Average rating3.1
The story line was fairly good. The romance scenes made me feel like vomiting, they were just sappy. The ending was a little anticlimactic. I have not decided if it's worth it to try the others in the series.
I loved this book! There was some text missing because I read the Advanced Copy but it was really good! At first I didn't think I would like it, but as the book progressed the reading level increased and the depth.
A little bit too predictable and the characters were bland. I really loved Penn though, by far the best character in the book.
DNF ~25%
Yet another one of these predictable books with the most bland MC who all the boys love...I just couldn't do it. I'd say maybe another time, but I know that's not the case.
Bro, I hated this. Sorry ...
It felt so similar to Twilight, only with Angels instead of Vampires/werewolves. (You can't change my mind).
And the main character was so awful. Her existence was only for that rude dude Daniel and/or Cam. Nope. Not my cup of tea.
Lucinda is the most passive protagonist I've ever encountered. She does not take a single action without prompting this entire book. Sometimes she's physically pulled along. Sometimes she gets a note and does whatever it tells her to do. If she might have to make a decision of her own, someone always interrupts the conflict before she can act. When left to her own devices, Luce zones out, lost in her internal monologue until someone forces her out of it.
I was hoping that I would like this book but I unfortunately did not. We'll start with the positives, I liked that the setting of this story is not your typical high school. The atmosphere of Sword & Cross is secluded and dark. Their is a sense of mystery that hangs over the dilapidated buildings and unkempt grounds of the school and it suits the mood of the story well.
The students themselves are also not our typical cliques that we come across in YA books that are set in high school. Yes, Luce categorizes the students into stereotypes when she first sees them sitting outside but the minor characters she interacts with do not fall into these groups.
Now the negatives, I felt Fallen could have been written about any magical creatures whether vampires, angels or elves. The protagonist, Luce was frustrating and certainly not someone I would want to deal with. She didn't feel like a worthy heroine to me, she wasn't worthy of her friend Penn who I found to be a strong, smart and witty, independent girl and she wasn't worthy of Daniel who places her above everyone else.
I cannot see myself picking up Torment when it comes out later this year.
Recommended for fans of The Immortal Series by Alyson Noel.
damn ive never read that much stalling before. it made me soooo mad... just sit the girl down for 30 minutes and tell her shit, its not that hard cmon !!!!
Changed rating from 4 to 3.5 stars after a few days of thinking back on the book.
A rare case where I actually enjoyed the movie more than the book.. A shame how Luce is portrayed as a first-degree stalker in the book and much more less in the movie which I enjoyed.
no because what in the world was this book. (i'm giving this 1 star for my boy, cam
Des longueurs par moment et le style laisse parfois à désirer, sinon dans l'ensemble un bon livre dans la littérature considérée “jeune adulte” avec les classiques triangle amoureux et monde en danger à sauver.
I should've gone with my initial instict, not trying to read this book.
Ini pinjaman, syukurlah, krn buku ini kurang cocok bwt ak. Alurnya lambat, insta-love (walau ada penjelasannya knp begitu), gk mudeng sbnrnya ceritanya apa krn membosankan sekali bacanya.
I finished the book but DNF-ing the series.