Average rating3.7
extremely underwhelming.
could not tell the characters apart from one another and they all had no personality.
Spoilers ahead but not really, just vague stuff about the plot twist
the plot twist wasn't predictable, I didn't guess who it was but I would've rather it had been because when it was revealed who did it.. so underwhelming.
It could've of been any other person and it would've been fine but really? boring.
Serviceable murder thriller, not as twisty as her first book. The payoff didn't feel very earned, but think teens will like this. As a side note, I'm SO OVER the stereotype of 80 year old librarians falling asleep on the job so that a character can come in to a (public, in this case) library to look at a book in secret. It's lazy and hackneyed writing and just dumb at this point in YA.
I actually really liked this book and no one is more surprised than me at this fucking miracle.
This book was...much funnier than I expected it to be. Unexpected would be a good word to describe it, actually. Sure, it was also at times predictable and seemed to follow the formula that a lot of YA thrillers follow, but I'm not really complaining.
My one criticism would be that I wish I'd connected to the characters a bit more, but other than that, this book was like a fresh breath of air in that you need to experience it to enjoy it (duh). It was also really diverse which I'm happy about and it does talk about the privileges cis-het white men enjoy, that I really fucking loved. Oh, and the last line made me gasp out loud.
Overall, a really solid thriller!
I actually really liked this book and no one is more surprised than me at this fucking miracle.??
This book was...much funnier than I expected it to be. Unexpected would be a good word to describe it, actually. Sure, it was also at times predictable and seemed to follow the formula that a lot of YA thrillers follow, but I'm not really complaining.??
My one criticism would be that I wish I'd connected to the characters a bit more, but other than that, this book was like a fresh breath of air in that you need to experience it to enjoy it (duh). It was also really diverse which I'm happy about and it does talk about the privileges cis-het white men enjoy, that I really fucking loved. Oh, and the last line made me gasp out loud.??
Overall, a really solid thriller!??
This book was indeed a devourable mystery. It took me back to my R. L. Stines' thriller reading days. Just like his books the narrative was full of twists and turns, chills and thrills and multiple surprises at the end. I enjoyed reading this more than One of Us is Lying. hehe.
After enjoying One of Us is Lying so thoroughly, I found this novel a tedious disappointment.
I really enjoyed this. The book was fast paced with plenty of twists and turns. I did not see the ending coming (but im also not good at predicting them). Compared to her last book, One of Us Is Lying, you can see that she has made improvements. Because I could see the twist coming in her last book and I liked the twist less. In this one I really liked the plot twist en how everything turned out.
I think the best thing about this book is probably the title. That is a bit harsh but what I mean by that is that is the only thing I remember positively. I read her book [b:One of Us Is Lying 32571395 One of Us Is Lying (One of Us is Lying, #1) Karen M. McManus https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1490084494l/32571395.SY75.jpg 49825436] previously and found it to be a fun, dramatic teen mystery and that is what I got. In this case however, I went in expecting Pretty Little Liars, as hinted in the title, and ended up bored. The only comparison really between the two is the audience, this book would probably be really good for teenagers who don't read much however that is not me. I found this book to be not what I was looking for and ended up disappointed. Having said all of that, if you are a young, new reader, go into this not expecting the tv show, and this may be for you.
YA mystery thrillers - my favourite holiday read guilty pleasure. Nothing too cerebral - just plain old fun.
“Two Can Keep a Secret... if one is dead.”
I'm... still not sure what this has to do with the story.
I'm not the biggest mystery reader but I liked [b:One of Us Is Lying 32571395 One of Us Is Lying (One of Us is Lying, #1) Karen M. McManus https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1490084494l/32571395.SY75.jpg 49825436] so I checked this one out. I didn't find it quite as compelling–it felt a bit more...contrived, but still, really fast-paced and enjoyable. Def will appeal to teens.
I've enjoyed it. Not amazing, maybe because the characters are not incredibly interesting, but I liked the twists.
Karen McManus did it again!!! I ate this book in 3 days and now I want to live in Echo Ridge with Ellery, Ezra, Mia and Malcolm, even if it's a little...uhm...murder-y?
Another well-written mystery by this author. I didn't like it quite as much as ONE OF US IS LYING, but it was still an entertaining read!
This was a great palette cleanser after a string of bad books. It's an easy read to tear through, but the whodunit is well constructed. I did not figure out the villain until nearly the end. Good amount of twists without being ridiculous.