Average rating4.2
This book is amazing. The beginning was a bit slow at first so it was harder for me to get into but when it picked up I couldn't stop turning the pages.
And it made me cry and any book that makes me cry automatically gets 5 stars from me
This was a great read. The best parts were the parallel but slightly unfocused storylines of the trial and the survivors; and the way Pip unravells until she can't separate herself from her work at all. Definitely keen for the next book!
3.5 ⭐ Beginning was soooo slow. The actual stuff happened at the last 1 hour mark. The audiobook was amazing! The sound effects for recordings and text messages were a nice touch.
well, at least this was better than the first one. i didn't even plan on picking this book up because i wasn't a fan of the first one but then I thought what the hell. and...i didn't hate it.
the writing is nothing special at all and the neither are the characters so the only thing that saved this for me was the actual mystery which is funny because that's exactly what was lacking in the first book.
i think holly jackson should ease up on the foreshadowing though because that makes it really easy to figure out who is sus right away but at least i didn't figure everything out this time around.
i did like that this book was very binge-able. i finished the whole thing in the span of like 12 hours. and i guess i am going to read the next book so yayyyy
This series gets better with each book installment. I have loved this series since the first book and I can't wait to read the third book.
3.5 stars rounded down to 3. I thought some of the clues/details of the twist were good but I did guess early on that Charlie was ‘the bad guy' in some way just because he was presented as being almost too wholesome. I hadn't guessed who Layla was or what had happened to Jamie, though, so points for that. The ending felt off, though, like it was just dropped. Even for a book that's part of a series, that sense of the book just suddenly stopping when you don't expect it to isn't ideal. Still, I'd read a third Pippa novel for sure. Overall I enjoyed it.
I will listen to these audiobooks for as long as Bailey Carr & cast narrate them. There's something so soothing yet compelling about Carr's voice and the interview formast for the rest of the cast really works. As for writing, Jackson really elevated her world and character building this time. I wonder if she either wrote out this series all together or mapped out all of the characters/plots for each book before completely writing, because some minor characters from book 1 now feature prominently and have important callbacks to the central mystery. Jackson also really grows Pip up in this book and she'll have to work through some real trauma, which feels right to the series. A well baked layer cake, I look forward to reading the 3rd book!
well, at least this was better than the first one. i didn't even plan on picking this book up because i wasn't a fan of the first one but then I thought what the hell. and...i didn't hate it.
the writing is nothing special at all and the neither are the characters so the only thing that saved this for me was the actual mystery which is funny because that's exactly what was lacking in the first book.
i think holly jackson should ease up on the foreshadowing though because that makes it really easy to figure out who is sus right away but at least i didn't figure everything out this time around.
i did like that this book was very binge-able. i finished the whole thing in the span of like 12 hours. and i guess i am going to read the next book so yayyyy
“Good Girl, Bad Blood” by Holly Jackson delivers a gut-wrenching ending that left me reeling and heartbroken. The last few chapters were an emotional rollercoaster, and finding words to describe the impact feels nearly impossible. The unexpected turn at the conclusion took me by surprise, defying all initial expectations.
The character development, especially regarding Stanley Forbes, was masterfully executed. Jackson skillfully made me feel for his character within just a few pages, transforming my indifference into genuine emotional investment. His death, difficult to read, left a lasting impact, and I secretly hoped for a miraculous survival that never came to pass.
The evolution of Holly Jackson's writing in this sequel impressed me, and the anticipation for the third book is palpable. While the ending was a bitter pill to swallow, it speaks to the author's ability to evoke deep emotions. A break from the intense feelings might be necessary, but the prospect of what the next installment holds is equally compelling.
I'm sad to say I didn't like it as much as the first one. It's become a less cozy mystery and more depressing suspense territory. I'm less excited for the next installment but I'm still going to read it.
December 2021
I loved this book even more the second time around because I was able to pay more attention to the details and these books are just so faced paced I can never put them down.
March 2021
Read for Bookoplathon 2021 - 48 hour round
Ms. Jackson is literally a queen and I stan her so hard. This book was amazing and I loved the mixed media elements so much. I relate to Pip so much and her and Ravi's relationship is literally the cutest.
This was easily 6 stars lol, oh my god.
I love plot twists and there was like 50 of them in this book. I truly thought it was Jamie's father that did it, and I had my suspicions on Flora but GOD DAMN. Also poor Stanley..
The audiobook.... Immaculate. Perfection. 1010. They did amazing. The book was soooo good. I loved the multimedia aspects, I thought the romance wasn't too domineering of the plot. She also displayed thoughts of a young person as well as the school dynamics well all whilst in an interesting mystery. Only thing that bugged me was the realism of making a podcast of an active case....
I couldn't decide if I want to write us a three-star or four-star. The beginning was boring and the second half took so many strange twists and I haven't decided how I feel about it. It was entertaining and I literally read it in one day but at the same time I can't stand the main character. I also have some issues with the fact that this is usually sold as a YA book. It's probably because I'm a mom now, but keep in mind that YA targets 12 to 18 year olds. I would not want my tween/teen being marketed a book where the son of a child murderer gets shot in front of a high school student. It just takes such a dark turn from the previous book that it almost feels like a completely different story. That being said, I did enjoy it, and while, listening to the audiobook, I can say it's really well done and entertaining to listen to, it's almost like listening to a true crime podcast. There's just certain aspects about it that feels a little bit immature even though it touches on very sensitive topics (ex. A known rapist getting let go, death of loved ones, sexual abuse, minors drinking, drug use, child abuse, child murder, regular ol' murder, bullying, catfishing, marital abuse, burning a building with people inside, etc etc etc).
Gelezen via audioboek.
Opnieuw een heel smakelijk mysterie. Het audioboek was ook weer subliem voorgelezen.
Deze aflevering was enigszins voorspelbaar, maar het was nog steeds buitengewoon vermakelijk en leuk
I wanted to rate this book 5 stars because it was just SO GOOD but I have a feeling when I read a 5 star book and I just didn't get that feeling with this one. (That's how I felt with AGGGTM as well but honestly I probably would've given it 5 stars if I read it faster. It took me a while because I was in a slump BUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT.) OBVIOUSLY I LIKE THIS SERIES ENOUGH TO CONTINUE ON WITH IT AFTER AGGGTM, it's so funny because I said I'd never read the other 2 books after that one & here I am☠️ Literally just started GGBB on a whim because my library had a copy and I'm glad I did. And I'm not a reads a series kinda guy. I'm surprised with myself to say the least. These books are just very well written I don't think I could've helped myself. I enjoyed this book and the first one no doubt about it but for very different reasons — My actual rating is 4.75
I didn't like this one as much as the first one. It began quite good, but later on it wasn't what I was hoping for. I thought that the “child Brunswick” came out of the blue. It didn't really connect, in my opinion...
I was hoping for something better. I do not say that it was a bad book, but I was expecting something more thrilling. I hope Pippa can recover from her trauma in the third and final book