Average rating4.4
As in, this book was either written by me in my sleep while I was unaware, or written by my personality-doppelganger...
And no wonder, because Debbie Tung's comics are about her experience as an introvert, and more specifically an INFJ. That's literally me. I laughed and I teared up, and I'm glad I read this quick little book.
The publisher provided me with the opportunity to read this in exchange for providing feedback. (via NetGalley)
3.75 stars. Interesting read that I could relate to at times. Illustrations were well done.
I absolutely adore this graphic novel. I'm new to the genre, and this was a great place to start. I relate so much to this characters story.
Debbie is a typical introvert. She doesn't understand why she doesn't enjoy the things others do and would rather just stay home and read. She reminds me of myself, especially when I was younger. I felt like I was reading my own story. It made the reading experience extremely enjoyable.
The graphics are so cute. I know there's probably a much better way to describe them, but to me it is the right word to sum it up.
I hope to find more graphic novels like this one.
I sort of want everyone who has or will ever met me to read this book to understand the social battery concept. I really do like people and hanging out! But then I need to recover for like . . . a week.
Debbie Tung is definitely a soulmate! I have rarely found someone who understands the nature of my personality quirks SO well and she does it with charm, humour and simplicity through her comics.
She is a fellow INFJ in the Myers-Briggs personality scale, as well as an HSP and her book A Quiet Girl in a Noisy World, while mostly a biography of her own coming of age Introvert story, resonated with me on a deep level. She ‘gets it'. I only wish, like her, I could find that special someone who is incredibly supportive of her introversion and willing to understand how she functions best and does things to make her feel more comfortable in herself.
I also like that she's a fellow book lover and never fails to insert that love in her comics too.
I loved this book SO much, it felt like a great big hug from someone who understands and I also think it would be a great read for those who aren't introverted to better understand those that are.
Debbie Tung captures the nature of introversion and specifically the INFJ so incredibly well and I highly recommend this graphic novel to introverts and those that love them.
More of a 3.5*. My lil introvert/socially awkward side self smiled and nodded in understanding during this reading.