem com que tudo seja muito fácil de se sentir.
outro fato curioso é o traço dos irmãos ser muito parecido o que torna a composição de arte uniforme.
Por não ser na linha de tempo normal, prende ainda mais a atenção. Só no final que entendemos o que realmente acontece com Brás.... E sua história.
Patrick R. disse que está história tratava da vida e de sentimentos e coisas para pensarmos. Não posso concordar mais.
Leven is zoals een boek: elk boek heeft een einde, en hoe graag ge het boek ook leest, er komt altijd een laatste bladzijde, en dan is het boek gedaan.
Brás de Oliva Domingos is een schrijver, in de zin van “bezig aan zijn boek maar het is er nog niet en het wil niet echt lukken”. Zijn vader is een wereldberoemde schrijver, en overdag werkt Brás bij de krant, waar hij doodsberichten schrijft.
En dan sterft hij, op zijn 32 jaar, stomgaweg doodgeschoten op zijn verjaardag tijdens een overval op een café.
Brás de Oliva Domingos is op reis met zijn beste vriend Jorge. Hij wil de wereld zien en dingen meemaken, en het wringt, want hij wil ook op tijd terug thuis zijn voor een jobinterview. En dan komt hij een meisje tegen, en dan sterft hij, 21 jaar oud, ‘s nachts verdronken op zee.
Tegen het derde hoofdstuk is het patroon duidelijk: Brás leeft, en sterft. Soms heel jong, soms ouder. En in elk verhaal komen we meer te weten over hem en zijn leven.
Daytripper is geen bovennatuurlijk of science fictionverhaal, met alternatieve universums en tijdreizen of doden die weer levend worden. Het is een reeks what ifs, telkens rond een belangrijk stuk van zijn leven: jeugd, ouders, zoon, relaties, vriend.
En het is machtig, machtig goed. Ga het nu kopen.
Wow, really powerful story of how one character's life gained meaning. I spoil it for you. The method of telling the story by means of multiple endings is not a cheap trick but reinforces that the authors' idea that life is possibilities.
This graphic novel is just pure perfection—from the gorgeous watercolor art to the quietly evocative stories which form the (somewhat unconventional) narrative.
The story is about Brás de Oliva Domingos, the son of a famous Brazilian writer, who writes obituaries as his day job while dreaming of becoming a novelist like his father. The narrative is told in short snapshots interspersed during different times in his life: age 32, age 21, age 47, age 76... What makes it really compelling is the way in which each story ends. But you will have to read the book to be able to fully appreciate what the authors (who are twin brothers!) have done with the structure of the whole story. Although it seems likely that you would have been spoiled already if you dig around enough before you read the book.
I could not recommend this highly enough, and I will surely be re-reading this soon.
Fatherhood, family, work, passion, and mortality. That's quite a recipe for ... whew, some thought and introspection. Would absolutely recommend
Brothers Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba deliver the perfect combination of story and art. It's beautifully rendered on every page. The colors, the line work, the shadows, the characters at different points in their lives so clearly defined - all of it together creates a compelling whole that I kept thinking on for days after I'd finished.
Fabio Moon in an interview states: “We can plan all we want, but sometimes life has other plans for us, and so life, for all of us, is an adventure worth discovering every single day. ...Every day, we can fall in love, fall out of it, be happy and sad and all in-between, so it all comes down to this: as we live life, are we paying attention?”
4.5 stars.
You begin reading, thinking it is a book about death, but it is a book about life... (and I shall not finish the second part of the sentence because one has to read it for themselves).
Its core message is nothing new, but it brings what we probably already knew in our subconscious to the surface. Told in a narrative that takes you by surprise the first few times it happens, then you come to expect it without understanding, and the final section explains it all. The twists may feel a little raw, but be patient, it gets better.
My Rating System:
5⭐️: Excellent book AND influenced a change in my views
4.5⭐️: Excellent read ⬅️⬅️⬅️
4⭐️: Great read, will recommend
3.5⭐️: Enjoyable read but missing something that will make it great
3⭐️: An okay read that I didn't regret spending time on it
2⭐️: Didn't enjoy
1⭐️: Didn't enjoy and had serious issues. Will suggest to avoid.