Average rating3.6
This is the 2nd book in the Divergent series. It was a while ago since I read the first one but they filled me in quite well as to what happened. I think I enjoyed this one more than the first book.
Tris, Tobias (Four), and the rest of the gang are running from the factions that are trying to control everyone especially Jeanine Mathews who has some of her own secret reasons for doing what she is doing.
The action really never lets up as they go from one situation to the next. Looking forward to the next book. Although it seemed very wrapped in up in this one.
I thought that Divergent, the first book in this series, was a relatively good read; Insurgent was, I felt, even better. Unlike the Twilight series, where the books went downhill as they were pumped out, this series seems to be getting better.
I have been looking for a fun series to read for a while, and this is hitting the spot. Insurgent was full of just enough action, suspense, a dash of romance...and the fact that it takes place in a cordoned-off, futuristic Chicago rocks my socks.
Everyone seems to frown on this series because it doesn't perfectly embody the dystopian novel. So what? I say the books have extremely interesting and strong characters, a storyline different from anything else I've read, and overall decent, if not excellent writing. Sure, there are a lot of unanswered questions. That's what (for me) made Insurgent “un-put-down-able.” It had two major plot climaxes and an awesome cliffhanger ending. I now have to wait until fall of 2013 before I can read the next installment. I haven't looked forward to a book release this much since Harry Potter.
Overall, Insurgent was, in my opinion, fantastic. Not perfect by any means, but definitely fun. It had me sitting on the edge of my seat, developing theories, and yelling out loud when characters got killed off.
WOW! Just wow! I love this book even better than the first one ok. While Divergent only managed to captivate me at the end of the first 4/5 chapters, Insurgent got me hooked from the first one. It is a book full of action and many surprises. Beatrice is caught between her apparent will to end her life and her love for Tobias/Four and that is a bit intriguing because it makes you feel like yelling at her to do the right thing. Because of this, Insurgent is a book that will make you feel a bit anxious.
To me, this was the kind of book that always makes me curious to know what's going to happen next.
It is a bit stressfu, that Tris and Tobias spend basically the whole book arguing but so adorable how they always find their way to solve their problems and find their way back to each other.
Now, the only thing I disliked was the lack of credibility that had the fact that Peter saved Tris' life, because his justification made it sound like he just saved Tris because she's the protagonist and couldn't die. This was something I think Veronica Roth could have worked a little on.
Besides this, I loved Insurgent and I'm super excited, can't wait to read Allegiant!!
That's it. I'm done. I tried. I really tried. [b:Divergent 13335037 Divergent (Divergent, #1) Veronica Roth https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1328559506s/13335037.jpg 13155899] held my attention long enough to make me think there was hope for this series. Then this sucker came along and I discovered that I didn't really care about anyone or anything Ms. Roth was feeding me. Zero caring.I wanted this series to fill the gap that had been left since [b:Mockingjay 7260188 Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3) Suzanne Collins https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1358275419s/7260188.jpg 8812783] ended. No such luck. :(
(Review originally posted here at Fictionally Inclined.)
I had less than a month between the time I (finally!) read Divergent and when I got Insurgent, and that time felt incredibly long! I have no idea how you people held out for a whole year. I would have gone insane! But anyway. This book was definitely worth the, for me, albeit-realistically-rather-short-but-felt-way-too-long wait.
One aspect of Insurgent made me very happy there was so little time in between them for me: the lack of “infodump” in the book. A lot of times in series, authors will stick in little paragraphs or sentences here and there to remind the reader of things they've already learned from reading the previous book(s). I'd seen some adverse reactions about the fact that Roth was purposefully not doing this, but I personally felt like it was a great choice. Admittedly, the information of Divergent was still fresh in my head, but Roth also made a huge post to remind everyone of necessary information from Divergent, which was pretty darn awesome of her. I think that Insurgent was spared the unnecessary clutter of the infodump, and I definitely appreciated this.
Another thing I liked about the book is that I feel like we got a better look at the other factions besides Dauntless and Abnegation. I really got a feel for them, instead of just being told some facts about them and meeting some people originally from them. However, there are still lots of questions in my mind waiting to be answered! I am anxious to read #3, which is, as yet, untitled and uncover-fied. Alas. 2013 never felt so far away. Well, except when I think about the other books that won't be coming out until then. But I don't like to do that. Oh! And I just now discovered that Free Four exists! So, I'll probably wait and read it at some point when I feel in desperate need of a Four fix. Because it'll happen. I'm calling it now.
While Insurgent wasn't quite as riveting as Divergent, it was still a great book. I really enjoyed the continuation of the story. Insurgent really had a little bit (or more) of everything! Adventure was constant throughout the story. There were several things that made me laugh out loud. There were intensely romantic moments. I was utterly shocked a couple of times, and that doesn't happen to me a lot. All-in-all, I was definitely happy with Insurgent, and I have high hopes for #3.
❝Just the thought of saying the words out loud makes me feel so heavy I could break through the floorboards.❞
❝His breaths, my breaths, his body, my body, we are so close there is no difference.❞
❝I know that I am birdlike, made narrow and small as if for taking flight, built straight-waisted and fragile. But when he touches me like he can't bear to take his hand away, I don't wish I was any different.❞
❝We both have war inside of us. Sometimes it keeps us alive. Sometimes it threatens to destroy us.❞
Goeie help.
Ik dacht: mevrouw Roth zal in dit vervolg toch een tandje bij steken, met de hulp van misschien een goede redacteur? Ik dacht ook: met wat meer ervaring na dat eerste boek, kan het toch beter worden, nee?
Nee dus.
Minder dan ééndimensionale karakters, een soort stuitend anti-intellectualisme, TEENAGE ANGST!!! aan honderd per uur, een liefdeshistorie die zelfs een meisje van dertien niet gelooft, een hoofdpersonage dat irritant is, depressief, onlogisch, en had ik al gezegd irritant? En alles en iedereen is zwart-wit, tot ze olots wit-zwart zijn en dan weer zwart-wit.
To-taal ongeloofwaardige wereld, nog altijd (blijkt bijvoorbeeld dat alle facties hun eigen “serums” hebben: vreedzaamheidsserum, vergeetserum, doodserum, wsaarheidsserum, bla die bla. Way to gemakkelijkheidsoplossing, Roth), en totaal ongeloofwaardige personages die van set piece naar set piece geteleporteerd lijken. Slécht.
En het einde was al doorgetelegrafeerd van het begin van het eerste boe.;
Ik lees niet meer verder uit interesse, maar uit ramptoerisme.
Too many teenage relationship issues and not enough revolution. Still an enjoyable read.
She was smart in book 1 but in this book she is super idiot and too much feelings for goodness's sake!
I'm hooked on this story, but I'm must admit it's getting a little strange. I'm feeling burned out ion dystopian books
The characters from the first book became somewhat less likable in this one, but it was the random and glaring worldbuilding that was aggravating and kept throwing me out of the story. There may be spoilers, but most of the plot points are on the back of the book. One of the major premises of the story is that the villain is the brilliant leader of a faction of scientific/observant individuals. They are guarding by a group trained specifically for battle and fighting. And everyone is color coded. Most of the book plot is with the plan to storm the villain's headquarters and the dangers. Yet, our heroine wears the ‘wrong' colors, walks right up the street in daylight, through the unlocked and unguarded doors, through a lobby of supposedly observant people and checks in a the front desk. Who even has a front desk check in during a war??
¿Qué diablos come Veronica Roth para escribir tan bien?? ¡Qué me lo den a mí también!! ¿Qué poner cuando algo te gustó tanto?? Estoy en pleno ataque FanGirl.
Al empezar nos encontramos con una Tris un poco inestable, no sabe si está peleando o intentando matarse.
Me gustó mucho el ritmo de la historia, es rápido. Lo leí por partecitas para que me durará mucho... al menos esa era fue la idea original, pero una vez que empiezas a leer simplemente no puedes parar ¿Algunas vez has visto una película donde te vas pegando más y más a la pantalla sin darte cuenta? ¿O dejado de respirar inconscientemente? Este libro me tenía así: pegaba más y más la pantalla de mi eReader hacía mi rostro, incluso no quería parpadear para no dejar de leer. Sí, un poco loco, bueno, bastante demente, pero es que...
Reseña Completa: El Extraño Gato del Cuento
A solid follow-up to a great book–not as good as its predecessor, but close enough.
I thought the plot meandered a bit, and several scenes between Tris and Four seemed to just be a repettion from the earlier. But the rest of the book was so good, those minor gripes are completely forgiveable.
Am not sure what to do with what we learn in the last 3 pages or so–but I'm pretty sure we're not expected to know what to do with it, so I'm okay with that.
Edit. 04/27/2014
I had such high hopes for this book. In Divergent, she gave us this cliffhanger about what's going to happen in Tris' worlds. And I had so much questions about it. And all I was expecting was to get some of those answers and some more action packed scenes and so much more than Divergent! Divergent gave so much potential to Insurgent. I seriously thought Insurgent was going to blew my mind more than Divergent did. But it didn't. It did the complete opposite.
I'm going to try not to spoil anybody, but give some light examples to explain why I thought Insurgent was terrible.
Starting with the fact that the first two thirds of the book were horrible. I literally had a hard time reading this, and instead of reading it in one sitting like I did with Divergent, it took me a while to get trough this. Every time I tried reading something would happen in the story that would literally persuade me to put it down. It was just so boring and horrible. And I didn't get my answers like I wanted, nor did I get my action packed scenes until the last third of the book. But I was already so annoyed with the plot that the action packed scenes made me roll my eyes. I was sitting there like “If you hadn't done this, you wouldn't have to be running for your life again”.
I also felt like somehow Veronica Roth's style decreased in quality. As in, I felt like the book was written by somebody else, completely different from what my perception of Veronica's style was.
Then there's the characters. Oh. My. God. What the literal fuck. I completely hate Tris in this book. She passed to be this awesome character to this stupid bitch that I completely dislike. She was so useless and did this things that I didn't understand why. I mean, I can understand a character that does something, even thought I don't like that decision, but the reason makes sense. As in the context of who the character is, it makes sense. With Tris I didn't feel that. It was completely unnecessary.
The rest of the characters where ok, I loved Uriah and Lynn, they were good characters. With Christina I still don't like her and she also made some things that didn't make sense as well.
Then we have the plot, which felt kind of surrealistic to me. It didn't make sense to me at times. Why would this thing happen? And how did this happen? It made no sense!
I must admit that that last third of the book was pretty good, even though I was completely annoyed with the reasons of why this things where happening. I did got some of the answers I was expecting, like how does Amity, Candor or Erudite work. But it wasn't enough. I still got so much questions.
In the end, I tried to read this book again, and as you can see it took me forever. I did it with the purpose of liking the book a little bit more by catching some details I may have lost in the blindness of my anger against this book. But it only made me get angrier. And I got so mad for something that happened at the end, not going to tell you, but it just made me loose it. I can understand why she did it, though. This one did make sense in some aspects, but the selfish me really didn't want it to happen.
As it is, after I read Divergent I was expecting more from this book, but Veronica Roth was not able to give it to me. I read this the first time way before Allegiant came out, so I had to just sit there with my anger and dissapointment for this book until Allegiant came out.
If you're the kind of person who can pass trough a book without noticing the small little things that made me angry, then, go ahead and read it. It's pretty entertaining once you pass the first two thirds.
This book was definitely not for me.
If you want to read my review of Divergent
If you want to read my review of Allegiant
If you want to read my review of The Transfer
If you want to read my review of Free Four
That's right bitches! I finished Insurgent! I will be reviewing this once I finish Allegiant (I'm starting now) and then I'll give you the reviews of all three books.
**4.5*** at some parts it was a little hard to get through and I had to push myself to read it. But overall really great but I did enjoy reading Divergent better.
Actual Rating: 4.6
I'm sorry if I forgot to update my progress on this book but I've already finished this one like a week ago. Nevertheless, here's a quick review of what I think about this book:
The first chapter clearly picks up where Divergent left off. I love how Roth didn't put any time gaps between the two books so that's a really big “yay” for me. It's really hard to put down and I finished it in at least 3 hours because it never bored me and the story kept me begging for more after finishing a particular chapter. In fact, I enjoyed this one more than Divergent because it was really action-packed and had me always at the edge of my seat. It's ingenious, hilarious and yet heart-breaking - all at the same time.
However, the fact that they haven't revealed yet what's outside the fences got me really frustrated because I've been longing to know the secret behind those fences. But hey, there's still ALLEGIANT so maybe I can finally get the answers to my questions and confusions.
Overall, I would rate this book 4/5 stars. It's not really what you call a perfect sequel to a phenomenal start but I'm very precise that this series would never let us down with it's thrilling storyline.
(I actually spent more than a year reading “Insurgent”. Not because it was bad, because it sure as hell wasn't, but because I've been struggling with some pretty shit stuff and haven't been in a reading mood.)
This, folks, is how you do a sequel. Answering questions from the previous book while making new ones. I'm probably the last person in the world to finish “Insurgent”, so I'm not going to write a long review. I'll just say that the ending made me really excited to start reading “Allegiant” and I won't spend a year reading that one! (I've been spoiled though, so I know what happens at the end of “Allegiant”...)
I'm pretty shocked at how much this book bothered me, considering how much I was entertained by the first one. Obviously I have to pull out a Hunger Games comparison. The second volume in that series is by far the best: incredibly action-packed from page one. Insurgent was action-packed in only a couple places, and then it completely plateaued again. Most of the book, in fact, was at a plateau. While Divergent was go-go-go all the time, Insurgent was pretty much dead on arrival. It relied a lot on dialogue and it also (misguidedly) trusted that the reader would recall countless four-letter-name characters from the first book, who pop in and out of the story randomly and add largely nothing. More than once I had to look up who characters were, because in the first book they honestly weren't interesting or important enough to bring back.
There were some fun scenes, but it seemed they were over immediately and suddenly the reader is back with the group of people we don't really know and pages of boring dialogue. Tris didn't grow any more interesting this time around, and while there was opportunity for Tobias' character to develop, it often took a backseat to Tris' mostly illogical inner diatribes. For someone who is part Erudite, she's a bit of a dunderhead. She really is Divergent in that she is erratic and violent one minute, and contemplative and mouse-like the next. Tobias was the same way. It was hard for me to follow these characters because it was like a switch was flipped in between the first and second book. Tris' switch had the label “BE TOTALLY USELESS AND CLUELESS” and Tobias' was “BE VIOLENT AND SHOUTY FOR NO REASON.”
Probably won't pick up Allegiant.
I am always so impressed when an author manages to be just clever enough that it keeps you guessing until the very end. I loved the pacing of this book, Tris' narration, the surprise ending, the finesse in which she handles grief and guilt, and especially ESPECIALLY Tris and Four's relationship. I usually hate the handling of relationships in young adult novels because it becomes so contrived and detracts from the story. In this case I think their relationship adds to the depth this novel has. I can't do this book justice in a review so just go get it!
I'm still intrigued by the overall story, but Tris's character really wears on me throughout most of this book. Perhaps I expect too much from my teen heroines, because she probably does act much like any 16-year-old girl would in the same situation. Still, her trust issues really start to grate. I hope she will get over these early in the next book.
Finished this but I need more than 5 minutes to put my thoughts into some kind of coherent order. Plus there are a couple of consistency/continuity things that I need to go back and check on in Divergent. Be back with a full review later.
The golden era of dystopian young adult. The book is so much better than the movie.
This book lives up to it predecessor and exceeded all my expectations. Just great story telling and unique twists! Cannot wait for the final book.
3.5 stars
I want to start off by saying that I liked this book, but not as much as the first and I often found myself frustrated.
Reading Insurgent was like reading Matrix meets One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest meets (insert hormones here).
Warning: This might be a bit spoilerish so skim.
Trish is dealing with the death of her parents, the death of one of her best friends, and the very real war between the factions that will soon be at their front step. Like Divergent, I found that there really wasn't anything overly special about the book. It was nice story telling. Many complained about the holes in the plot and I had mentioned in my review of Divergent that I was sure these holes would be filled in Insurgent. For the most part they were.
What I didn't like:
I got a bit tired of Tris wanting to feel up on Four. We get it Tris. You LIKE him. A LOT. You LOVE him. A LOT. It was just a bit much. Tris wishing she was pressed even closer to Four was a bit much in the most random moments and awkward moments (like when people are shooting at them).
For most of the book we have Four stressing how messed up Tris is and how she puts herself in danger needlessly. Personally, I felt as if Veronica Roth wanted to convince me that Tris was mentally unstable. Ok, I felt like Veronica Roth wanted to force feed me the fact that Tris was mentally unstable. I didn't feel as if she was. Sorry, I didn't. I felt that she was dealing with losing her entire family, struggling with being a Divergent and what that meant, and finally that she was simply acting like someone who was in a war. Four felt that she would put herself in danger to help others but isn't that in her nature because she is Abnegation? Why was that so hard to understand? Why was she mentally unstable because she was selfless? You spent the first book telling us what it meant to be an Abnegation member and as a Divergent she is partial to those qualities and the moment she acts upon it she's chastised for it? Again, she is allowed to be off when it came to dealing with the death of her parents because she really hasn't been able to.
What I did like:
For the most part I liked how the story unfolded. I liked those moments of tenderness that were shared between Tris and Four. I liked when Tris told Four off at the end. I liked that Tris admitted to not being able to keep it together because she felt this great loss for her parents. I like how different Tris is.
The ending wasn't as big of a twist as some have been squeeing about. BTW, a few things happened in the ending and neither of it was squee worthy. The cliffhanger was an awkward cliffhanger that didn't make much sense and will leave you asking a bunch more questions based on what was revealed as fact.