Average rating4.5
So many emotions while finishing this series! I absolutely loved this entire book/series. I greedily wish we had another book just to see how everyone's lives progressed in the years following.
Ok, so I'm kinda psycho, but I loved the parts where Aelin(however you spell that) was getting tortured. When she was “rescued” by her golden retriever buff Prince Charming, I literally cried. And, she literally lost her powers, the only thing that made her even slightly interesting. So if you haven't read this book yet, just skip it. The only main things that happened were that she was rescued, and a bunch of other bullshit.
Loved it but
The portals drive me crazy still. Why not take the army you can't get to the battle through the portals if you are going to bring and army of Fae and wolves through them later?!?
I don't know if I can even be objective about this book. I'm just exhausted and sad that it's over. Need a few days to recover 😭😭😭
8.21.2022 update:
I thought that maybe rereading this series quickly would make it hurt less, like ripping off a bandaid, so I binged the entire thing in 8 days, but, urghhh my heart hurts. I'm not okay. This was a mistake.
But, this just in: I still think Rowan is useless and that Dorian & Manon are the true main character of this series
3.31.2021 update:
I've put off this book for over two years, not wanting this series to ever end. I bought four fucking copies of this book when it was released and they've all been taking up space on my shelf, unread.
But 6 years of my life have been dedicated to this series and I was just to emotionally attached to let it go. I am actually shaking because it's over now.
Anyways, I have three personality traits. One of them is hating Rwan Whtethorn. One of them is missing Celaena everyday of my life, wishing she was never brutally murdered. And the last one is being complete and utter trash for this series (and for Dorian and Manon).
Now I'm off to find a therapist because I need it desperately after this book.
4.5.2018 update:
A title? A release date?
Hahaha I'm already crying.
Maybe, if we cancel this book then the series never has to end.
Do you guys realize????
That this is going to be the LAST Throne of Glass book?
Excuse me while I go cry.
It's over and if somebody could come pick me off of the floor that would be great, thanks.
A book that's almost 1000 pages doesn't scare me. The last book in a series that I'm completely obsessed with scares me. It COULD be too much. Or not enough even. But as per usual SJM did not disappoint.
First of all, let me say I'm glad this book was this big and not split into two books dragging it out because THAT would have upset me. It was exactly like how the endgame of a war should be. Battle here...battle there...battle...regroup. BOOM. WAR. END.
Second of all? Secondly? The character growth in this series in general is BANANAS. I'm looking at you, Dorian.
The women. THE WOMEN. Bad asses all the way. They are the illest of the ill.
Aelin- A Queen all the way. And until this book I forgot she was only 19. NINETEEN.
Lysandra- Literally clawed her way up from nothing. Abandoned as a child....to becoming essentially one of the Queen's right hand. I see you, boo.
Manon- I want to be her when I grow up. That is all.
The Thirteen- I can't even talk about this right now. Maybe not ever. Unless you want to see me ugly cry.
Elide- Human, abused, left crippled by her piece of shit uncle and still held her own against magical beings. Especially Lorcan. Ha!
I'd like to point out that being a bad ass (at least to me) isn't just being able to wield a sword or magic. Some of the aforementioned women are not warriors , per se. What makes them bad ass is how they stare down the crap life throws their way and even when they fall they still manage to get back up. That is all.
The men are no less bad ass. But the women stole my heart. Well..save for Rowan. I'd punch threw them all to get to Rowan LOL. At the beginning of the series I couldn't even stand Dorian or Chaol. But now..we homies.
Also..anyone not mentioned doesn't mean i didn't care about them or they didn't matter to the story...But as you can imagine seven books in ...there are a lot of characters. lol
SJM still managed to surprise me a few times with things I didn't see coming. So kudos for that.
I can't believe it's over. I'm still on the floor sobbing if anyone wants to help me up.
For a better world - ♾️ ⭐️
Wow, what an incredibly powerful journey this has been.
‘Once upon a time, in a land long since burned to ash, there lived a young princess who loved her kingdom...'
I find it as hard to review this as it is to say goodbye to this series after 7 books. I feel like there's just so much to say, but I want to keep this brief. I've definitely had my issues with this series, because the main character at times annoyed the hell out of me and the writing style often bothers me, but... SJ Maas sure does know how to hold my attention. The drama, the romance, the epic battles...I can't say no to her. So I'll eagerly await her next series, and until then I'll try to fill the void this book left with something new.
A lot can be said about S.J. writing, but she certainly can write some epic drama. Somehow, I've got huge Lord of the Rings vibes from this book with the gathering of all allies and the battles on the background.
Despite some things that builded up to nothing, I'm still glad that I finished the series. You can hate S.J. Maas books, but they are so easy to read and so entertaining. Even if you have to roll eyes a lot.
Spoilers ahead
I can't believe I have finally finished this series. I love the way SJM wrapped everything up. The way the couples came together. The way Erawan and Maeve met their end. Gosh, so good. I am so sad this is over.
If I rated this based on emotions, this would be a 5 star. I sobbed during some scenes of this book. But there were a few things that didn't exactly work for me.
What I liked:
- Aelin and Fenrys' bond and Aelin's storyline in the first part of the book;
- The characters;
- “You do not yield”;
- Manon/Abraxos and the Thirteen (Manon's storyline was my favorite);
- The strong relationships between characters, the friendships, loyalties, and the emotional scenes regarding sacrifices and fighting for a better world tugged at my heartstrings;
- the much darker/bloody vibe in this book.
What I didn't like:
- it was too long;
- the trope typically used in YA (I have no tolerance towards this trope anymore and I disliked it even more here with the twist that was added to it);
- Dorian tricking Maeve... REALLY? She overpowers everyone easily and we're supposed to believe Dorian tricked her... Ok... and he gets the chance to kill her but doesn't take it? And ALSO Erawan didn't detect him? None of this made sense
- Aedion (so many stupid decisions!).
Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot. It was an emotional rollercoaster because I was SO invested in these characters (hence the scenes where I cried). A good conclusion to the TOG series.
I endured two months of emotional rollercoasters reading this series and it was so worth it! A great ending
1000/5 stars!
This book was everything it should have been! was heartbreaking, adventurous, emotional, action packed, romantic, made me cry for the last 200 pages.
Everything resolved itself in such a satisfying way even through this build up has been going on for 8 books! It's so bittersweet to be done with this series.
It's over. And this will be the shittiest review ever. But I've never cried this much with a book. I actually never cry because of books. So here you go. I spent 10 minutes crying just because of the last line in the acknowledgements.
So yeah. This saga was amazing and a pleasure to read and get to know its characters. I don't regret it at all.
At long last we have the conclusion to Throne of Glass, a series that has taken us on such a crazy wild and emotional journey over the course of the past 6 books and finally, we have the concluding book which needs to wrap up so many character arcs and delivery a fitting conclusion to Aelin's story.
Throne of Glass has been a series that seems to be falling out of favour a little, I've come across a few people who over the past 2 or 3 books have given up on the series feeling that it has failed to deliver. I think if we as readers are all honest there has been at least one point over the past 6 books where we've questioned if we were ever going to stop having new characters introduced and how on earth all the threads of this world were going to become interlinked. There have been some lows along the way but for me the gripping emotional highs of Sarah J. Maas' writing have always kept me invested in her characters enough that I had to keep going.
Kingdom of Ash is not a book for the faint-hearted, at nearly 1000 pages it is hefty and you have to really invest yourself in this for the long haul. It took me around a week to get through it as you can't rush through, there is so much going on and so many different perspectives to follow that you want to savour them all. Also, because we know as the book progresses that all the threads of the story will come together in what we hope is an epic ending we want to make sure we don't miss any important clues along the way. So it's not a quick read but we get lots of time with all of the characters Maas has built over the series and who her readers have invested their heart and souls into, Manon, Dorian, Elide, Lorcan, Gavriel, Aeidon, Lysandra, Abraxos, Chaol, Yrene, Rowan and of course the magnificent Aelin.
This book is not just an intricate journey it's a highly emotional one too. Being the concluding book in the series and with a huge epic battle on the horizon, we know that not all of our characters are going to be left standing on the final pages. We are sure to lose people along the way as our group battle to save Terrasen from Erawan and Maeve. With this in mind, Maas builds the tension admirably again and again throughout the book. We think everyone is safe, we have a high and a step forward only to have our hopes crushed and danger to glimmer on the horizon. It's a brutal book, there's chapter after chapter of battles against Erawan's dark forces and it's bloody and dark and leaves you with your hopes dashed and praying for miracles.
When the moments come when we say goodbye to characters we've fallen in love with it hits so hard. I don't cry often reading books but Kingdom of Ash had me sobbing, like proper ugly crying. I was heartbroken. It crept up on me not because of the deaths themselves but because of the beautiful way Maas handles the reactions of the remaining characters to their loss. It was beautiful. Emotionally this book left me drained emotionally and yet highly fulfilled.
When I started the book I thought there was no way Maas could possibly bring all of the stories to their conclusion and yet Kingdom of Ash is a triumph, it is everything I wanted from the final book. It has some really touching moments that take us all the way back to book 1 and remind us as readers of the journey some of these characters have been on together, journeys that perhaps over the past few books have diverged from each other but Maas takes time to pull it back to the very beginning and gives lovely nods to the origins of the story. It leaves you feeling that the path we've all trod together through the seven Throne of Glass books was one that will stay with you, that has been something very special and has left these characters imprinted on our hearts.
I am going to miss so many characters from this series. I want to know more, I want to know what all their future stories look like and yet, on the other hand, I don't, sometimes it's nice to have that internal picture as a reader of what you see them doing beyond the close of this book. All I know is that I can see me thinking of the often and fondly and with great love.
What an amazing series! I loved it. But, I'm glad it's only 7 books and not more.
I did it. Somehow, I did it. I got through this gigantic monster of a book.
It was such an emotional experience reading this, knowing the story has now ended. The story of an assassin named Celaena Sardothien, which started in one place and ended somewhere none of us expected when we read the first Throne of Glass book, I'm sure. It is a really tough book to read, this one. It's war through and through, and it's hard and awful and emotional and sad and horrifying. It is the kind of book where you can't exactly gather your feelings for it until it's over, until you have debated with yourself if the ending was worth all the horror.
This book is grueling, yet powerful and vital. It is the end of an era - a very long end, but it is the right end.
I think I've gone through every possible emotion reading this book and I'm going to proceed to mourn for the next 10-20 business days. But before I go, let me say that I bend the knee only, for my queen,
Adarlan's Assassin
The King's Champion
Witch Slayer
Queen of Terrasen
Heir of Fire
Heir of Ash
Heir of Terrasen
Heir of Brannon
Heir of Mala Fire-Bringer
Fire-breathing bitch-queen
Aelin of the Wildfire
Aelin Fire-Bringer
Aelin Light-Bringer
Aelin World-Walker
The Queen Who Was Promised
The Fae Queen of the West
p.s. i will die for the court of my dreams any day