Average rating4
minor spoilers???
THIS BOOK WAS SIMPLY EVERYTHING. It was so well written and also made furious at men who do this (as if i needed any more of that in my life 😫). Scarlett is my favorite girlboss and honestly I relate to wanting to kill shitty men.
While i didn't see that twist coming, it was also not anything entirely new to me. But it still made a lot of sense. Every single man in this was awful (except Drew, my gay dad) which is realistic ig 😭
I lurveeeeeed the ending so much. My little meow meows, my precious little sapphic murder buddies 🥺🥺🥺
The entire time I was going, “AS SHE SHOULD 💅”
Nicking half a star though because at times this was kinda predictable. Still absolutely loved it.
??minor spoilers???
THIS BOOK WAS SIMPLY EVERYTHING. It was so well written and also made furious at men who do this (as if i needed any more of that in my life ????). Scarlett is my favorite girlboss and honestly I relate to wanting to kill shitty men.
While i didn't see that twist coming, it was also not anything entirely new to me. But it still made a lot of sense. Every single man in this was awful (except Drew, my gay dad) which is realistic ig ????
I lurveeeeeed the ending so much. My little meow meows, my precious little sapphic murder buddies ????????????
The entire time I was going, “AS SHE SHOULD ????”
Nicking half a star though because at times this was kinda predictable. Still absolutely loved it.??
HUGE 5 stars!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This has GOT to be my favorite book so far this year. I've heard the hype about it but honestly wasn't very interested in reading it. I saw it on Scibd and decided I'd give it a shot while I was at work and OMG I'm obsessed!!!
The story was amazing and I loved how it came together! I was wondering how both POVs had anything to do with each other so once it connected I was like YES!!
Read for Tarot Readathon 2021: Queen of Pentacles
The murderous, vengeful, feminist vibes in here gave me absolute life and the twists took me by such surprise I was sent to another planet.
This book was a blast. I loved the murderous protagonist- a real femme fatale. It's fast and furious with a slew of interesting, flawed characters- that are all somehow well drawn and were thankfully easy for me to tell apart while I plowed through this book. Phewfff that was a run on! But I meant all of it- fun, fun read- but don't take the lesson in this one. Don't kill the men in your life who just never learn.
The Never Learn is a fast read with a couple of unexpected (at least for me) twists at the end.
Carly is a traumatized and socially inept young woman (and possibly neurodivergent although it is never stated that she is) who becomes both cautionary tale and revenge fantasy and ultimately gets her happy ending and I would recommend her story for anyone who likes a tale where justice does not prevail for everyone and there really is no hero.
A reviewer mentioned “Promising Young Woman + Dexter with a little Killing Eve vibes” and I 100% agree! I love the twists and full-circle moments. I think the main character is the Cancer zodiac as one of her big three. She cares tremendously but it can come with consequences. A new favorite for sure.
*throws book at film/shows producers and hope for a proper adaption.
Gelezen als audioboek via Storytel
Ik zag onlangs de film “Promising Young Women”. Dit boek deed me echt hieraan denken, maar dan bloederiger en met een omgekeerd einde dan de film.
I loved this book! The dual timeline was so well done and plot twist was on point
4.5 / i support womens rights but i also support womens wrongs. plus the obsession mixed with queer desire to top it all off? yea. likeeee yea.
3.8 - I'm all for justice...revenge, mehhh okay sure...this story executed it pretty well. It's a pretty quick listen too.
11/16/2020 - 4.5 stars
i love me a murderous, vengeful woman
11/10/21 - bumping to 5 stars upon reread
amazing book why did it have to end. loved every second of this book a definite favorite for me
Rating: 2.62 leaves out of 5
Characters: 2.5/5
Cover: 2.5/5
Story: 2/5
Writing: 3.5/5
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/LGTB
Type: Audiobook
Worth?: Sure
Trigger Warning: Book talks about that hard R word and assault.
Now that I have discussed and really thought out about this I have more to say. I feel like the author was taking the advice of Alex. She was writing down how she felt about a certain subject. With that Scarlett (Carley) is not the hero but a woman who had a lot built up and a sense of not having control over her life. She didn't with her dad and she didn't with a lot of what happened at her college. In retrospect she is like the men in this book. She is what she supposedly hates so much.
For one she victim blamed/bashed Allison, girl she had a crush on and became instantly possessive and attached to. Not only did she let Bash go, but she killed Wes who was just a douche canoe and didn't deserve to die. And before anyone said she could have killed him later on, if she did it should have been noted in the book. No excuses.
Secondly, with Jasper and the professor that Scarlett thought assaulted the student girl. She had it WRONG. She was going to kill the wrong man. She isn't doing this to save the girls. She is doing this to feed some sort of anger pit in herself.
What do I even say about this book? I am glad I voted for it in my book club but I wasn't really going to read it until I heard how good it was. I gave it a shot and well... the concept of the story was pretty damn amazing just... ehh... the execution was off a bit. It made my head heart. I wasn't and still not a fan of Carley mostly because she started off as really... RED FLAGISH and also down the line reminded me of a younger version of myself but worse.
Scarlett though? Loved her a bit but down the line that fizzled to just a like. Loved what she did but I would have picked someone a bit better for that spot. There was a line or two that just didn't sit right with me when it came to her.
All in all the book was pretty good and a quick read. It wasn't grand as I was hearing people say but it wasn't horrible. Do I regret reading it? Nah, I think it was worth the time to do so. I have been looking for a book they held the same ideology as me with the subject. Though maybe she took a bit too far with some cases. Like towards the end she was going to kill this professor dude for what Jasper did and.... that shit isn't it. Other than that it was... A LOT. Like... there was no breather in this whole damn book. It hit you back to back.
This book just didn't hit the mark for me. It was very predictable. None of the male characters (aside from Drew and his hubby) had any redeeming qualities and the women all experienced some sort of sexual assault. I do think the reality and depiction of rape culture was pretty accurate; I just find that the characters all fell too neatly into the narrative she was trying to set. This caused the book to lack dimension and provided little opportunity to connect with each character.
TREMENDO. BRUTAL. BRILLANTE. Quiero mucho a esta autora, me ha gustado mucho este thriller que grita women's rights a cada capítulo que pasa. Y ojalá lo traduzcan pronto a todos los idiomas del mundo.
the mystery overall deserves 3 stars but i bumped it to 4 for the wlw couple coz i loved it and also the commentary on rape culture and men abusing their power
I'm so sad i didn't love this. I really thought this would be a new favorite, but this book did one of my least favorite things. This was a thriller with one of the best twists I think I've read, but it came so early! I'm not sure if I would have even liked it later, because I just hated Carly's chapters so much, I would've been mad about reading them and not knowing why I was reading them. But because the reveal came so early, it made the continuation of her chapters feel so pointless because I knew what the end result of that storyline was going to be. I'm upset.
Excellent book, loved it! I love that in a murder mystery we get to spend time with the killer. There were twists and turns right up until the end!
I thought it was odd that there was a major twist in the middle of the book. I mean, I see why it was there, but the ending wasn't as shocking as the middle spoiler. Overall I thought it was a good book. First book I've read from the murderer's perspective. If you're into murder and things, you'd probably like it!
It may be because I was just coming off of a really slow book, but I jumped right into this and read it in one sitting. I loved it. I thought it was innovative and clever, and I enjoyed very much the way it played out. Really happy with this read!