Death's End
2010 • 604 pages


Average rating4.4

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I don't even know what to say... this is epic.

June 2, 2019
September 26, 2019


June 21, 2017

This book buffles me. It has 5-star good parts, which it then ignore and skip without finishing, or finishing in bad ways.

Given 4 stars because I want to judge it for its good and not its bad.

September 30, 2020
October 9, 2022

Great ideas, but odd ending left a sour taste

August 17, 2021
February 27, 2020

The greatest. EPIC.

May 7, 2019

I cannot recall a series or individual book that had more imagination and wonder in it. I could not put these books down. I cannot recommend them enough.

May 5, 2018

In between significant and smaller blind spots—including, like Goethe, promoting a stalker's idea of love—is a work of phenomenal imagination. It's the most absorbing book of the three, and excitingly explores ideas of humans in time and space.

March 5, 2019
December 15, 2022

Befitting grand ending to the trilogy that matches the grandeur of the Universe itself.
Epic in its sci-fi, bold in its philosophy, expansive in its politics, and wildly imaginative in its story.

Read this before Amazon starts making TV series out of them.

September 1, 2017

Increíble, un desenlace espectacular. Si bien, en mi opinión, no supera a la segunda entrega, este final me deja con el corazón llenito y lista para revivir la historia con todas las adaptaciones que vienen en camino.

May 30, 2022
February 28, 2018

Lots of big ideas but I was quite bored for the last half of this substantial book.

January 23, 2019


April 18, 2022



The character that this book follows is passive. At times, this made the story boring for me. Life goes on around her, and she doesn't do anything. She never experiences life - but skips through time by hibernating. The physics, or science, in this science fiction book is mostly unbelievable.

January 16, 2017
May 31, 2019

Best book in the series. Very interesting ideas and concepts, but a bit longer than necessary and the characters are mostly uninteresting and flat. Overall great finish to the series which constantly dialed it up.

December 28, 2021
December 11, 2021
December 19, 2022

I need time to write and collect my thoughts. Know that this was a magnificent read.

Eventually I'll write a proper review. But please read this. It's akin to cracking open your mind and filling it with a different view on the universe.

November 1, 2018