Average rating3.9
I loved this! It's a smart and fun read about being a working mom. Say yes to the things that scare you. Great as an audiobook read by Rhimes.
Loved this book, even though I've never seen any of her TV shows. I wanted her year of yes to go on and on!
Quick, inspiring read - I love her voice as a writer and this made me want to rewatch Grey's Anatomy. (It's all the talk about how great Cristina Yang is, which of course.) Probably about a 3.5 star, rounding down because some of the weight loss stuff got to be a little too much for me, though it wasn't super-shaming.
Definitely a 3.5.
This book was fun. I can't say I've heard Shonda speak a lot before but I've loved her shows. So, I definitely wanted an insight into the woman. And what a way to get to know her. She bares out all her insecurities, albeit hilariously and tells us what she did to overcome them. The whole book feels like a conversation with the reader, where she gives advice, motivates us and asks us to not be afraid.
There were few parts of the book I really loved. Her whole discussion around accepting that marriage isn't for everybody, motherhood takes a whole lot of effort and women shouldn't be shamed for asking for help, and the idea that women always feel unnecessarily guilty while accepting compliments - all of these things resonated with me a lot and I really appreciated her talking about them so honestly. And she talks a lot about Christina Yang - how she let the character do and say a lot of things that she wanted to but couldn't in real life. The idea that she drew courage from a fictional character might have seemed fascinating but weird to me a few years ago, but now I completely understand her. Everyone deserves that person in their life, whether real or fictional.
If you like reading unconventional memoirs about successful women, you should checkout this book. If you have ever loved a show or character deeply in Shondaland, then I highly recommend this book to you. It is blunt, honest, self-deprecating and very hilarious. And I really liked that her most significant speeches were included. Very nice and enjoyable read.
In one book Shonda Rhimes has become one of my heroes. This book made me feel more powerful. Can you get contact empowerment? If so, Shonda gives it in this exploration of an incredible break through year in her life. I laughed, I was moved, and most importantly I feel better from having read this book. What better thing can anyone say about a book?
P.S. I've started doing wonder woman power poses and it really does make you feel more confident.
Listened to audiobook read by the author.
Shonda Rhimes describes her Year of Yes and the lessons that came of it. I really enjoyed the audiobook. I saw other reviews that described the annoying writing style. The audiobook is much better as it came across as a conversation with the author, which is what she mentions in the book. This isn't a fancy, polished work of art, but rather an honest, straightforward look into Rhimes' life. A brilliant woman who has achieved much. I loved the audiobook as they incorporated actual recordings from the speeches that she gave at a variety of events.
Not perfect, but it achieves what it aimed to do
“There is no list of rules. There is one rule. The rule is: there are no rules. Happiness comes from living as you need to, as you want to. As your inner voice tells you to. Happiness comes from being who you actually are instead of who you think you are supposed to be. Being traditional is not traditional anymore. It's funny that we still think of it that way. Normalize your lives, people. You don't want a baby? Don't have one. I don't want to get married? I won't. You want to live alone? Enjoy it. You want to love someone? Love someone. Don't apologize. Don't explain. Don't ever feel less than. When you feel the need to apologize or explain who you are, it means the voice in your head is telling you the wrong story. Wipe the slate clean. And rewrite it. No fairy tales. Be your own narrator. And go for a happy ending. One foot in front of the other. You will make it.”
Shonda Rhimes writes about spending a year (plus) saying “yes” to the things that scare her; big things like public speaking and awards ceremonies; not so public things like personal confrontations (rather than avoiding them), quick play moments with her daughters and personal care. But Shonda Rhimes describes her journey in such a way you find yourself laughinghilariously while simultaneously recognizing yourself in the discomfort she describes. Fun all the way through!
More like 3.5. It was a mostly fun read, lots of great insights but she would go off on tangents many many times before getting back to her story.
autobiographies always get 5 stars
Heartfelt, entertaining, funny and thought-provoking. Perfect. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Shonda Rhimes and her creative process. Highly recommend this book.
3.0/5.0- I feel like I could write a pretty long review but I'll try to keep it short for myself (woops) - the beginning I didn't connect with her, I didn't think she was funny and it sounded like she wanted to sound relatable but I'm not in any stage of my life relating to her, which is on me not her. Some parts I was like aww okk I understand and feel some more empathy towards her experiences but still can't relate. Towards the second half I felt like I was listening to the same thing again... it felt like I was being gaslit by Libby like it was replaying the same stuff but no... she just repeated herself. She would start a point, digress, and get back to the same point, saying almost the same thing, but then adding some more drama and “inspiration” into what she had just said when she could've ended her point the first time. If it happened once, whatever, but it happened like 3 times so the book (in my head) went from 2 stars to then like 3.5 cause I was liking it and found the middle ground at 3.0. I don't think I'd recommend this for the sake of motivation and inspiration but her life story is interesting.
Shonda Rhimes is best known for creating the popular TV shows Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Scandal, but now this exceptionally talented writer will also be known for her inspiring and laugh-inducing nonfiction book, “The Year of Yes”. Written in a casual and chatty way, you will feel like Ms. Rhimes is only talking to you (as an aside, I bet that hearing her narrate the audiobook is even better). She doesn't apologize for being who she is as she shares her honest opinions on some rather touchy subjects. She embraces her shortcomings (yes, even Shonda Rhimes has a few downfalls!), and she faces her excuses while stepping into fears that have influenced her for far too long. The question is, should you read this book even if you aren't familiar with Shonda Rhimes? Umm... one word: “YES!” Grab a glass of wine, sit down and snuggle up with this beauty. You will be happy that you did!