Average rating3.9
How do I say this nicely? This would be great for a 12 year old except I wouldn't really want my 12 year old cousin to read the sex. The writing is so cringy. She really beats HOPELESS into your brain.
I bought this book knowing nothing about it.
Sure, I'd heard it was a NYT bestseller and knew it did smashingly well on Amazon.
But that was it.
I knew absolutely nothing about the plot.
And this book blew me away.
I juggle manic deadlines of my own so to give up hours and hours, and not go to bed until I finish...well, that's saying a lot for the quality of the book.
The characters made this book for me.
Holder is incredible. I love a flawed hero and he's one of the best.
Sky's voice is riveting to read.
And I loved how the secondary characters in Six and Breckin played off the main characters perfectly.
Hopeless is intense and heartbreaking and mesmerising.
I can't rave enough about it!
It deserves the 4 stars through and through. Wonderful storyline, so perfect how everything tied together in the end. Although it could be predictable at times, the different parts of the story was strung together very beautifully.
Only had a problem with how the main character seemed nonchalant about being called a ‘slut'. That wasn't something to look up to and it pissed me off a little.
Cutting down on the text about kissing would have made the book a little better, too. I understand it was an essential part of the story, but omg it came to the point that every time I read the word “kiss” I rolled my eyes and wanted to puke.
Otherwise, a great read!!
I can't even fathom a coherent sentence about this book. I thought it was a little slow to start but once it got going, oh my gosh.
This was an incredibly intense book, which I have a lot of thoughts for. Before I do my usual review let me say that this book is full of a lot of potential triggers. So if you are concerned about that, at the bottom of the review I will put 's and a trigger warning label. They are spoilery, but that way you can be warned.NonSpoiler review:As I said above, this is an incredibly intense book. I actually had trouble even going through some of the parts. In a few places the level of emotional moments was so much I actually stopped being able to really experience it (yes, this book gave me emotion fatigue). That being said, it is a very psychologically accurate look at some intense subjects. It is an incredible story of survival and romance. The characters are well done and real. It had an amazing ending. Is it worth the read? Maybe. If you have a strong stomach. My only other real problem with it is that it felt really long. I'm not even entirely sure why, but it's never a good thing when a book feels like. Not that it is long, it just feels endless.Overall, very interesting psychologically, and pretty traumatizing for the reader. ****TRIGGER WARNINGS*****
Triggers: Molestation, abuse, suicide, abductions.
All of it is pretty detailed and intense. Be warned.
I really loved this book. It's amazing. It actually made cry and I don't usually cry while reading books. It's really emotional.
Colleen Hoover knows how to write a book. I just loved how it all came together, how everything makes sense. You understand why Sky is the way she is... When the book comes together, your just like ‘wow.'
Me gusto, pero sinceramente esperaba algo más emocionante por parte de Colleen; es decir, el libro tiene una trama buenísima, y por si solo esta muy bien escrito, desarrollado, etc. Pero no me atrapó como Ugly love y Never Never, esos libros los leí de corrido en un día, y este fue en decepcionantes tres días. Me aburría, no de la clase de aburrimiento insoportable, podía seguir leyendo y estar intrigada, pero no fue nada shockeante (?). Todo lo que pasó fue, por lo menos en mi experiencia, bastante predecible.
No obstante, sigo apoyando todos los libros de Hoover, y espero leer los dos que me quedan.
This is an all consuming book. From the first page to the last. In a way I wish ALL books were.
Such a realness to these characters that each paragraph controlled my breath. From the moments that had me laughing hard, to the ones that gripped the pit of my soul, and my favorites??? the ones that actually stopped my breathing while I experienced Holder and Sky's intoxicating relationship.
Her characters are real. At least you sure as heck wish they were. And lived in your house. And were your only friends. ;) I loved Sky from the 3rd sentence. Sarcasm and quick wit~ two things I can't get enough of. And Holder? Holder had me at “Hey.” I dare you not to fall in love with him.
Perfectly imperfect characters. And I could.not.get.enough.
The title in itself is packed with irony because every single thing about this book is...more. I felt this book before I even finished the first chapter. Yes, the story is dark, but this type of beauty doesn't need light to be seen. This type of beauty is meant to be felt, experienced. Hopeless is beautiful and I felt every single part of it.
Colleen Hoover's attention to detail develops the story and gives it life. I'm not talking about detailed descriptions; I'm talking about those small personalized touches that make a story real. Those little pieces that seem completely random until you finally realize that they all fit together perfectly, flawlessly.
and before you ask yes I will read book two maybe even tonight!
This is a very well-written book. It was incredible and (as cliche as it sounds) I really could not put it down! I read it in less than a day. I actually bought this book on Kindle about 3 months after she published it, but for some reason, I shelved it. I was kicking myself after reading the first few pages when I realized what I had been missing all these years. Now I'm picking up Colleen Hoover books left and right! :)
I would have given this book 5 stars had it not been for the sex between teenagers. That's a conflict for me. This is my personal review and I'm allowed to give my POV. If you know me, you already understand and know the multiple reasons why I have such strong opinions about that subject. That should not sway you from reading this book if that sort of thing doesn't bother you.
4.5 stars Another fantastic Colleen Hoover book! Loved it, although not my favorite of the bunch xD
Contains spoilers
OMG what a Rollercoaster, this book took me a while to get in and be interested in but it did and it's amazing the twists and yes it is twists not just one ... I may expected one or two of them but there where few that completely surprised me , I really enjoyed this book so much and found my self un capable of leaving it sometimes
How do I say this nicely? This would be great for a 12 year old except I wouldn't really want my 12 year old cousin to read the sex. The writing is so cringy. She really beats HOPELESS into your brain.
Hmm this was a bingeable read but it really didn't sit well with me. Holders character exhibited so many red flags from the beginning and continually crept up as the story unfolded. Sky, having the reputation as a “slut” had to proclaim herself as not a slut. Over and over and over. It felt as though that derogatory word was used way too often - to the point where I was feeling slightly uncomfortable. The twist was great, yes, but DEF check out the trigger warnings!!! I was blindsided and wow it was dark. Still after all the dark traumatic events, Holder and Sky attempt to have sex? That seems like horrible timing and just insensitive. Also, Holder casually guns down Sky's biological father and it's written off as a suicide? I thought there were a lot of overshot details in this book, some insensitivity surrounding the material and trauma, and a whirlwind of a toxic romance.
Resenha do blog Sincerando.com, escrita por Sarah Sindorf
“The things that knock you down in life are tests, forcing you to make a choice between giving in and remaining on the ground or wiping the dirt off and standing up even taller than you did before you were knocked down.”
Sky é uma jovem de 17 anos normal, que mora com a mãe e tem a vizinha como melhor amiga. Um dia sua vida muda quando conhece o misterioso Holder, que tem uma reputação não muito boa e que a faz se sentir como nunca sentiu antes. Entretanto, Holder traz não só novos sentimentos, como algumas lembranças antigas que estavam esquecidas. Quando Sky descobre coisas sobre seu passado que ela preferia não lembrar, ela tem que enfrentar uma situação que pode mudar tudo.
Comprei esse livro em promoção na Amazon e não me apressei para lê-lo. Apesar de ficar intrigada com a sinopse, eu estou meio cansada da combinação menina/menino misterioso. Mas esse livro conseguiu realmente me surpreender. Li em inglês, pois não foi traduzido ainda, mas não tive muita dificuldade. Tirando algumas gírias e apelidos, o nível de inglês dele não foi um problema para mim.
Sky é uma menina diferente. Ela foi educada em casa a vida toda, e não tem contato com nenhuma tecnologia, e adora correr e ler para preencher o tempo que usaria com internet e televisão. Apesar do que pode parecer, ela tem uma vida tranquila e feliz, e sua mãe e amiga completam o quadro. Mas tudo muda de repente. Sua amiga viaja para o exterior, ela vai para o colégio público e em um dia no mercado, conhece Holder, que é um personagem cheio de mistérios.
Posso dizer que é uma das primeiras vezes que eu gosto da caracterização de um personagem masculino nesse tipo de história. Me irrita que muitos deles tenham atitudes que poderiam ser consideradas até ilegais e sejam colocados como irresistíveis e apaixonantes. Holder tem algumas atitudes inexplicáveis no começo, mas consegue ser um personagem coerente e um rapaz que se existisse, eu poderia me apaixonar, e isso fez toda a diferença na leitura.
Ao contrário do que eu imaginei, o segredo do passado de Sky é bem pesado, e isso também me fez admirar a escritora. Ela consegue uma revelação que é coerente e explica o clima de suspense dado no livro. Mas, um aviso: leiam esse livro com o coração preparado, pois não é uma leitura leve, para passar a tarde. Eu tive que parar alguns dias depois de ler, e me peguei refletindo várias vezes sobre ele.
Hopeless foi um livro realmente recompensador, e estou apaixonada pela escritora. Gostei muito da sua escrita e do enredo. Tenho lido mais algumas obras dela, e posso realmente recomendar. Colleen Hoover consegue escrever temas pesados de forma séria e dar uma leveza depois, o que ajuda a digerir a informação. Uma cena que incomodou um pouco, mas foi uma questão pessoal, então não interfere na minha avaliação do livro. Super recomendado!
Link da resenha: http://www.sincerando.com/2013/12/hopeless.html
Honestly this book ripped my heart out into itsy bitsy spider pieces and just barely put it back together with some plasters. What a beautiful story. Holder is one of the most kind-hearted, supportive, and respective love interests I've ever read about. Just wow. At the start I was a little put off by the fact that they were teenagers ngl but as the plot progressed and I realised that this book had SO MUCH DEPTH I just began to fall in love. I also loved the ending, it was over the top of forced or anything. I thought it was very real. This book is one of CoHo's underrated reads. If you're considering this for your next read, I say go for it.
Maybe Colleen Hoover's best book. I cried incontrollably. Must Read. Forget all the bad reviews if there are any and just read it now. Seriously. DO IT!
you can thank me later
There were a few times (a lot of times) I considered chucking this book, but I actually finished.
Reasons why I almost quit:
1. Outrageous names like Six, Sky, and Dean Holder-but-of-course-he-goes-by-his-last-name.
2. Slut shaming.
3. Gay bestie trope.
4. Creeptastic and volatile male lead.
5. Teens who have dialogue that is either completely unrealistic or should be coming from the most ridiculously well-rounded adult ever.
6. The constant, and I mean freaking constant, misuse of lay/lie. It hurt. It hurt me so much. Ow...
Reasons why I kept reading:
1. Must know big twist.
2. Must see if I'm right about a possible second smaller twist.
3. Must see how the actions of the male love interest are explained away and if it's satisfactory reasoning. Verdict: meh, kind of?
4. Actually awesome sexual tension. That was intense and obviously where Colleen Hoover excels.
Focusing on Mr. Intense Dean Holder for a minute. I've read worse. He could have been way worse. I see a lot of reviews ragging on Holder for remembering small details, but I've been there. I've kind of been Holder. I'm intense. I have an uncanny memory for recognizing people, remembering names, dates, or just general info about someone. This freaks people out. I've been freaking people out for years. My good memory has traumatized people before. Poor me. And hopefully poor Holder settles with age. Man, stop punching things. Therapy will help.
I almost need therapy after how much turmoil was in this book actually. That shit was rough. Someone needs to add some trigger warnings somewhere.
Music that fits
Oh Wonder - Livewire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjgnOP8f5NU
Made In Heights - Murakami https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEy1yZwJ-ko