Average rating4.1
The colour palette is garish and the story really doesn't flow (honestly, I know the myth but I'm confused about what's going on). Don't understand why this is popular.
ok so listen, i picked this up from the KIDS SECTION in my local store...
I went in to buy a graphic novel because i needed something light and fast to read and this was the only graphic novel there so i bought it without reading what it was about.
It was in the kids section and it has a cover that looks like it belongs to a middle grade book so i went into this book thinking it would be cute and fun...
first thing i saw when i opened this book was a trigger warning for adult stuff.. i was confused but ok.
and then the nudity hit.
so THAT was a rollercoaster of confusion.
anyyyyyways, it was a fun read and i love the art style and i'm actually excited to see what happens next :))))
i'm not well versed in greek mythology, but this was still very enjoyable, very quick, ended very strong, and i'm excited to keep going.
read for bookopolathon 48 hour round, may 2022: gods
the mutal pinning goes crazy. i need the 3rd volume asap to get some payoff 😭
Took me a bit to get into but once I did I had so much fun! This had me laughing out loud at some parts! It was so silly and the gods are so petty. Persephone is a compelling main character to follow and the other gods felt well flushed out. I really got a sense of who everyone was. Love Hera and Artemis. Can't wait to read the next volume!
Probably not my kind of graphic novel mainly because the Greek pantheon is so confusing but I did like the art and the idea.
Ik vond het heerlijk om terug te kunnen keren naar de wereld van Lore Olympus en kijk alweer reikhalzend uit tot ik in volume drie kan duiken!
In dit tweede volume gaat het verhaal verder daar waar het eerste eindigde, maar maken we ook kennis met een aantal nieuwe kleurrijke personages.
De tekenstijl en hoe kleur wordt gebruik in dit stripverhaal vind ik fantastisch. Niet alleen mooi, maar ook functioneel en betekenisvol.
Dit verhaal is één grote soap, wat natuurlijk enorm goed past bij een hervertelling van Griekse mythes.
Ondanks de kleurrijke weergave van de tekeningen, schuwt de auteur de duistere en problematische kant van deze verhalen niet en ze doet dit op een manier waardoor het ook relevant is in onze moderne cultuur.
Ik kwam voor het wederzijdse smachten tussen Hades en Persephone, maar ik blijf evengoed voor alle zijverhalen en personages. De keuzes die Hades maakte naar het einde toe van dit deel, maken me echter ongelukkig en ik heb echt het volgende deel nodig om te zien hoe dit gaat aflopen!
I'm a huge fan of the author and always wait for the new episodes each and every Sunday. So to finally have this masterpiece in my hands is quite amazing
Really an interesting graphic novel that
manages to tell a story that has very deep themes, while still keeping an overall whimsical and magical feel.
Felt a little empty in some spots a few things happening to fast but very much looking forward to the next one.
love love love!!! i love hades and persephone!! cannot wait to get volume 2 :))
As always, I love the art and the story :) They did a really good job of transitioning the comic from webtoons format to book format. Also enjoyed the bonus chapter! Can't wait for volume 2.
I enjoyed this but didn't love it! I'm not sure what didn't click for me - the art was good (though I found some of the backgrounds a little lacking but that's probably just a translation from webcomic) and the story cute. Something about it just didn't grab me in a new enough way for this old story.
I can see how people really love it and I'm happy for them!
El dibujo es precioso la verdad. La historia está bien pero le falta algo, también entiendo que el primer volumen es un poco de introducción.
Just too many heteronormativity issues with this one! Persephone being a naive, innocent damsel was not a vibe for me, I really hope she experiences a lot of character growth throughout the other volumes. I also think it was a very poor choice to end this volume where it did—with Persephone being raped, and no chance for her (or me) to process it. This probably doesn't come across as quite so jarring in the webcomic format, but in a hard copy where you close the book minutes after reading that scene, it left me feeling bitter.
There are also some printing issues here: I'm sure the dark and slightly abstract artwork lent itself better to a screen, but on paper (where artwork typically prints even darker), there were many panels that I could not make out, because the subtle details were lost in all the dark ink.
I might give the next volume a try, or maybe I'll switch to reading it on Webtoon, but overall I don't think this will be a favorite series for me.
3 stars
it's pretty good, but not exactly my type of plot, i mean it has everything i like, greek mythology, slow burn, and angst. the art is stunning too, and i love the structure of the whole webtoon, but i feel like the way their romance is developing isn't really for me