Average rating4.3
I remember loving this as a child! I re-read it many times because of how much I loved it.
Matilda is a precocious 4 year old, daughter of Mr & Mrs Wormwood. Her gormless parents are completely blind to the genius of their child, chosing to heckle her for not wanting to watch TV at dinner like the rest of them.
Matilda soon discovered books. In a short span of time and with the help of a motherly librarian, she went through all the classics. At some point, she solved a mathametical problem for her ungrateful father, who then accused her of so much untruths that she extracted her revenge in her own subtle ways.
Eventually, Matilda had to go to school. The headmistress is a Miss Trunchbull, who is every bit as awful as her name suggests. She has a distain for children in general, and Matilda became an immediate target. It didn't help when Miss Honey, Matilda's teacher, recommended that she be moved to a more advanced class.
The stress caused by Miss Trunchbull leads Matilda to discover a special power and she uses it to correct a wrong revealed to her by Miss Honey.
Read when I was a child, so my opinion can be distorted by the fact that I read it more than 10 years ago and the fact that I loved Matilda.
This was so cozy and sweet and I'm so sad that I didn't read this as a child. Yet in a way, I was able to heal and reconnect with my younger self. It was smart with adult themes, and only felt juvenile in Miss Trunchbull's interactions with the kids. Any reader would enjoy this, and I'm glad I could appreciate it as an adult. Can't wait to see the screen adaptations for the first time!
I really enjoyed this one. It's actually one of the only book-adaptation movies that I think is a bit better than the book. There were some differences between the two, and it was interesting to see that.
Matilda es un bonito libro infantil de una ninya con una inteligencia muy superior a los ninyos de su edad.
Me ha gustado mucho el argumento y la forma de escribir del autor.
A Matilda le he cogido mucho carinyo, pero en general la descripción de todos los personajes está muy conseguida y define perfectamente las características de cada uno.
La primera parte del libro nos explica cómo es la vida de Matilda y se va descubriendo su inteligencia fuera de lo normal.
Solo en la segunda parte del libro se descubre la telequinesis, que además utiliza en contadas ocasiones. No recuerdo bien la película (la vi hace mucho tiempo!) pero acabo de ver el trailer y parece que la película es muy diferente al libro.
A mi personalmente me ha gustado las dosis limitadas de telequinesis que tenemos en el libro.
En mi opinión lo convierte en algo todavía más especial.
Con un final un tanto surrealista (como todo lo que rodea al comportamiento de los padres de Matilda) pero satisfactorio.
Pasa a mi lista de favoritos y me deja con ganas de leer más libros de Roald Dahl!
This child just wants to read and her environment sucks. Very relatable, she is just like me. Someone send her books. The characters are very lovable and this is wish fullfilment for anyone in a terrible situation and no access to people of reason.
I love how this promotes the love of reading and the classics. There's a good movie adapted from this book.
I love how this sorta suggests that to do magic you have to get smart.
This is a book with dark themes, but they are still appropriate for the age range.
Someone should adopt this kid.
Rating: 4.5 leaves out of 5Characters: 5/5 Cover: 3/5Story: 5/5Writing: 5/5Genre: Classic/ChildrenType: AudiobookWorth?: YESHated Disliked It Was Okay Liked Loved FavoritedWhat a cute book, honestly the movie (not musical) stayed pretty darn close to the book. Some things were changed from book to movie adaptation and it was kind of a shock. I love Matilda and am glad I got the chance to read it!
Matilda's parents are mean, really mean to Matilda. And Matilda is brilliant, amazingly brilliant.
Somehow, despite this, it is a funny book. You never feel sorry for Matilda and you know everything is going to come out okay in the end.
♥️ a childhood favorite - it really is so good though!! And I love how similar the movie adaptation is to this book
I loved seeing how they took the book and made such a wonderful movie. It was hard to read some of what Miss Trunchbull did.
a re-read, obviously, but i'm re-reading it en espanol to brush up on my skillz. it's a bit harder to follow for me, but a good reminder of how awesome roald dahl is.
A wonderful book by Roald Dahl. I don't understand how he finds ideas for his books and also for the comedy part.
I was laughing throughout the book. Its a quick read I guess.
Matilda is a wonderful girl with extraordinary capabilities compared to her age. She reads a lot and is extremely good at maths. She also has a power where she can move, lift, push or pull objects with her eyes.
She is not very self conscious.
I must say I really liked the story.
I felt like I was Matilda (minus the whole terrible parent thing). This sparked my love of reading and taught me it was ok to be smart.
Letto, riletto e stra-letto alle elementari (con tanto di film stra-visto).. Probabilmente è uno dei libri da rileggere nei giorni in cui ci si sente particolarmente malinconici e nostalgici :)
Resenha do blog Sincerando.com, escrita por Sarah Sindorf
“Os livros a transportavam para mundos novos e a apresentavam a pessoas diferentes, que viviam vidas incríveis.”
Matilda é uma menininha muito especial. Seus pais e seu irmão são pessoas normais, passam o tempo vendo televisão e não prestam muita atenção a ela, e não percebem que ela consegue ler desde muito nova, mesmo sem ninguém ter ensinado a ela. E Matilda ama ler, e seu sonho é ir para a escola, como seu irmão mais velho. Acaba conseguindo um pouco mais tarde do que o costume, e encontra outros problemas.
A diretora, sra. Taurino, é uma mulher fria e cruel, que não acredita em nada do que Matilda diz, e a considera fingida e mentirosa. É na professora, Srta. Mel, que ela encontra um refúgio. Doce e inteligente, a professora percebe o potencial de Matilda e fica encantada. Mas algumas coisas a mais mudam na vida de Matilda e ela tem uma grande surpresa.
Eu amo Matilda. Amei o filme quando era criança, e ainda assisto de vez em quando, quando me dá vontade. Matilda tem um espaço especial no meu coração. Eu sempre gostei muito de ler, e via Matilda como aquela amiga que gosta muito de ler também, pois não tinha amigos da minha idade que compartilhassem dessa paixão. Claro que não lia como a personagem, o mais perto de clássicos que cheguei na infância foi com uma adaptação de Romeu e Julieta que tinha em casa.
A vida de Matilda pode ser tida como triste, se for ver de um lado. Pais que não lhe dão atenção, não preenchem suas necessidades básicas, e ainda chegam perto dos maus tratos em algumas situações, uma inteligência que é considerada como trapaça. Mas Matilda além de inteligente mostra uma calma e sabedoria além de sua idade. Apesar de não ter uma infância muito comum é na escola que desabrocha como criança, fazendo amigos e brincando.
A escola lhe traz dificuldades, como a diretora, que teima em implicar com a menina, ou os pais reclamando que ela não está mais em casa para receber as encomendas. Matilda tem uma vida muito diferente das outras crianças, e é muito mais cobrada. O livro para mim sempre foi uma grande lição de que por mais que a vida não seja do jeito que queremos, ela pode melhorar, e que no final o período de sofrimento pode valer a pena.
Não sabia da existência do livro até esse ano (confesso que nunca parei para ler na wikipedia sobre o filme, nem costumo procurar as origens dos filmes que assisto) e acabei adquirindo um exemplar em uma promoção. As ilustrações são frequentes e muito fofas, dando um ar infantil à história, e uma quebra em alguns momentos um pouco mais pesados.
Gostei muito do acabamento e do tamanho do texto, o que tornou a leitura agradável. Minha única reclamação é para as páginas brancas, se fossem amareladas seria mais agradável ainda. Recomendo o livro para todas as faixas etárias, acredito que possa encantar a todos. Para quem não conhece o filme, não esqueça de conferir, pois apesar de ter algumas diferenças é mágico também.
Link da resenha: http://www.sincerando.com/2013/12/matilda.html
Challenge: Read a book from your childhood
An abosolutly brilliant performance by Kate Winslet. Even if you have read book or seen the movie before, I highly recommend this version as Winslet was a delight to listen to. She not only made changes while narrating to create suspense or show fear or surprise, she also made different voices (and sometimes accents) for all the different charaters.
I enjoy the story as always (the hair incident had me in stitches). Crazy, funny and unbelieave as Dahl is known for but, and I can't stress this enough, the audiobook version made for a much more entertaining and wonderful experience.
I feel a bit embarrassed that being a bookworm in my 30's I had not read Matilda until now. I saw the movie AGES ago and last year my mom and I saw a theatrical version, which I loved WAY more than the movie and which absolutely charmed me, and STiLL I hadn't read this Roald Dahl Classic until this week. Now seemed the time though, while the pandemic rages and it's hard to feel positive and hopeful, a light-hearted book about a smart little girl with a fondness for books and a big heart is a great antidote. It's silly and strange and yet manages to be charming because Matilda lets her big heart guide her through it all. I think it was just a fun read and especially endearing to those of us who love books and want to see children love them as much. It might not have a whole lot of depth, that's not to say there isn't a thing or two to learn from it, but it does manage to charm you.
I could not remember if I read this as a kid. I think I had to have....but as I read it, nothing was hitting me as familiar. Anyway, it's a great story of a very smart child in a horrible situation and how she makes good on it. Very entertaining. I only wish I could get to see the Broadway musical before it leaves the stage.
Quite nice. The story had an interesting twist, and it's always fun to have a clever little girl overcome adversity. It just feels odd that Matilda is just five years old, considering my daughter is the same age – Matilda seems many years more mature, which just seems odd. It was a funny book, sure, and somewhat worth the classic status, but not one of my favourites in the end.