2015 • 359 pages


Average rating4.1

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4.75 - this was?? really good?? similar vibes to spin but way less hand-hold-y and a lot less focus on the violence

(show me where sadie is an unlikeable character. show me where she's anything but a grieving teen whose grief takes an incredibly reasonable shape and motivation.)

June 11, 2019

I literally could not put this book down <3

April 19, 2019

Don't read this at night bc there's no way I'm sleeping tonight.

September 4, 2021

This book was very poignant and well-done. I also really enjoyed listening to it as an audiobook and think the story is better that way.

November 13, 2018
January 1, 2019
January 10, 2019

I wasn't convinced about this book until I was halfway through it, when shit starts going down and then it never stops. What a soul crushing story and soul crushing character.

Really glad I went with the audiobook because the production for the podcation chapters was flawless.

July 14, 2019

People don't change. They just get better at hiding who they really are.
October 19, 2020

will someone be an angel and buy this book for me - broke but i need this baby IN MY HANDS

January 18, 2019
June 18, 2019

Holy, this was such a strong story??

September 15, 2021
September 27, 2020

I don't even know how to describe this book. Heartwrenching, sad, powerful, gripping. Just read it. And don't bother with anything other than the Audiobook.

February 4, 2019
October 30, 2018
May 6, 2023

this is pretty dark and heavy & i didn't dislike that but i just didn't love this book & i don't really have a good explanation for it

i generally like ambiguous endings, but i didn't think this was a satisfying unsatisfying ending

August 28, 2023

courtney summers könyveit olvasni olyan, mint sajtreszelővel rejszolni. és csak azért próbálok vicces lenni, mert az all the rage után megint sikerült jól kiborítania és fáj és nem bírom.

November 19, 2018


December 2, 2019
October 20, 2021

you, after finishing Sadie: I'm not crying, you're crying
me, an intellectual:I'm pretty sure we're all crying


December 6, 2018
April 23, 2021

my second time reading this except i listened to the audiobook (which is exceptional btw) this book is a comfort read for me at this point

October 10, 2020
March 5, 2019
July 17, 2019
January 16, 2019