Average rating3.5
I did not know how much I could hate every character in a book until I read this predictable peanut butter thriller. However the end of the second and the third act wasn't terrible.
Written well. Great suspense. Quick read. I'm afraid to write anything else. Don't want to give anything away.
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Voorspelbaar, maar toch meeslepend en entertainend.
This book is a slow, slow burn and then the answers felt like they came at me all at once. This is a fine read with some tense moments that thew me off balance with the main character, but I felt like the most relevant motives happened outside the book. When everything comes to a head, the book just ends too quickly as we're told all the character motivations and background instead of seeing everything play out like in Paris' "Behind Closed Doors". In a full B.A. Paris ranking, I'd put this book in the middle or bottom of the stack.
B.A. Paris does it again. Behind Closed Doors was one of those books that I could not wait to read and this book does not disappoint I loved it.The main character, Cass had been at a party with friends from work on a very rainy evening. It is the end of the school year and Cass has a few weeks of vacation to enjoy before the next teaching session resumes. As she is leaving her husband Matthew calls and tells her he has a migraine and is going to bed. He adamantly warns her not to take the shortcut through the woods home during the storm. He is worried for her safety and she promises to avoid the wooded secluded road. As the storm and traffic on the highway increases Cass impulsively take the shortcut home. It is getting dark, the rain is pounding and the rural road is deserted except for ...up ahead she sees a car pulled over to the side. The book unfolds as Cass obsessed with the murder her life completely falls apart. I could not put this down because I wanted to find out who killed the woman in the car and what is going on with Cass. Perfect book if you want lack of sleep.
I could see the ending coming but it was still fun to watch it unfold. Definitely kept me intrigued throughout.
Girl, what is wrong with you? Unplug the landline, it's not that serious! The end was satisfying but the plot was pretty unrealistic. If you have a cell phone, do you rally even need a landline. If I kept getting creeper calls that freaked me out so much that I felt like I was losing my sanity, UNHOOK the phone FFS! Seriously! And I knew there was going to be gaslighting heavily involved in the plot. Very predictable. If there was no plot twist then what a boring story! Of course it couldn't have just been early onset dementia.
Last year, I read and enjoyed Paris's Behind Closed Doors. It captured my mind and kept my heart prisoner until the very last page. It's one of my favourite books. Certainly a really page turner.
The Breakdown is more of a traditional mystery and in my opinion, not so great. I have enjoyed reading it, but that is all. It just isn't anything I would consider special. It hasn't wow me.
I feel that this thriller is like so many I've read. There was nothing new and the twists were not that good...
Maybe my expectations were too high due to Behind closed doors...
A good mistery reading but not a great one.
Despite the somewhat questionable evolution, it improves dramatically in the end.
While sort of predictable, it was a still a solid, quick read. The payoff at the end was worth it.