Average rating3.9
I will go on an unpopular rant here: what had potential otherwise failed to deliver as a rather Mary Sue protagonist (Jani) falls in love with an equally as bland partner. Im in the minority of reviewers clearly, but I just couldn't find myself that attached to any of the characters or their plights. That said, the book had scenes I enjoyed and bursted with potential in other ways, but characterization is a soft spot for me, and when characters don't stand out or feel otherwise one-dimensional, the plot fades away and I'm left with....well, boredom. So would I give Taylor's Hotel Magnifique one star? Not quite, because it wasn't all bad. But it wasn't a solid 3 either, so I'm left in the middle. A little bland, a little one-dimensional, a little potential, and a whole lotta “meh.”
Fantastische setting. Heel mooie world building, en magic system. Van in het begin helemaal mee met het verhaal.
It seemed to take a while to get going. One of the ‘secrets' was pretty obvious and when that secret came out, things started moving quicker. That action was really pleasing and made me happy with the book. However at the end there was some little bits of backstory that I wanted that we didn't get. Overall the hotel and the people in it were interesting characters and it ended on a good note.
The publisher provided me with the opportunity to read this (via Edelweiss+).
4.5 stars. The world building in this did not disappoint. Moved at a fast pace and I found myself accidentally staying up past my bedtime to finish it.
Nice idea, poorly executed. I felt each event was rushed, the love story predictable, and I much prefer characters described by more than their skin tone.
I gave this book a second chance and it was TOTALLY worth it. I get why people say it gives Caraval vibes, but it's not like Caraval at all. Im deciding wether to give this 3.5 or 4 because it was a unique idea, some good plot twists, and it was definitely magical. BUT the main character can be so stupid and reckless sometimes, I just wanted to slap her to make her realize that what she was doing it's not logic. LIKE AT ALL THE TIME she came up with the WORST decisions ever. I DID enjoyed it because I was so invested in the back story of the hotel, and how the magicians have the power, and also the plot twists were good.
But Jani was totally a disappointment.
First, let's just enjoy the fact that this is a YA Fantasy that is a STANDALONE. Oh Happy Day!
Hotel legendaris itu muncul tiba-tiba pada tengah malam dan kembali menghilang pada tengah malam berikutnya, terkenal sebagai satu-satunya tempat di dunia yang menjanjikan sihir memukau yang tak terbayangkan. Undangan hanya diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang kaya, dan dibagikan secara acak kepada mereka yang beruntung, dengan syarat bahwa setelah dua minggu menginap, semua ingatan mereka tentang hotel itu akan lenyap, hanya menyisakan sensasi bahagia yang meluap-luap. Yang tersebar hanya gosip simpang siur mengenai apa yang terjadi di dalam.
Tahun ini, Hotel Magnifique membuka lowongan dan Jani, yang selama ini hidup miskin, tergiur akan kesempatan langka itu. Dia perlu memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi adilnya dan dia tidak keberatan untuk bekerja keras.
Sayangnya, ketika mencoba masuk untuk mencari tahu, hotel itu menolak, membarikade diri dengan dinding tak tertembus bagi mereka yang tak memiliki undangan ataupun kontrak kerja. Jani pun bertekad untuk lolos wawancara.
Aku memberi 3 bintang, yang seharusnya 2 bintang, untuk covernya yang cantik. Cerita, rancang-bangun dunia dan sistem magis tidak jelas dan tidak semenjanjikan blurb nya.
I really enjoyed this book and story but it took a little while to get going and then it feels like it ended abruptly. I'd def read a sequel though!
This was a beautifully written story! Following Jani, who would do anything to keep her sister safe. After entering a magic hotel, things go badly, very fast, and things are not as they appear. With a satisfying ending, this fast-paced story, it's easy to get sucked in!