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December 31, 2018
October 14, 2019

One of my all-time favorites :)

December 15, 2007

Another fabulous time travel book. This one takes place in the future (after time travel has been perfected), and at the onset of the Plague in England. A history student ends up in the wrong time, and then can't get back to her present.

December 9, 2008
October 13, 2023
December 18, 2023

4.5 stars
The constant repetitions made me feel like the author thinks I'm stupid, but the story and characters were SO GOOD I couldn't help but love this. Also, I'm crying now.

March 29, 2020
August 26, 2016

Very good book that ties together the past and science fiction, with a multiple story lines tied together.

February 8, 2012
May 20, 2013
February 5, 2018
June 1, 2018
June 14, 2015

While it employs the same time travel mechanism and backstory as To Say Nothing Of The Dog, this book is still very different in almost every other way. Much less light-hearted, for one, and with a solid B plot in the present time. Thoroughly enjoyed it, again.

February 4, 2019

Despite the first 2/3s bring only moderately amusing - the back end of the story is one unending series of despairs. If I had known how much sadness was contained within, I never would chosen to read the Doomsday Book. Nevertheless, I'm glad I did.

February 2, 2016
November 15, 2017

BOTH plots seemed stalled out with BOTH stories constantly repeating the same words. Her's ‘maybe I'll be able to find out where the drop is', his ‘There's something wrong'. Geez!

November 19, 2017
January 31, 2018
November 17, 2017
November 15, 2017
November 21, 2017
December 20, 2016
February 20, 2018

Dear God, this book wrecked me.

May 13, 2024

For me, this read blazingly fast. I loved every page of it.


March 26, 2021