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Honestly this book was so good, better than I expected, and now I just wish I'd waited with reading this until I had the third book. This is killing me.
Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi was a good sequel. The book picks up where we last left, Aria is also in the woods after going back to talk to Hess. She has decided to make a deal with him that if she finds the Still Blue then she can have Talon. Although, a deal with the devil has to backfire right?
Already into the second chapter, Aria is back with Perry. It is harder for them this time though because he is now the Blood Lord of the Tides and it is no secret that his tribe will not welcome her with open arms. Aria is still a Dweller and even though she is half... it doesn't mean much.
Perry doesn't seem to care about what his people think and takes her into his care. He wants to get her marked so she can be a respectable person in his tribe and it will also make her stronger in the outside world. This backfires and someone ends up poisoning the ink that is used on Aria! She almost dies at the hand of one of Perry's people! Perry and Aria were supposed to go together to find the Still Blue but she knows he cannot leave his tribe. So Roar and Aria sneak out early in the morning without him. Perry feels hurt and betrayed because he was supposed to go to but over the course of the book, the reader starts to see that was a good idea for him to stay there.
As Aria and Roar are traveling, they find Sable's tribe because they know Liv is going to be there. But WHAT? Liv is going to marry Sable as she was supposed to? But what about Roar? Well it turns out that Liv was doing this so Perry's tribe could have money because it seems like Sable's tribe has a lot of people and resources. But, love can overtake a contract and Liv wants to be with Roar. She cannot resist him while he is under her nose. This causes problems.
Sable wants to talk to Hess because they will make a plan to go into the Still Blue. (ha ha) This seems sketchy at this point because Sable TAKES Aria's Smarteye. That is when I knew it was bad because, of course, she would record the meeting they encountered. It turns out Sable is a bad guy and is willing to work with Hess to get into the Still Blue for his people only. When trying to get away from him, Sable ends up killing Liv. Which was very sad.. poor Roar.
While at Perry's tribe, Kirra is getting very close to him and they end up kissing! I was so madddd. Why did Perry start to doubt Aria and think she ran off with Roar romantically? Made no sense but she only wanted Cinder and she got him!
Cinder is the only person that can most likely break though the very thick wall between the Still Blue and where everyone else lives. Without him... it may not happen.
Really good sequel! I cannot wait to start Into the Still Blue the next few days! Definitely recommend this series.
Roar. Roar. Roar.
My heart, I can't. I feel like I'm tethered to Roar the same way Perry is to Aria. Honest to god, I hate Liv. She's so flat and unidimensional. I wish he'd gone through and married Sable, I would have had more respect for her if she had.
I couldn't stand Perry's whining anymore. I was really disappointed with him. He was really cool and strong in book 1, and here he was reduced to a whimpering, sniveling pile of anxieties. He's Blood Lord for god's sake! I wanted the boy to shape up and show everyone why he deserves to be Blood Lord. Ultimately, everything that he “accomplished” was because of either Reef, Marron or Kirra. He didn't actually do anything on his own... I'm so frustrated with how his character developed. Come on bro,
Aria was pretty cool, I love how she supports Roar like he's the most precious being in her life. I kinda ship it more than Aria/Perry. Roar and Aria understand each other and have more moments of tenderness than with their “destined” partners. Aria/Perry and Roar/Liv are both very physical relationships in my opinion. Whereas Aria/Roar actually has weight and meaning. Obviously this ship is never going to happen, but I still think it makes more sense. I'll proudly steer this ship down to it's watery grave.
Where was the sense of danger? I din't feel that there was any real threat to their lives. The Aether is vaguely worrisome, but Sable and Hess are as evil as newborn babies. I guess they didn't get the memo on how to be a successful villain. Soren is neat, I liked him in the first book and I'm happy he's become an ally.
I'm pretty sure I can predict the plot of book 3 but, I'll give it a shot anyway. My predictions: Liv is still alive and will miraculously be sparred from marrying Sable. Sable will probably die (at Roar's hand most likely), apparently there are a bunch of kids like Cinder from another pod, Perry and Aria will possibly go after them. I'm sensing that Brooke and Soren are going to hook up. They're compatible in how cray they are. Let's see how right (or wrong) I am in my predictions.
Read more on my blog here :)
I'm totally hooked on these books. I'm waiting for the next one to be available at the library.