Average rating3.8
This was really fun. Again, not quite what Discworld becomes, but really fun. I loved the additions of Cohen and Bethan, and of course early Wizards. The climax is so exciting. I'm really glad I'm rereading these.
The first book had at least the novelty of the Discworld going on for it. This book reveals a little more of the world, but there is nothing interesting about it. The plot is also not very exciting, neither are any of the scenes or characters.
As fun as it does end up being in places, the book is not at all engaging and seems to be more interested in being funny than in telling a good story. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I never really cared for any of the main cast of characters, none of which is more than a walking, talking fantasy trope. It is still early in Pratchett's career though, and I can certainly see why his style is so beloved. Doing good in the style department, not so good in the substance one. I will surely come back to the Discworld, but as of now I can't really say I fell in love with the series so many people rave about.
This is an improvement on the Colour of Magic. The story is a little more focussed and slightly less episodic. It still didn't grab me like some of the later stories have done, although, again, I seem to remember that this made a much bigger impression on me when I was younger.
This has a very slender underlying plot, but it mainly consists of Rincewind and Twoflower undergoing a series of pointless adventures, followed around and sometimes assisted by the Luggage. It's readable enough but not really what I think of as a novel.
First appearances of the Librarian and Cohen the Barbarian.
Starting to take shape now and look more like other books further down the line that I've read! Plus how can you not like Rincewind
The puns and word play kept me laughing in the car (to the bemusement of the dog passengers).
This review is in portuguese, since is easier to me. but I plan to translate it latter (:
Informação do livro: Gênero: Fantasia/Humor
Nível de Leitura:Se você consegue ler Harry Potter, você consegue ler a luz fantástica.
Recomendado para: Pessoas que gostam de fantasia, e de autores que não se levam a sério.
Observação: Peguei esse livro quando estava em busca de uma leitura leve e divertida para um periodo de mau humor. Acertei na mosca
Sinopse: A luz fantástica é o segundo livro da série discworld uma continuação direta da cor da magia.
Um feitiço escapou do livro mais poderoso da universidade mágica, e o futuro do discworld está nas mãos do Ricewind, um mago covarde que nunca conseguiu soltar uma única magia. No livro o Ricewind está acompanhado do Twoflowers, o primeiro turista do disco, e sua bagagem mágica, que possui vida própria.
Opinião: Como toda a série discworld, achei o livro é divertidissimo. A leitura é leve e o ritmo é acelerado, o que me ajudou a devorá-lo em apenas um dia.
Tanto esse livro quanto o antecessor são a porta de entrada para a série de Pratchett, e mostram um pouco de todo o discworld. Talvez por esse motivo, a narrativa seja um tanto acelerada, e pouco aprofundada. Pratchett mostra toda a mitologia do discworld em poucas páginas ao colocar e tirar os protagonistas em trocentas situações diferentes em pouquissimas páginas. Se em uma página eles estão envolvidos com druidas, na outra eles visitam a morte, para na página seguinte se envolverem com trolls.
(Acredito que Pratchett também viu isso, já que o próximo livro da série é o primeiro de um arco focado em um grupo do discorworld, as bruxas)
O humor é o ponto alto do livro (e foi bem aprimorado nos próximos livros da série). Tipicamente Britânico, com muito sarcasmo e humor negro.
Para quem gostou do primeiro livro da série, esse livro deve estar na sua lista de prioridade de leituras (e caso você não esteja lendo cronologicamente, “Guardas! Guardas!” também precisa entrar para a sua lista com ugência).
Para quem nunca leu a série, você deveria começar pelo seu antecessor, ou ficará um pouco perdido.
I liked this one better than [b:The Colour of Magic 64144 The Colour of Magic & The Light Fantastic Terry Pratchett http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1170621261s/64144.jpg 62283]–it was better constructed, the characters were a touch more believable as characters, and I certainly laughed more. But, I had the same issues with this as I had with it.I just didn't care about anything or anyone, and saw no reason why I should. Funny, clever stuff, and I couldn't wait to be done with it.
A lot of things here I liked more than colour of magic and a lot of things I liked less.
Super into the character development that happens with twoflower. He's becoming more jaded in a way that isn't too on the nose
I'm not so much into how high the stakes were. All of our main characters are complete bozos and I don't believe they would be able to do most of the things they do in this book
More adventures of Rincewind and Twoflower along with the Luggage. The Light Fantastic picks up right where The Color of Magic leaves off, with the trio falling off Discworld. They are saved by the Octavo which readjusts reality to avoid losing one of the eight Magic Spells, the spell stored inside Rincewind since his time in school for wizards. Discworld will soon be destroyed by an enormous red star unless the eight spells are read.
Nothing but fun here.
Falling in love with this series. I can't believe it's taken me this long to get around to reading them.
Such an uplifting, oddly heartwarming, occasionally confusing read. As per usual.
“The Light Fantastic” is a novel set in the Discworld written by Terry Pratchett. This novel continues the story about the inept wizard Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world, and now he is the only one who can save the world from a disastrous collision.
I really enjoy the world that Terry Pratchett created. The world is great, fun and interesting. I love the characters especially, Luggage, he is really funny and awesome. I gave the novel a 5/5 Stars.
4 stars
A terrific finisher (?) to the Rincewind - Twoflower story. Picks up the cliffhanger of the first book and carries the same energy and humor to the very end of it.
I recommend that you read it if you like light-hearted comedy fiction or are a Pratchett fan!
I said when I read [b:The Colour of Magic 34497 The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1) Terry Pratchett http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1168566155s/34497.jpg 194190] that I knew better books in the series awaited. This is better. Death and Luggage are fantastic.
Executive Summary: I enjoyed this one a lot more than [b:The Color of Magic 34497 The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1; Rincewind #1) Terry Pratchett https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1407111017s/34497.jpg 194190], and it made me glad I read that book first rather than starting with one of the later in the series.Full ReviewA moment of silence for the passing of a great man.It's a shame it took the passing of Terry Pratchett for me to give this series a second chance. I've had numerous people tell me how much I'd like it. It was recommended again to me when I said I was in a funk and wanted something light and fun just a few days before his passing. I just wasn't sure about it though. I'm often stubborn. I know it. I like to read things in publication order. I know this series is more like a loose collection of stories set in the same world, but I still want to read it in the order it came out. So I read [b:The Color of Magic 34497 The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1; Rincewind #1) Terry Pratchett https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1407111017s/34497.jpg 194190] last year, and it was alright.I did plan on reading this book at some point, but I kept putting it off. I wish I hadn't. The humor was better, the plot was more interesting, and some great new characters were introduced.And the puns. Man there are some great puns in here. I had to stop reading for a few minutes because I was laughing so hard. I'm not normally big on puns, but they really worked for me in this book. I won't ruin them for you though, you should read them for yourself.So now I'm hooked on the series. I jumped right into [b:Equal Rites 34507 Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches #1) Terry Pratchett https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1407706800s/34507.jpg 583611] and I'm nearly done with that. I'll likely be jumping right into [b:Mort 386372 Mort (Discworld, #4; Death, #1) Terry Pratchett https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388181166s/386372.jpg 1857065] after that.I'm sad Mr. Pratchett has left us, and that I didn't get a chance to meet him and thank him for his great work. But I'm excited by the fact that I have nearly 40 more books to enjoy. I may have to pace myself though as there will sadly only be one more to come.I can't say you should be stubborn like I am, and read in publication order. Most people seem to recommend starting with [b:Guards! Guards! 64216 Guards! Guards! (Discworld, #8; City Watch #1) Terry Pratchett https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1426823574s/64216.jpg 1128601] or [b:Small Gods 34484 Small Gods (Discworld, #13) Terry Pratchett https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1390899426s/34484.jpg 1636629]. I will say that if you do start with [b:The Color of Magic 34497 The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1; Rincewind #1) Terry Pratchett https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1407111017s/34497.jpg 194190] make sure you read this one too, because not only is it a continuation of the plot, it's a vast improvement in every way.
Como el primero, nos encontramos ante una aventura absurda (en el buen sentido de la palabra) donde los protagonistas de la primera entrega siguen danzando por el Mundodisco. En esta ocasión, en comparación al Color de la Magia, creo que la narración se hace un poco menos confusa, quizás porque al conocer ya el estilo literario de Terry Pratchet o los personajes y el tipo de situaciones para nosotros surrealistas estamos en terreno conocido. De todos modos supone otra gran lectura con muchas referencias culturales y del género de la fantasía que sin duda amenizan y oxigenan la mente cambiando los estereotipos por una parodia muy inteligente, tanto de los mundos inventados por los autores en estos siglos como de la situación contemporánea a la publicación del libro pero que en algunos aspectos sigue estando vigente a día de hoy.
Dicen que esta duología que componen El Color de la Magia y La Luz Fantástica, los dos primeros de la saga de Rincewind son los peores de todo el universo del Mundodisco, así que estoy expectante a seguir con los demás para ver como mejora ya que a mi me han encantado.
Pretty good! Not as good as the first one, I think, which is odd to me since the universe was already established and I had a connection to the characters already. I guess I'm still getting used to the chapterless nature of the Discworld series, and this particular narrative (along with the frequent jumps between perspectives) didn't have me hooked through the whole thing, which is what the format needs? I don't know. I still liked it and am really excited to read more! Disappointed a bit that the next book isn't a Rincewind book, but also excited to see what other perspectives in this universe are like!