Average rating3.9
One of the best in the series so far. It breaks all the trends and goes a very different direction! Bravo.
De Baudelaires komen bij Jerome en Esmée Squalor terecht, in een penthoude op 667 Dark Avenue. Esmée is de zesdebelangrijkste financiële raadgever van de stad, en wil voortdurend “in” zijn. Martini's met alleen water zijn in. Wezen zijn ook in, en vandaar dat ze ze wel wil binnenhalen. Elk jaar houdt ze een grote openbare verkoop; dit jaar zal die geleid worden door Gunther — inderdaad, een verklede Olaf. De kinderen merken dan één van de twee liften een valse lift is, klimmen naar beneden, vinden de ontvoerde Quagmires in een kooi, die ze zeggen dat ze zullen weggesmokkeld worden bij de openbare verkoop. De Baudelaire klimmen naar boven om materiaal te zoeken om de kooi te openen, maar tegen dat ze terug zijn, is de kooi al weg. Shenanigans, de verkoop vindt plaats, Jerome Squalor staat aan de kant van de kinderen, er is één lot met de naam V.F.D., blijken Very Fancy Doilies te zijn en niet de Quagmires, Gunther glijdt er op uit en wordt onmaskerd als Olaf, maar Gunther en Esmée die blijkt zijn lief te zijn, vluchten weg en Jerome is te bang om de kinderen te houden, dus ze moeten een nieuwe voogd zoeken.
quaaaaaaaando essa formula vai mudar? :~
Curiosissima pra saber o que vai acontecer nos próximos livros, mas de saco cheio de ler o mesmo livro pela sexta vez!
Preciso de uma folga dessa série
Coming back to write this review at the end of 2019, I can still remember a strong sense of this book. This makes this one probably a better book in this series.
In terms of re-reading this series as an adult, I feel like the middle portion of this series really suffers. Initially from a formulaic story format in the first 4-5 books, and afterwards from a forgettable plot.
I think this may be the best entry to the series as far as the first 6 books are concerned. A lot of revelations were revealed, especially with regards to the Quagmire twins. I knew there was something fishy going on with Esmé Squalor as soon as she was introduced in this book. As for Jerome Squalor...why? Just why would he abandon and give away the Baudelaires? I feel like he would be a really great guardian for them. Oh well, I understand his decisions since he really wanted to protect them..
Despite all that, I love seeing the Baudelaires overcome their adversities under the evil, good-for-nothing Count Olaf. Overall, I enjoyed this one the most. I couldn't stop reading until I'm finished with it. There's always a secret waiting to be exposed in this book. Loved it!
Anyway, I decided to take a short break from this series. I'll read maybe a couple of books before I could continue with it again. It was a great journey so far. ‘Til we meet again, ASOUE!
This book persoanlly is probely the best untill now. It was actullay the last book I stopped at last time so good to have atleast come over that part.
I find that in this one we get to see more of the lore that I know (judging from the tv series) start forming. Like the bigger PLOT taht will eventually make the end finnaly starts properly